A numbing, burning sensation was lingering on my wrists and ankles. My body was spread apart on Sue’s bed and my limbs were bound open, ready to be taken advantage of.
Deep and soothing moans were falling out of the two women on top of me, “Fuck…oh, my god…” A soft feminine moan flew out like a soft breeze from one of the women on top of me. Makayla was one of Sue’s friends who happily agreed to take part in our contract. But let’s be honest, it’s mainly because she wanted to fuck Sue.
I was merely a toy to them at that moment and honestly – I wasn’t that upset. The soft hue from Sue’s bedroom light shone perfectly against Makayla’s incredibly soft, dark ass that was mercilessly rubbing against my face.
My tired jaw was damn near locked from how much work I was putting into satisfying a woman who was in her own private world with my lover. Sue was using my dick for her satisfaction. They completely ignored me, only using my body like it was just a lifeless sex doll. I could hear them cruelly moan into each other’s mouths while using my body raw for their enjoyment.
Even though she’s using my face as her toy, Makayla has no interest in me, which is understandable because she has no interest in men! But what’s killing me is that she’s completely enchanted with my girlfriend Sue. They’re in their own world and tongue fucking each other into oblivion! It made me jealous for Sue’s attention and touch.
I whined loudly and desperately. I was so desperate. Desperate for – I don’t even know what? But desperate for anything and everything all at once. Even though I could feel how soft and warm Sue was on my cock, I still felt deprived of everything and it made me go crazy.
I tried to buck my hips up to match Sue’s pace but was met with Sue’s words sending hot electric bolts straight down to my lower stomach. “Stay still like I fucking told you to be, Kyle.” Sue spat cold words out and I damn near came from that small lick of attention.
I was barely taking in enough air to muster up a whimper but from the way my toned thighs were shaking, it was pretty clear that I was incredibly close to cumming. Sue snickered before lifting herself from my weeping dick and pushing it to the side. Suddenly, I felt Sue’s smooth hands wrap around my cock, and my soul almost flew out of my body when she began to squeeze it with incredible strength.
“Did you really think your gross and pathetic limp dick was able to cum?” It took me a bit to realize Sue was talking to me, but when my brain finally processed, she was pretty annoyed. “Answer me when I’m talking to you, Kyle!” She slapped the very tip of my dick, wanting a response, quickly.

Sue flicked my balls and pinched them. I swear to everything, that hurt way more than any abuse she’s done to it. My cries were muffled alongside any other sounds that came out of my mouth as Makayla continued riding my face.
She was being so cruel and it was so fucking humiliating.
But so fucking sexy.
There was no way I was able to give a proper response with Makayla grinding my face, and Sue knew that. She knew she was being unfair and brutal.
“I think Kyle thought he could cum without permission. I think he forgot what he is.” Makayla’s giggles were dripping in mockery.
“Oh, yeah? Is that right, Kyle? Did you forget that your dick is nothing but a toy that belongs to me and me only? You have no say or control over it because it’s mine.” I could basically hear the venom seeping through Sue’s teeth.
She knew from her words alone, that I wouldn’t cum even when she let go of my cock and balls. She knew deep down I was so wrapped around her perfect finger that I wouldn’t allow myself to cum without her permission, even if my cock was free.
Once she was sure her words embedded themselves into my brain, Sue moved all of her attention back to Makayla.
“Lay down on your back for me, Makayla.” Sue spoke to Makayla with such softness, the heavy and green envy that haunted me before came right back.
I was so caught up in envy that I didn’t realize Sue meant for her to lay down on me. “Of course!” Makayla lifted herself from my face and for a quick second I felt an overwhelming amount of air fill my lungs. But that was short-lived as I got a face full of Makayla’s soft cloudy curls. It smelt of roses and needy submission. From the small view that I had, I could see Sue’s coal hair lowered down, and judging from Makayla’s sudden moans, it was pretty clear she was eating her out.
I felt Makayla arch her ass into my stomach and the back of her head was digging into the bed, making her move it to the side a little bit more. Her moans started to reach a higher pitch and her hips were rolling forward, “Oh…my god…” she grabbed a fist full of my hair, which wasn’t a lot. It shocked the shit out of me and it made me jolt up a little, “Ugh…” I groaned in slight pain, which made me get an airy laugh out of Makayla. I would’ve missed it if it wasn’t for the fact that I could feel every sound that vibrated from her back.
Suddenly, Sue popped her head up and softly pushed Makayla’s curls from her face, “Turn around for me.”
Wordlessly, Makayla turned around, giving me a wonderful front view of her breasts. I can’t even lie, that shit was ridiculously hot. Makayla was pretty small so even though her breasts were all in my face, I could still see over her shoulder a bit. Sue left my view for a little and I felt the weight of her body leave from around my waist, which indicated that she left. After a while, she came back and with the help of straining my neck, I was able to get a very short glimpse of black straps that perfectly wrapped themselves around Sue’s lower waist and hips.
I noticed something else she had that was also black but had a different textured look to it. I’m almost positive it was rope.
Makayla arched her back which caused me to get a perfect view of Sue’s stabbing eyes looking right at me. Against my own will, I whimpered when I saw how intensely she was looking at me. She watched every movement and expression on my face, almost as if she were studying me. Suddenly, I felt something rough rub and wrap around my extremely sensitive dick, “Ah-! What the…?” Then it clicked, it was the freaking rope.
This woman is literally going to kill me.
I felt her twist the rope some more and tighten it before giving my dick a little tap, “Hmph!” I whimpered in shock when that one small touch sent spine-prickling pain all around my body.
Sue had some lube and rubbed the sticky substance onto her hands before reaching down and rubbing it on her dildo.
Without warning, Makayla jolted forward and moaned softly in my ear. Sue began to make sharp thrusts into Makayla with her strapon while also burning holes into my foggy eyes. When she was fucking Makayla, she held eyes with me. I could almost feel how good it must feel to be fucked by Sue. To be fucked so hard that my eyes would go searching in the back of my head.
My stomach lifted with butterflies and I breathlessly moaned. I needed her so badly that I cried out for her. Cried out for her silky touch and harsh words, “M-mistress…” I quietly called out against my own will. My words and sounds of struggle were drowned out by Makayla’s moans as Sue picked up her pace.
My dick was crying out for release when I searched deeper into Sue’s telling eyes. Sweat and uneven breaths fell from her when she started slowing down her pace, “You like it when I fuck you deep and slow, don’t you?” Sue grabbed onto Makayla’s small shoulders, fucking her nice and slow.
But she looked at me as if she was asking me the question. As if she was fucking me as good as she was Makayla. I clenched my fist and tried my best to rub myself against Sue’s inner thigh to find some type of release. It was so humiliating, trying to hump Sue’s leg like a gross dog.
Sue laughed down at me, “You love me fucking you deep in your stomach, huh, slut? You want me to fuck you so hard that you go stupid?” She laughed some more when she saw me nearly cry from how needy I was.
“I–” I was cut off by Makayla on top of me moaning like crazy.
“Fuck, yes!! Fuck me harder, please!” she screamed.
Sue picked up her pace. Letting go of her shoulders, Sue pulled Makayla up by her throat and turned her head to lock lips. Makayla arched her back against Sue’s chest, giving me the perfect front view of my girlfriend fucking Makayla from behind. My balls and cock were fighting against the tight rope Sue had held them in, and I was about to lose my shit.
“Please! I…I need you..” I desperately searched Sue’s eyes for any sign of mercy, but my search was cut off by a strong force that weighed down on my throat. It nearly made my heart stop when it cut off the air flowing through my throat.
“Jeez, has anyone ever told you that your whining is annoying as shit?” Makayla breathlessly spat out, her curls bouncing around her face when she leaned down closer to mine. “Just shut up for once and act like what you are. Nothing.” My heart jumped a little from how harshly Makayla’s words bounced off of my ringing ears.
The short breaths my body was trying to squeeze through her deadly grasp were cut short by her fingers digging into my throat. Drool trickled down my puffy and blazing cheeks, but Makayla didn’t care one bit about it pooling on her hands. “There we go. Some peace and quiet.” Makayla’s girly voice twisted into a giggle and I felt her body start to rock back and forth again.
The louder her moans grew, the tighter her small hand locked on my throat, and I can’t even lie, she was strong as hell. The soft ringing in my ears grew louder and black dots danced up, down, and around my eyes. My choked gasps were no more as Makayla and Sue quickly turned into blurred figures.
The lines between consciousness and the darkness that rested behind my eyelids blurred heavily, and before I knew it, I was out.
The last thing I heard was Sue’s dark chuckle.
I had woken up with a slight gasp to find myself in a dimly lit room, “S-Sue…?” My voice croaked with confusion when I noticed my limbs were finally free and the only thing that was left was the burning red rope marks. I sat up to take in my surroundings and to my relief, I was still in Sue’s room.
I laid back down and my back practically melted onto her fluffy bed, “Whew shit, this woman is literally going to be the death of me…” my mumbling was cut short by the bedroom door creaking open.
Sue walked in with some tea in her hand and a soft innocent smile on her face, “Here you go, baby.” She leaned down to kiss my forehead and sat the tea down on the dresser.
“Hmm, is your neck ok?” She grazed her fingernails against the marks on my neck, which caused me to hiss in return.
“It hurts like shit.” I rubbed my throat and smiled a little, “But I can’t even lie, that girl is strong as hell.” I rolled my eyes and looked up at Sue laughing, “It’s not funny. She nearly killed me.” I playfully frowned.
“Kyle, shut the hell up. You know you loved every second of it.” Sue smiled and before I could talk back, Sue flicked my wrists. I whined a small ‘ow’ from the sharp pain.
“Be quiet and drink your tea so we can take a shower, crybaby.” Sue rolled her eyes before walking out.
Like I said, I’m gonna die because of her.