It was already an interesting prospect, getting to teach an old friend about a few tricks of the rope-trade, but even more-so was the idea of having a few moments with her boyfriend Mike as she watched. He’s always been a bit of eye-candy that I’ve thought about having a taste of… so why waste an opportunity like this?
I agreed as quickly as I could, scheduling a date rather soon and procuring a few pieces of equipment that Geena may be interested in. I even rented a van to have everything moved over there to showcase to her, obviously things that didn’t take her fancy I could take back, but it was well worth this opportunity!
The day had finally come, and with the van packed and ready, I made my way there. I was greeted at the door rather promptly by Mike. Geena must have had this day in mind for a while as well, clearly having given Mike an order or two to be courteous towards me, as if he was some poorly trained butler.
“Well heck, who has you on good behavior?”
The door opens even more to reveal Geena had been standing behind me, practically frog-marching him around with a grin on her face.
“That would be me!”
Geena is as gorgeous as ever, and apparently rather eager to see me and get this educational session started, walking past Mike and throwing open her arms for a quick hug.
“It’s good to see you, Oz!”
Once she lets go, I grab my neck and feign pain after her embrace.
“Hey now, I already agreed to teach you a few things, you don’t have to try and squeeze my secrets outta my head!”
She smirks to herself, peering back at Mike before speaking.
“I think I may have injured our guest. Could you help him get everything inside?”
Still looking rather hesitant, the two of us lock eyes for a moment. I can see his skepticism that I won’t try anything, whilst I try to convey through my eyes that I’m definitely going to try something. It doesn’t seem to have worked, as Mike agrees, and we get to work moving everything inside. Most of it is still in their packaging, an easy enough job to stack everything in a pile to be picked through later.
“Thanks for the help, Mike. It’s always nice having moral support whilst I do all the work.”
He rolls his eyes at me before slumping against the pile of packages.
“If you didn’t have someone to cheer for you, then how are we supposed to know how hard you’ve worked?”
Well, he does have a fair point.
“Does that mean that next time I’m over you’ll be here in a cheerleader outfit for me?”
He opens his mouth to respond, but then processes what I said and recoils slightly. Thankfully he’s saved from having to think of something witty, Geena coming in and seeming ready to start already.
“I’m glad I’ve got you two strong boys! Now, which one shall we go with first?”
She looks almost like a kid in a candy store, her eyes lighting up at the small images on each box.
“We can choose one out you like the look of, what do you fancy?”
Given the chance to properly peer over each one of them, she spies a bundle of loose ropes and some metal frames.
“What’re these bits for?”
Jumping up from my spot on the boxes, I dramatically announce her decision with an overly-emphasized display.
“Those bits it is! Here, I’ll show you.”
I carry the bundle of ropes and metal and step into the middle of the living room, placing the things on the floor.
“These are used to make anchored restraints.”
Before finishing my explanation, Geena crouches down and starts examining each piece of equipment.
“You can either have these pieces of metal bolted to the floor or ceiling and then have ropes attached to them, as well as Mike here.”
Nodding my head in his direction, he seems uncomfortable with me suggesting him in that position so nonchalantly.
“And then you can tighten the rope on the other end, either suspending him in the air completely, or settling for just keeping his arms stretched up and leaving him on his tip-toes.”
Now Geena casts a glance toward Mike, the image playing out in her head already as she smirks sadistically at him. He shivers slightly in a mix of arousal and awkwardness as I’m in the room as well, giving him the same look.
“On the other hand, you could have this on the floor, keeping whoever you have tied to it in one place, or even setting a strut through this hole and using it as a spreader bar.”
I was transfixed on arranging the pieces out on the floor to give Geena a better idea, but as I look up at her again, it’s clear she’s already got a pretty good thought process going. It’s as if her mind is caught completely in a separate scenario, which tells me rather clearly that she may perhaps be interested in this piece already. After a few moments of silence, she apparently realizes we’re still in the room and snaps her attention back towards the matter at hand.
“Right, but wouldn’t that take a bit of time? I was hoping for a few things we could set up right now.”
Delving into my overly-dramatic demeanor once again, I present the pile of boxes.
“Say no more! For all needs, we have a solution!”
I play an imaginary game of ‘Eeny, miny, moe’ in my head before grabbing one of the smaller boxes, presenting the picture-side toward Geena for her to get an idea of what’s inside. Her eyes lit up at the simple image in front of her, a set of rope attached to a dildo.
“This thing is designed for a little… humiliation at the hands of a sub’s own strength.”
As I begin to unpack the device, I continue explaining it to Geena, who was practically enthralled by now.
“Most of the knot work comes as standard, you only need to tighten the restraints and fasten them behind Mike’s back.”
I make sure to mention him specifically, reminding him of the fact that we’re both imagining him strapped into this thing.
“Once secured, Mike would only be able to stay knelt on the floor, but this would encourage him to raise his hips as high as possible.”
I slap the dildo against my palm to emphasize it’s girth, ribbed all the way down to the base, easily seven inches and incredibly intimidating, even for the most advanced of submissives.
“It’ll be easy at first, but soon his thighs will give way, leaving him to slowly slide down the shaft, deeper and deeper as the moments drag on.”
Geena was clearly enjoying my little description, though Mike on the other hand was trying to hide his arousal, but wasn’t fooling either of us.
“Whether you sit there and watch as he slowly spears himself on this cock, or you give him a little helping hand down onto it, I doubt you two will have much trouble getting a lot of fun out of this one!”
After my explanation is finished, there’s an awkward silence in the room, Geena currently lost in thought again, and Mike trying to push back whatever thoughts are currently swimming around in his head.
“This is perfect! I love it!”
Finally, the silence is broken, putting the awkward pun I had in stock back onto the shelves. Though feeling like pushing my luck, I mention something else to her.
“You know, there’s only a few knots on this one, but there is one that’s a bit rough. Would you like me to show you?”
Geena doesn’t hesitate for a second, snapping her fingers at Mike, having him come over.
“Get on your knees and put this on.”
She doesn’t give him a moment to protest, pushing the ropes into his hands, though I stop him for a moment.
“You may want to take this off first.”
I turn the dildo, unlocking it from its base and dropping it beside us. Though the disappointed look in Geena’s eyes makes me think she may have genuinely made him ride it in front of me. That aside, it’s still a glorious sight to see Mike struggle with the ropes, climbing into them clumsily before finally being in the right position.
“Right, now get on your knees and we’ll hook you in.”
Although reluctantly, he listens, and the two of us bind his legs properly so he cannot stand, and I draw Geena’s attention to the bindings around his wrists.
“Now, this is the tough one, you need to make sure this bit goes under this one, not over, or else he can wiggle free.”
“Alright, got it!”
I let her practice a few times, and whilst she’s busy I cast my gaze down to the subtle bulge growing between Mike’s legs, apparently enjoying the place he’s in. I realize that Geena is busy and distracted, so I decide to reach down and cop a feel, grabbing his package tightly in my hand.
“Hey! W-”
“Oh, you see, you went over here! Mike caught himself, but I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
Saving myself from his little outburst, a glance back down with a mocking grin, the both of us helping him out of the outfit and to his feet. With the little demonstration out of the way, I shift back my focus to my expert salesmanship.
“That’s fantastic practice! Now, unless you’d like to get the poor guy strapped back in with the dildo attached, there’s one more piece I thought you might like specifically.”
Leading Geena toward the boxes, I pointed toward the biggest one of the bunch, it was a bit bothersome to get it into the van, but it was worth the look on their faces when they realized what it was.
“An X-Cross?! No way!”
Mike didn’t seem too pleased with the idea, likely knowing he’d become another semi-willing test subject for their little games. Geena is clearly annoyed by his sudden outburst, grabbing him by the hand before leading him to their bedroom.
“Excuse us for a minute, Oz. Set that up for us, I’ll take care of him.”
Not wanting to intrude on what quite that entails, I leave Geena to her devices, watching as Mike keeps his lips tightly sealed, knowing he is in quite a bit of trouble.
I took to my own devices after they disappeared into their bedroom, lifting up and moving it against one of the empty walls, unpacking it as I poured my eyes over the instructions, putting it together piece by piece.
A few moments passed in silence, until all of a sudden, the muffled sound of skin on skin could be heard, and I instantly knew the source. Geena must’ve been very unhappy with his defiance, and bent him across the bed, he’s likely experiencing the spanking of a lifetime at the moment. Minutes pass by, and soon Geena comes back out of the room, though alone.
“Sorry about Mike earlier, I gave him a little talking to,” Geena says, giggling. “He’ll be out in a minute.”
We work together, placing each wooden strut in place, lining up the connectors, and admiring the leather cushions that the person would be tied against. Both of our attentions are soon snapped away, as we hear the bedroom door creaking open, and I can’t even come close to hiding the shit-eating grin on my face.
He was naked, completely. Apparently also gagged, likely to keep any more outbursts silenced, and as he stands there, Geena stares him down intently before he sighs and turns around. It was gorgeous, his pert butt had been spanked enough to show several handprints of hers against his backside.
“Well? Hurry up, we need you here.”
As Mike turned back around, he saw Geena smirking, the X-Cross against the wall, and me standing there motioning towards it. Instantly we both saw the hesitation on his face, but out of my view, I imagined the stern look Geena must have given him, because without any protest, he shifts his way towards it. I hadn’t thought she had him this obedient, especially with something like this, but to my delight, he simply stood in front of the cross and waited for my instructions.
“Alright, put your hands up on these panels and I’ll secure you.”
His eyes widened slightly as he looked to his side at me, likely dreading the thought of being at another man’s mercy, but comforted as he looked back at Geena, watching the both of us.
“Now don’t worry, we don’t use nails anymore, so it comes with straps.”
I hear Geena laugh behind me, stifling it when she sees Mike still stone-faced, trying to hold it in and hide her amusement at his discomfort. Still wanting to make sure Geena knows how to use this, I beckon her over to the right of the cross by his hand to take a closer look.
“Here, they’re just like a regular belt.”
Whilst showing her the simplicity of keeping someone restrained on the cross, I reach over to Mike’s other hand to fasten it, leaving Geena to examine the strap on the other side. Whilst she’s busy for the moment, I grin down at Mike’s face, getting uncomfortably close to him, seeing how he tries to step back, but obviously blocked by the cross behind him.
“I’ll just tighten this one, give me a moment…”
Whilst taking much longer than needed to bind his other hand, I take the opportunity to have my half bound eye-candy to myself, grinding my growing bulge against him, subtle enough that it could be seen as unintentional, well, to Geena at least. Mike on the other hand squirmed against his restraints and muffled into his gag, catching Geena’s attention.
“What are you whining about, hm?”
She leans down, cupping Mike’s chin as I take a step back, his other hand firmly bound now and re-adjust myself to hide my erection. Mike continues whining into his gag, stopping when Geena suddenly gives his cheek a gentle slap.
“Don’t interrupt! Oz is being kind enough to teach me a few things, you’d be good to be thankful!”
Even though Geena is focused on Mike, I try to hide my grin at the situation, it was like stealing a cookie and blaming it on a sibling! Geena straightened herself out and I quickly composed myself, stealing a final glance at the daggers Mike was casting at me, rather proud of myself.
“Now he’s securely in place, but it’s still quite fun to keep his ankles bound as well, it keeps his legs spread, leaving him feeling vulnerable.”
Geena leans down eagerly, both of us taking only a moment to yank his feet against the cross, tightly binding them to the frame. Once finished, Geena and I step back to admire the sight of Mike in this state, completely spread, naked, and trying to hide his shame. Afterwards though, Geena turns to me with a mischievous grin.
“Oz, we’re both very grateful that you’ve come down to help me out with this.”
Not wanting to step on whatever she’s leading into, I simply listen to what she has to say.
“Mike is especially grateful! With all of these new toys to play with, it’s only fair we give you something to play with as well~”
I try to act aloof, but inside I am giddy as all hell, waiting for those sweet words to pass her lips.
“I haven’t let the poor boy cum in two days. Why don’t you go take care of Mike’s little ‘problem’ down there?”
Needing no more than that, I turn towards him. Clearly the two had spoken about it whilst I was busy, but it was still adorable to see him try to hide that he’d agreed to it.

Granted Geena’s permission, it was almost too sweet a scene to behold. Mike naked, gagged and squirming against his restraints before slumping against them, defeated. It was obvious to all three of us that he was fighting with his own arousal, though realizing his position, simply gave into it. Within seconds, Geena and I watch as his cock stiffens, Mike screwing his eyes shut to avoid our mocking stares.
“Don’t be rude! Look Oz in the eyes, be a good boy~”
There was a clear lustfulness in her voice, savoring the scene as I stepped forward, Mike looking up from the floor to meet my gaze. Seeing his hesitance still linger, I help him along, running my fingers up through his hair as I stare down at him, then gripping tightly and forcing his eyes to meet mine, my other hand tracing his thigh. There was a clear resistance in his body, pulling away slightly before relaxing again, my touch eliciting slight shivers of shameful arousal across his body.
“That’s right Mike, be a good boy for me~”
My words clearly affected him, his eyes relaxing as his body quakes, as if his pent-up arousal was finally unleashed. A desperate moan is muffled by his gag, giving way to a giggle from Geena as she takes a seat to watch the two of us. Now with a distinct mix of despair and desperation in his eyes, I move my hand closer to my prize, gripping his shaft tightly in my hand, feeling it throb in my fist as I begin stroking. To my surprise he starts thrusting against me, fucking my hand as I jerk him off.
“Well well, why so eager all of a sudden~?”
I couldn’t even attempt to hide my mocking tone, savoring the sight of the hesitant guy from before melt into submissive putty in my hand. All of a sudden, Geena pipes up from her chair, and after turning my head I notice her subtly rubbing her thighs together.
“That’s enough talk, make him cum for me.”
Her voice was somewhat cold, but it was in an attempt to hide the arousal in her voice, loving the sight of me finally getting my hands on him, and better yet, having him descend into his own perversion so quickly.
“You heard her, Mike. Cum.”
With Geena’s encouragement, I doubled my speed, furiously jerking off his cock as he trembled against his bindings, unable to hold back any aspect of his pleasure. The moaning through his gag, the lustful look in his eyes as he stares up at me, his labored breathing as I feel him growing closer to his pique. All of this culminated into a single moment, his eyes rolling up into the back of his head, the moans through his gag becoming manic, and his body thrusting against my hand one final time.
“Ohh, fuck~”
Geena couldn’t have said it better. We both watched as Mike squirted out a torrent of cum from the tip of his dick, splattering across the floor, even a few ropes landing across Geena’s thighs a few feet away. His entire body quaked against the straps, his dick still spasming in my fist as I slowly jerked him through the afterglow of his orgasm. The three of us once again stood there awkwardly, I was too captivated by the display to say anything, and Geena was busy admiring the sheer intensity of his orgasm, emphasizing not just the amount, but by the force of how hard he came.
The only sound filling the room was Mike’s panting into his gag, still shaking as I let go of his dick. With everyone coming down from such an intense high, I turn toward Geena for where this goes next.
“That was… amazing…”
Even her breathing had become full of desire, a few hundred thoughts likely filling her mind right now.
“It was good seeing you again Oz, but I think Mike and I have a… few things to do now.”
I feel somewhat saddened with my sudden departure but give Geena an awkward side-hug to avoid the cum stains, and let her know that whenever she needs help with the other things and wants to get more into it, she could call me.
After getting back into my truck, leaving the equipment there for her to peruse for now, I dejectedly begin the short journey back home.
After a few minutes back in my apartment, lost in thought, my phone begins ringing.
“Oz! Quick question, was it over or under with the knot?”
I can hear the muffled sounds of Mike in the background, as well as the excitement in Geena’s voice.
“It’s under, and make sure to pull it tight!”
“Fantastic, thank you!”
I go to hang up, but stop as she begins speaking again.
“Oz… I spoke to Mike and… we’ll definitely need your help again. Same time next week?”
With no one to hide my smirk from, I respond with a wide grin on my face.
“I’m busy, but… since it’s you I can book you in for an appointment. I’ll see you two then!”
“How generous of you! Oh, and Oz – make sure to be prepared to show me how to have two boys tied up at the same time. See you~!”
And with that, she hung up.
The call leaves me spinning, wondering what exactly she has in mind. Whatever, nonetheless, I’m excited to host another lesson with Geena and Mike, looking forward to seeing that desperate face again.