Spooky Stories to Tell with your Subs

Geena organizes a Spooky Story contest with our friends - all with a kinky femdom theme. And, the winner gets all the guys at her disposal!
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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Written By Mike

A freshman at the State University, Mike is head over heels in love with Geena, and thoroughly enjoys their sessions where she's in control. He is powerless to refuse her anything she wants! ... Read Full Author Bio

Step into the Kinktober ’24 Spooky Story Contest, where four eerie, Femdom-themed tales await! Dive into each chilling story, then cast your vote for the one that gives you the most thrills. On Halloween, we’ll unveil the winning tale, and one lucky voter will score a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Spooky Stories to Tell with your Subs: The Introduction

When you date a woman like Geena, you spend a lot of time just trying to keep up!  Geena is full of boundless energy and ideas.  Life is never boring and you’re always surprised by what comes next.  It’s one of the best things about her.  Tied with… well, everything else.

Holidays in particular are special.  The spirit of the season is never lost on Geena, who always has great ideas about how to celebrate and make it special.

So it surprised me when she said that I had inspired her.

“What?” I said, flabbergasted by the idea.

I had come over to her apartment one crisp autumn day to find it full of people.  I’d gotten out of my last class, hitched up my backpack, and crossed campus with my hands buried deep into my hoodie.  The orange and yellow leaves that were scattered across the sidewalks crunched under my feet.  From windows, black bat ornaments, cartoon ghosts, and carved pumpkins grinned out at me.  It was nearly Halloween, and the whole town seemed to be looking forward to it.

When I climbed the steps to Geena’s apartment and opened the door, I was immediately hit with the smell of freshly baked goods.  A plate of cookies frosted with orange and white icing were piled onto the table, beside another plate of brownies with yellow and orange sprinkles, and several mugs of steaming cider.  Flopped all around the living room were familiar faces: Rachel, Geena’s best friend, a blond-haired and sometimes scary beauty, sat on one of the armchairs like a queen on her throne.  On the couch sat Corey, a red-haired freshman from my dorms, and his girlfriend, April, a pledge to the Zeta sorority.  Finally, at Rachel’s feet, kneeling, were two more guys from my dorm: Jung, and Kyle, my roommate, another freshman who was on the swim team. 

“Hi, Kyle.  Is this a party?” I asked, worried Geena had told me about it and I’d forgotten.

“No, just a hang-out.  We decided it would be fun to tell some stories like you and your friends did!” said Geena enthusiastically.  “It was such an inspired idea, so I asked a few friends if they wanted to come and have a spooky story-telling contest!”

I felt myself blushing a little.  Usually, Geena is the brains behind our plans.  She tossed her long, thick hair over her shoulder and walked over to me to put her arms around my waist and draw me in for a kiss.  Behind her, I saw Rachel roll her eyes a little.  Rachel doesn’t have Geena’s caring side.  They may be best friends, but they’re total opposites.

“Who’s Igora? I asked.

Behind me, there was a knock on the door, and in answer to my question, the last of the guests arrived.  Igora was a Zeta sister who I’d seen a few times on campus, just in glimpses.  I’d never really talked to her and had no idea what she studied, though I knew she spent a lot of time in the science labs and at the library, which is probably where Geena had met her.  Geena is one of those people who is everyone’s friend, and I guessed Geena had invited her because Igora was  a bit of a strange person without any close friend group outside of her sorority sisters.  She was short and oddly hunched, and waddled in dragging a second person behind her.

Clark was Corey’s roommate in the dorms, a pledge for the Delta fraternity.  He had pale skin and dark hair, and wore glasses that magnified his already-worried eyes.  He, too, spent a lot of time at the library.

“Sorry I’m late!  Oo!  Cookies!” said Igora, immediately releasing Clark and hobbling over to the plate of goodies.

“Great!  Everyone’s here!” said Geena, clapping her hands.  “This is going to be so much fun.  As soon as we agree on the rules, we can start.”

“Rules?” I asked.

“Well, it’s going to be a contest, Mike, just like you and your friends did last year,” said Geena, sitting on a loveseat opposite to April and Corey.  She patted the cushion beside her, and I sat down, snuggling up against Geena’s warm body.

“I don’t want to spend all night talking rules.  We each brought a boy to bet.  Each of us tells a story.  Fifteen minutes, max.  We vote at the end.  You can’t vote for yourself.  Winner gets to use the boys for a week.  No limits,” said Rachel, immediately.

Clark, Corey, Jung, Kyle, and me all exclaimed, “What?”

“I like your enthusiasm, Rache, but I think some limits might be a good idea,” said Geena gently, putting her arm over my shoulders protectively.

“Sue lent me Kyle for the contest and her contract with him has no limits,” said Rachel.  “Also, I should get an extra vote automatically, since I brought two boys to bet.”

“That’s not fair!  No one asked you to bring two!  You’re just showing off!” protested April.

“And my boy does have limits!  Bonnie lent me Clark, but I’m under strict instructions not to let him lose his virginity,” said Igora, through a mouthful of brownie.  “Bonnie would kill me if I ruined him!”

“Wait, you’re a virgin?” asked Corey, looking over at Clark.  Clark blushed; he was standing by the door like he was considering bolting.  If he wasn’t a Delta pledge, he probably would have, but since Igora was a sister at the sorority, he didn’t dare defy her.

“Okay, fine.  One limit.  No taking Clark’s virginity,” said Rachel with a shrug.

“Hold on, maybe–” began Clark hopefully.

“Clark.  Shush,” said Igora.

There are going to be limits.  We want to make sure whoever tells the best story takes good care of the subs they win,” said Geena, firmly.

I could feel my heart pounding.  I was being bet on?!  I had hope that Geena would be able to win; she was so well-read that I was sure any story she told would be amazing.  But what if the other girls somehow won?  I couldn’t imagine being submissive to Rachel for a whole week!  Or Igora, for that matter; she caught my eye and gave me a weird, wide grin.

“Fine, fine.  I mean, that’s what safewords are for,” grumbled Rachel, crossing her arms.  “But we all agree to put a boy into the pot, and vote for the stories, and someone wins all the boys for a week.  Right?  And we’ll negotiate the limits for the boys so everyone has a good time.”  She sounded a little disappointed, but I felt relieved.  Rachel could be a harsh Dominatrix, but I knew Geena would negotiate carefully with her.  And maybe she wouldn’t have to at all.  Maybe Geena would win.

But then I’d be sharing her with three other guys for a week!  What would that look like?  And would I have to play with the other subs?  I had so many questions.

But the girls were already nodding to each other.

“Right,” said April and Igora, nodding.

They had definitely discussed this story-telling contest earlier!  Corey, Jung, and Clark all looked a little panicked, because like me, they had no idea what to expect.  Only Kyle seemed like he was unphased.  I was impressed by how cool he was; I tried to channel some of his calm energy. 

Remember, I reminded myself, Geena knows what she’s doing.  Since she had organized the contest, I knew it would be fair, and I knew that, whatever the outcome, I would be okay.

So far, none of the crazy Halloween antics she’d ever put me though had ever turned out badly!  In fact, all of them had been pretty fun.

“Enough stalling!  Let’s get to the stories!” said Rachel.

“Hold on.  Let me set the mood!” exclaimed Igora.  She jumped to her feet and hustled over to the light switch.  The room was plunged into darkness, and then, from the kitchen, with the soft sound of a match striking, she lit a few of Geena’s scented candles, filling the room with a pleasant, smokey smell of cinnamon and cedar.  The candles flickered over everyone’s faces.

“Who’s first?” asked April.

“Geena, this was your idea.  You should go first,” said Rachel.  “Take the talking sub.”

“The talking sub?” asked Geena.

“Like a talking stick.  But a sub.  CLARK!” barked Rachel.

Clark jumped a little. 

“Go sit on Geena’s lap,” commanded Rachel.

Clark walked over and hesitantly lowered himself onto Geena’s lap.  She kept one arm around me, but her other looped around Clark’s waist.  I could see him blushing again, and I knew why.  Sitting on Geena’s lap is the best seat in the room!  I felt a little bubble of pride in my chest, knowing that my girlfriend had such an effect on other guys.  I leaned against her, excited to hear her story.

“Alright, gals and ghouls.  You know the rules.  One story.  We vote at the end.  And to the winner goes the spoils,” said Geena.

Rachel, Jung, Kyle, Igora, Clark, April, Corey, and I all clapped.  Our nervousness was transforming into excitement.  The dark, candle-lit room, cozy and creepy and full of friends, was the perfect place to listen to the Halloween tales of beautiful women.  And I knew that, no matter who won, I was going to end up with a wild tale of my own!

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