I blow on the cup of tea, dispersing the steam before I take a cautious sip. It’s still too hot, and I wince, stirring it a few times before blowing again.
It’s a low-key Sunday evening, and it was raining outside, pitter-pattering on the windows. Tomorrow was a holiday, so Mike and I were enjoying the long weekend in each other’s company.
Well, I’m enjoying it, that’s for sure, I think with a wicked grin that I hide unsuccessfully behind my teacup.
Mike, bound with the soft velvet cord I preferred for him, was lying prone on the carpet in front of my couch, where I was sitting in my pajamas enjoying my tea. He was nude, of course, his hands bound behind his back and his ankles tied together. He watches me smile and shifts in his bindings. Mike knows he can’t complain, but I haven’t given him the order to be silent, so he gives me an exasperated sigh before asking neutrally,
“How’s your tea?”
“Still a little hot,” I pout. “You know my mouth is sensitive.”
“Uh-huh,” Mike replies, looking back up at the ceiling. “My mouth isn’t sensitive, but my fingers are.”
I shake my head at him. He thinks he’s being sly, but I know I didn’t tie his bindings tight enough to hurt his fingers. “Stop beating around the bush, Mike. We’ll get started soon. And I’m going to remember that mouth comment for next time.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he says sadly, and with another sigh, closes his eyes, resigned to his fate.
He’s so lovely spread out before me, his big body dusted with dark hair in all the right places. I loved how it tickled my cheek when I pillowed my head on his broad chest, or the way his stubble felt against my inner thighs while he worshipped me. I simply adore him.
I’ve worked him hard this weekend, demanding his complete surrender for hours on end, and if it had been any other time, I’d have saved tonight for snuggling and movie-watching as a normal couple. No power dynamic. But there was a reason I was drinking tea and not my favorite hot chocolate. I was quite broke.
My grant would hit my account in a few days, but until then, I needed some cash. Luckily, I had overheard my dear friend Makayla lamenting her project that she hadn’t started for photography class yet. I had sidled up to her in the lecture hall, sitting on her desk and leaning over to talk covertly.
“What’s this I hear about an unfinished project?” I ask slyly.
“Ugh. It’s just the dumbest assignment. The subject is ‘Surrender and Strength’. I don’t even know what that entails.” Makayla laid her head in her folded arms and groaned. I patted her shoulder as a perfect idea started to take form. Makayla isn’t just a dear friend of mine, she is a wealthy, dear friend of mine.
This girl didn’t have to wait on any grants. Daddy’s money paid for everything, which meant that there might be a little something in it for me if I could help her complete her project.
“Mac, what if I told you I have the perfect subject for your project? And that you’re welcome to use him if you’d like?”
Makayla perked up. “Really?”
“Yes. Of course, he is very special to me, so I’d appreciate if you helped an old friend out with some monetary struggles if she happened to help you when you so needed it.” I rubbed my thumb and fingers together in the universal sign for money, and Makayla grinned.
“Anything to get this project over with. Wait, though, you said him? Is it a dog or something?”
I blow her a quick kiss as I stand up and move to head out. “Not really. You’ll see! Sunday evening sound good?”
“See you then!” she replied, which led us to where we were tonight, with Mike tied up before me as we patiently waited for Makayla.
Of course, Mike didn’t know why he was waiting, but he wasn’t allowed to ask. He probably just assumed this was more bedroom play, but in my heart, I know he would do anything to help me. Even if it meant a little casual debasement and erotic photography.
“You’re pretty great, you know that?” I ask him, taking a sip of my finally cool tea.
He looks surprised, craning his head to see me. “Thanks?”
Just then, someone knocks on the door. I see Mike jump, and then close his eyes in frustration. He’s just now realizing that we aren’t going to be alone tonight, and I know how much it embarrasses him. Oh well. That only makes the pleasure sweeter in the end.
Mike doesn’t bother asking who it is, knowing that it won’t matter. He looks deflated and sad as I go to the door, and it almost makes me giggle. Dramatic thing, he is.
“Perk up, buttercup. This will not be too bad, all things considered.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he pouts, and I have to cover my mouth with my hand to hold back the laughter.
I pull the door open and Makayla is there, eyes sparkling with excitement. “Hey, G. I can’t tell you how much this helps me out.”
Makayla is wearing a blue pair of runners shorts and a fitted white sports bra paired with a pair of crisp white sneakers. The colors complement her dark skin, the color of expensive espresso, and her riot of curls is contained in a pair of space buns on the top of her head. Her camera is slung around her torso, and she’s holding a bag I assume is full of lenses and other accouterments. She’s her lovely, perky self, and I give her a quick peck on the cheek as she follows me inside.
“I have to say I’m dying to know what this mystery subject… Oh.” Makayla sees Mike and wrinkles her nose. “Never mind. I get it now.”
“Hi, Makayla.” Mike intones from his spot on the floor.
“Hi Mike,” she responds awkwardly before returning her attention back to me. “I should have known. It’s always this sex stuff with you.”
“Don’t be a prude. If I remember correctly, it was always ‘this sex stuff’ between you and me freshman year, and you never complained then.”
Makayla sputtered before shrugging. “Fair.” A heated, nostalgic look flitted over her face. “I have to say, I miss our fun times sometimes.”
“Well, let’s take a trip back in time after your photoshoot then. I’m sure Mike wouldn’t mind the show, would you, Mike?”
“No, ma’am,” he answered obediently.
Makayla raised her eyebrows but didn’t shut me down completely. We had hooked up multiple times throughout freshman year, and Makayla was only interested in women. It meant she probably wouldn’t want to join Mike and me together, but maybe she’d help me put on a show for him when this was all over.
“Alright,” she started, “Let’s get him on his knees, and, um, hard, if you can.”
Makayla helps me haul Mike up, but backs off immediately once we have him sitting on his knees. He really is quite a sight, his powerful form commanding even when bound. He looks down at me as I reach out to stroke him, and his gaze is warm.
“Kiss me,” I tell him, and he does, letting me lead as I jerk him. Finally, he’s hard, and I pull away from the kiss, catching his bottom lip between my teeth as I step back.
“Just stay like that, Mike, but look meaner if you can,” Makayla instructs, making a slow circle around Mike and snapping pictures. She zooms in on the bindings and where they dig into his skin, dimpling it but not irritating.

She then has him stand, and I help him balance as he does so. I can see his erection flagging, so I give his nipple a quick nibble and he hisses, immediately hard again. I scurry out of the picture as Makayla gets on the ground and takes a shot of Mike from below, his erection straining and impressive.
Mike is naturally submissive, but Makayla wants him to look strong and intimidating even in his bindings, so when she has him flex the best he can and wipe the unsure expression from his face, coaching him to scowl, something jumps inside of me at the sight. Mike’s thighs are thick with muscle, his shoulders broad, and when he straightens his arms behind him, I can see the cut of his biceps and upper arms. My libido flares inside of me, quick and fiery, and I catch myself fanning my face. Mike notices, and we watch each other as Makayla works. He doesn’t need my help to stay hard anymore.
Of course, I know that he’s strong beneath the charming softness of his extra flesh, but when he really shows it off, it reminds me of how attracted I am to him, and how I get off on having this man submit to me of his own volition.
“Done.” Makayla declares, cramming her camera back into the case. “Wow, I think that’s really going to work, thanks, you guys!”
She pulls a wad of bills out of the camera bag and hands it to me. Mike looks amused, but his expression changes when I place the money onto the coffee tablet and pull Makayla in for a kiss.
I can tell she wasn’t expecting it, but she warms to me quickly, just like old times. Unlike Mike, Makayla and I had only fucked on equal ground before, and it was freeing to tilt my head back and let her lick and suck my neck without asking for permission. I’m in a pair of matching flannel pajamas, and she quickly undoes the buttons at my chest and opens the shirt wide, cupping my breasts in her hands and pinching my nipples. I come alive, pushing myself into her grasp.
“You always had the best tits,” she tells me, plucking them a few more times.
I had been seated when I pulled Makayla down to me, and now she’s on her knees in front of me. She lowers her hands to my hips and pulls me forward to the edge of the couch, jerking my flannel pants to the floor as she gives my nipples a few quick sucks.
My body is buzzing, and when I look over Makayla’s head to Mike, he has lowered himself back to the floor and looks painfully erect. I hold his gaze as I spread my legs wide, pussy bare to the world when Makayla tosses my panties away.
I see him swallow as Makayla presses her mouth to me, her tongue expertly finding my clit in seconds. I throw my head back against the couch, mouth falling open as Makayla works me over with her face pressed between my thighs.

She starts with small circles around my clit with her tongue before moving to sucking, which has me keening and arching my back, hands clenched in fists. She’s incredible, and she hums in pleasure against me as I soak her face, grinding into her hard.
I crack my eyes open to see Mike, his pupils blown with lust, looking thunderstruck as he watches the two of us. Precum is leaking from the tip of his cock, and I think about whether I will leave him for a while once Makayla leaves or relieve him immediately, but my thoughts are dragged away from my boyfriend when Makayla sinks two fingers into me and crooks them upwards. Everything in me clenches when she hits my G spot, and I feel my climax coming on hard.
“I’m going to come,” I grit out, burying my hands in her hair, unknowingly mussing her style, as I grind myself against her tongue frantically. The sensations bubble to the top and finally burst, and I come all over her face with a ragged cry, the pleasure rolling over me.
Makayla doesn’t stop licking until I go limp, breathing hard. She pulls away with a self-satisfied smirk, wiping her damp mouth on her arm. “Consider that a tip,” she tells me, and I laugh tiredly, unwilling to get up to even tell her goodbye.
She leans down and gives me a quick kiss before departing, thanking me again for the usage of Mike when really, I should thank her for the orgasm. The door clicks shut behind her and I take multiple minutes to raise up enough to see Mike.
“I suppose you’d like to be untied now?” I ask him sleepily.
“Yes, please,” he groans, expression tight. He’s still as hard as ever, but I yawn big enough that my jaw cracks.
“Give me just a minute,” I tell him, sinking back into the couch. I hear him grunt in frustration, but he exhales loudly after, saying,
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll wait.”
I smile softly to myself. “I know you will.”