Punishing the Virgin

When the Sorority President discovered I was still a virgin, she arranged to punish me. I almost cried from the pain!
This Story Includes: bondage | cbt | exposed | spanking / impact

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Written By Clark

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Heavy anxiety-ridden breaths puffed out of me. There, standing tall in front of me, was the dark rigged wooden door of the president of the Zeta Kappa Theta, Bonnie.

Now, I was a freshman, I literally had just started school here but from what I had heard so far, the sisters of the Zeta Kappa Sorority sounded like serious business. I’ve heard and seen how they ran business around the school with just the little time I’ve had here, and I made sure I did not cross their paths—not even making eye contact. Nothing. I just kept to myself mostly and focused on my studies. Because if I’m being honest, I was scared shitless from all the stories I’ve been told about them. Most of that said storytelling being told by the fraternity leader, Eric.

This damn man somehow found out about my virginity and used it against me. So, now here I was, standing in front of Miss Bonnie’s door, half naked, shaking with tight flutters and dark dread of what was to come. My efforts to stay away from the Zeta sisters were a heavy failure, much to my resistance.

I finally grew some balls and shook off the flutters and lightly knocked on the door. “Open.” A voice with feminine smoothness called out from the other side. Her voice rang throughout my body, and I slowly opened the door. The minute I locked eyes with her metallic ones, the balls I had once grown before were completely shriveled up into nothing.

Her sunny curls bounced slightly when she turned her naked body to face mine, emotion deprived of her face, “Well, You’re here right on time. Good.” Her body was perfect. Her breasts were natural and full. They had a sort of sensual weight look to them as they hung low and perky. Her curves were beautifully connected, they were dramatic but flowed perfectly together into an hourglass frame.

I never thought I’d ever see such a sight. Like ever in my whole life.

 Her body gracefully stalked around my tensed one and she slowly eyed me, her eyes studied every emotion and movement my body made. “Ahem…U-um…I was told you wanted to meet with me?” I nervously cleared my throat. I guess to try and seem less like a wimp? Obviously, It didn’t work in my favor.

Suddenly, I felt a stabbing tug at the back of my head, a cry unwillingly left me, and I instinctively tried reaching behind me.

“Did I say you could speak?” Venom spat from Bonnie’s mouth. She seethed in my ear, her calm demeanor suddenly gone just like that. My mouth was hung open in pain as I tried to muster up something, anything through the shock that wrecked my body. “Speak again, asshole. I dare you.” The nasty grip on my hair sharpened and she tugged me back some more. My body bent back in such an awkward position, that my knees damn near gave out on me. She was shorter than me which caused my back to strain even more. I whimpered from the pain; tears prickled my eyes as I gulped. Heavy breaths sprinkled with groans fell through me, “I’m sor- “

I don’t know how this woman was able to do it but my vision spun around and my body flew forward, landing me face-down on the carpet of her room. “UGH!” I belted out in surprise. She actually managed to flip my body forward without even a strain of hair out of place? Jesus save me, please. “Hands and knees. Now.” Bonnie boomed with demand, looking down on me like I was the scum of the earth.  I tried working up the energy to position my body right but as soon as I tried to get up, I immediately crumbled right back down. Like some pathetic weak man.

Smooth feet rested on my back, “Stop being a weak bitch and get up like I told you to.” I huffed and tried but the more I tried the more she dug her heel into my upper back. Finally, limbs aching and wobbly, I was able to fight against her surprisingly strong foot and lifted myself.

 â€śNot only are you a gross virgin, but you’re also weak? Wow, you arelower than shit.” She dryly laughed down at my weak form.

Tingles sprouted through my body, too overwhelming, I couldn’t help but let a moan out. It was so airy and light, but I know she still heard it. Crap. What was wrong with me? How could I find something so freaking humiliating…so good? I didn’t want to, but my body went against me.

She circled my body and stood right in front of me, giving me a perfect view of her naked form. Her curvy hips perfectly smoothed into her honey thighs. Her rounded, perky breasts from the view I had, made my body twitch and tingle even more, much to my dismay.

 Bonnie lifted her foot and roughly pushed my head back, my already sore neck awkwardly straining back. “Your virgin cock is practically dripping for me, huh?” She laughed, the embarrassment settling in my head even more. Her laughing quickly shifted into a blank face, void of any amusement. I winced back a little, startled by the extreme change.

“Did I give your shitty dick permission?”

I couldn’t muster up any words. Why? Why can’t I just talk? I’ve never felt this kind of fear before. It’s new and different. It’s almost as if…I’m afraid of disappointing her.

“Answer me, you cock sucker!” She pushed against my neck even more and I could’ve sworn I heard a crack. “N-no…” I could barely get any words out of the pain of my neck bending. Suddenly, I was granted a small relief from the pain twisting my neck but that was cut short because Bonnie grabbed ahold of my hair once more. It was kind of short, so you better believe it hurt like hell.

She closed the distance between her face and mine and I instantly was snatched into the shiny gray waves enchanting her eyes, “Try again. What’s my name, Clark?” My vision grew blurry, and my eyes felt heavy when I tried to maintain contact. “Mistress? No, You did not give my worthless dick permission.” My words were light and cautious, not stuttering at all. Too afraid of the demanding hold Bonnie’s eyes held on me.

“Good. And don’t you dare forget it.” She spat on my face and slapped my jaw, causing me to flinch back. “Understood?”

I whimpered out and screwed my eyes shut, “Y-yes, Mistress!”

She pushed my head back before standing back up and walking over to a dark oak dresser. I heard soft, subtle clinks ring through the air before she turned back towards me, eyes devious and lethal. “Isn’t she beautiful?” Bonnie slowly eyed my body which had begun to break out in a sweat upon seeing the tool in her hand. Her hand delicately gripped the leather material of a long cane.

The cane was a beautifully deep noir with dark purple elements that wrapped themselves with the rough black leather that decorated the handle. I gulped with anticipation. See, I’ve never experienced being whipped with a cane, but I can imagine it’s not fun at all. I nervously looked up and Bonnie started right back at me, eyes blank and void of any mercy.

She stalked around my shaking body, almost resembling a predator looking for the moment to strike. My dick twitched at just that idea alone. The fact that I could still feel her cold stare as she walked behind me, made me whimper.  

What was this feeling? What was this hold she had over me? My mind and heart are racing with fear, but my body keeps betraying me. My dick bounced with every twitch of arousal that shocked my body. Suddenly, hot, and prickly pain bloomed fast across my ass, my body arching with agony. “AHH-!” I gasped out in pain, tears threatening to fall.

“I heard from your little friend that you’re a virgin, is that right?” Bonnie questioned, trailing her cane down my spine.

“Yes, mistress…”

“Do you know what happens to virgins?”

“N-no, mistress…?” I asked with uncertainty.

“They get punished.” Immediately, Bonnie struck my ass again. In the exact same spot. I cried out in sweet pain. My head flew back, and my limbs shook with sprouting torture. She dragged her nails up and across the pulsating area, “Ugh, Mistress!” I cried out once more.

“How dare you come into my school being the filthy virgin you are? Huh?” The air was audibly cut in half by the cane and Bonnie whipped down onto my thighs. I jerked my body forward as my dick swelled with pre-cum. “You claim you’re a virgin but you’re just a whore, aren’t you? You love getting abused and humiliated.”

“N-no! I-“I was hit multiple times on my thighs and each time I moaned out in pain. Fuck. Am I really…a whore? Bonnie kicked my bruised body down, causing me to let out a huff, “Stay down.”

Not even a second later, she came back with metal handcuffs. She suddenly pressed them down onto my hot, abused ass and I immediately moaned out, my eyes screwed shut. My stomach twisted and tensed tightly, the cold cuffs nearly making me cum.

Petite hands tightly gripped my damp head back. Bonnie’s warm, swirly breath spoke cold words through gritted teeth, “Do. Not. cum.”

My body trembled and that alone was enough for me to force myself not to cum. She backed away and grabbed my wrist, tightening the metal cuffs around them. “Turn around.” Bonnie demanded and of course, I obeyed. I struggled a little bit. I mean, how could you expect me to roll around so easily with freaking cuffs binding me?

With a breathy huff, I succeeded in my rolling but was caught off guard by Bonnies cold honey feet that stomped down on my dick. “UGH-!” My eyes rolled back, and my ass nearly caught a rug burn from how far it dug into the dark carpet. She continued to repeatedly stomp and dug her foot ruthlessly into my dick. The sore muscles in my shoulders twisted even more from how they were bound behind me. My sobs turned into tortured moans, plagued with desperation. “Please, Mistress! I can’t-!” A sharp, burning feeling cracked through my skin when Bonnie’s cane smacked down on my dick. My eyes bugled out and I jumped up in shock.

“Aww, I’m sorry. Did I interrupt something??” Laughing, Bonnie kicked my gut in. My stomach shook with loose and insufferable pain. “UGH!” I yelped out. I screwed my eyes shut and I groaned in pain, trying to roll away from the woman above me. She used her foot again to push my hips back in place. “Don’t you dare even think about getting away from me.”

She kneeled right in between my legs, “Hm, your balls are so puffy and filled with cum. Wish you could pump your cum out everywhere. Without any shame, huh?” Bonnie started to massage my balls gently. I softly moaned, the pleasure completely erasing the pain I was just in. I bucked my hips up further against her soft hand and my cock twitched, “Ahh, it feels so good…”

“Yeah? I bet it does, nasty slut.” She gently spoke, her feathery fingertips twirling up my leaking dick. I closed my eyes softly, her touches were so light, that my whining and bucking hips gave away my desperation, brutally. “Pleaseee, I just want you to touch me some more!” I desperately whined, opening my eyes to see Bonnie’s sharp, predatory eyes burning right through me.

“You want me to play with your little cock? Get it all nice and wet?” Bonnie twirled out the last part. My balls tightened with just her words alone, “Yes, please, I-!”

Abruptly, eye-bugling pain sprouted throughout my balls and cock, “NGH!!” I cried out, and my body instinctively jumped up with excruciating pain. “Mmmh, you really thought I’d let you, a nasty bitch, cum?” Bonnie laughed in great humor. I sobbed out at how hot my balls were, which were throbbing like crazy.

Fuck, I just wanted to cum so freaking bad, I was practically going insane. My cock was weeping gooey pre-cum, pooling right on my tensed pelvis. I couldn’t say anything, and my throat was smuggled with nothing but broken whimpers. Bonnie cackled down at me even more, “You know, virgins don’t deserve to cum. Especially, slutty virgins.”

I whined out. My head was spinning loose, and my heart sped up with desperation. I just wanted some sort of release. Any kind of release. This pleasurable torture that she was putting me through made my body react in ways I never could have imagined. I just wanted this to end so badly but at the same time, my body was loving it. It was so in love with it.

The pain. The lust. The absence of control. My body craved it all. All I could think about was letting go of this tense ball in my stomach and sore balls, cumming everywhere. Anywhere. Desperation was taking control of my body. I couldn’t think or speak properly.

Watery sobs ranked throughout my abused body when she started touching my cock again, grazing the rough tip of the cane around my tip, “Why should I let you cum, Clark? The worth that you thought you had is less than dirt.” She grabbed the back of my head and painfully bent my neck forward so that we were now face to face.

“You’re nothing but a worthless slut and you know it. No matter how hard you try, all you’ll ever be is a gross pain slut.” She dropped my head back and lifted herself up and above me.




One after another, Bonnie ruthlessly cracked her sturdy cane onto my cock, almost as if to teach me a final lesson. “You will always be nothing, remember that.” She spat out from above my broken body.

My sobs quickly turned into choked gasps of air, the pain overwhelmingly flooding my brain. So much so that I nearly checked out. Black blurry dots crowded my vision, gently greeting my eyes but it was quickly interrupted by a spikey slap against my jaw, “Absolutely not. You are not about to pass out on my floor.” Bonnie scoffed but being completely honest, I could barely register anything around me. My cock was numb and twitching uncontrollably. My brain was filled with nothing, just needy wants to cum.

She was right. I was nothing but a pain slut. I tried to fight against it, mentally but was ultimately defeated by my own desperation. I just wanted her to touch me and pump my cock till my balls were empty and shriveled up. 

But much to my disappointment, all I got was her walking away from me and nonchalantly picking up her phone. My burning eyes followed her every move, from the moment she walked away from me. I tried protesting. Reaching out. Begging. Anything but all that managed to come out was a barely noticeable croak that I pushed out from my rough and sore throat.

I fluttered my eyes closed for what felt like a split second, but it could’ve honestly been much longer. It was loudly interrupted when abruptly, Bonnie’s dorm door swung open, and much to my surprise, a couple of the frat brothers poured in. I was too far gone to even feel the shame and embarrassment I should’ve felt in that moment.

“Jesus, she fucked him up bad…” One of the brothers muttered.

“Yeah, like ridiculously bad.” Another one chuckled, trying to bite back a laugh.

Bonnie interrupted before anyone else could speak, “Just get this shit off of my floor and make it quick. I have plans later tonight.” She turned her back towards me, completely ignoring me. Almost as if everything that happened, didn’t happen.

Rushing, the men huffed before picking up my slumped body. After that, everything else was a blur. It was like all of this was a fever dream that happened way too fast, and I was dazed through it all. One thing I did know for certain was that Eric had a lot of explaining to do.



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