Original Artwork

Warning: Adults 18+ Only

We work with a variety of artists from around the world to create original illustrations for our stories. When possible, we’ve linked to where you can purchase your own erotic artwork from these amazing artists!


Pieces of original femdom artwork


Femdom Halloween Witch

She hadn't decided which boytoy she'd be playing with that Halloween. She knew whoever she chose would end up naked, bound, and left with marks and bruises. Making them scream and cry wasn't always her goal, but it did bring her such...

Femdom Werewolf Slave

When the moon was full and he turned into a monster, his sexual power was nearly uncontrollable. She tried her best to chain him up, tame him with her whips and force him to obey. Often, the only way to sooth him was to give him her...

Femdom Witch Riding her Broom

She was on her broom flying back home where she had her boyfriend tied up, spread and naked. She would do whatever she wanted to him. She loves listening to him scream.

Werewolf Femdom Boytoy

When he turned into werewolf, his libido increased dramatically. She deals with him by chaining him up and severely whipping him across his entire body. And he's enjoying it all.

Femdom Trained Werewolf

She had trained him well. Now when he transformed, he remained obedient to her commands. He was indeed a good boy.

Werewolf Femdom CBT

She had him chained like that for hours, spread eagle with those pumpkins hanging from his morphed balls. The pain was horrible. It was magnificent. He howled in frustrated ecstasy.

The Angry Femdom Witch

Her boyfriend had angered her for the last time, and now he was paying the price. She'd continue administering her punishments all Halloween night. By sunrise he'll be a whimpering husk of a man.

Lil Miss Femdom Witch

Tonight she uses her whips to provide tricks & treats to the young man tied up on her bed.

Femdom Witch Over the Moon

She had all the young men at the college fraternity wrapped around her finger, and makes them do whatever she wishes.

Femdom Olympics – Track and Field

It was a competition - and he was determined to beat his fraternity brothers. As she jerked him fast and hard, he was trying to hold off, not be the first to cum. It was best to be last, the winner didn't have to clean up his brother's...

Join Our Artist Community

Fiverr or direct

We’re always looking for new artists to work with, creating amazing illustrations for our erotic literature. If you work through Fiverr, can work with you to place an order on that platform.  We can also work direct, with payments through PayPal.

We want to help the artists in our community who are aspiring to earn an income, so we’ll provide links to your Fiverr gigs, or other website where you sell your artwork.

If we reached out to you, we’re ready to discuss ordering a commission.  Otherwise, it may be awhile before we’re ready to consider additional artists for paid commissions, but please contact us to discuss further.