Original Artwork

Warning: Adults 18+ Only

We work with a variety of artists from around the world to create original illustrations for our stories. When possible, we’ve linked to where you can purchase your own erotic artwork from these amazing artists!


Pieces of original femdom artwork


Punish Pegging

He'd been really annoying his girlfriend. She was busy studying for a big test, but he kept trying to get her attention, get her to fuck him. So, she called her friend over to take care of him. They tied him up and her friend punish pegged him while she finished...

Learning a Lesson

As he stood there bound with his arms above his head, unable to move, unable to speak with the ballgag, and his skin covered in marks from her whip, he started to think that maybe, just maybe he shouldn't have pissed her off so...

OTK Spanking

She'd had enough of his crap. She caught him skipping class, again. She wasted no time making him strip naked and taking him over her lap. She's been building up strength and her spanks have increased in power. His screams only add to her...

Sue and Eddie Dominate Kyle

It was just supposed to be a short visit to his girlfriend's apartment between classes, but she had something different in mind. She'd brought over another man to help her humiliate him. He ended up missing class to suck cock. And, she made sure he said 'thank you'...

Using Him As Their Fucktoy

They had been making out with each other, on top of him, for longer then he could tell. It was all about their pleasure, their orgasms. He was lucky to get a breath between mouthfuls of pussy.

Breaking The New Pledge

She had lured another young, naive freshman boy into her realm. Now he was learning what it would mean to pledge to the submissive Delta Theta fraternity - complete and total obedience to the sisters of Zeta Kappa.

Shared With Her Friend

It was just this moment, as his girlfriend's best friend was riding his cock, that he realized something about the contract he signed. Not only did he give his girlfriend a no-limits agreement on what she could do to him, but apparently he gave that up to anyone...

Goddess Worship

He worshiped his Goddess, kneeling before her beauty. She allowed him to touch her, to use his tongue on her. Her taste was intoxicating, pushing him further under her...

Breaking Him In

It didn't matter how much he screamed. His tears weren't going to stop this. She'd already used her new rod on his body, leaving marks across his torso, legs, and on his cock. Now she was plunging her large strapon into him, relentlessly, without mercy. He screams...

Femdom Witch with a Whip

With the sting of her whip she was painting the naked young man's body with beautiful red marks. He was under her spell, his swollen manhood betraying his excitement.

Join Our Artist Community

Fiverr or direct

We’re always looking for new artists to work with, creating amazing illustrations for our erotic literature. If you work through Fiverr, can work with you to place an order on that platform.  We can also work direct, with payments through PayPal.

We want to help the artists in our community who are aspiring to earn an income, so we’ll provide links to your Fiverr gigs, or other website where you sell your artwork.

If we reached out to you, we’re ready to discuss ordering a commission.  Otherwise, it may be awhile before we’re ready to consider additional artists for paid commissions, but please contact us to discuss further.