Something Fishy This Way Comes

When a freak storm transforms a college pool into a mysterious lagoon, strange things start happening. Swim team members find themselves drawn to the eerie waters, where a dangerous, otherworldly creature lurks. In this thrilling Halloween tale, a siren emerges, luring men to their doom with her haunting song—until one brave woman fights back.
This Story Includes: spanking / impact

Reading Time: 20 minutes

Written By Geena

A sophomore at the State University, Geena is kind and generous, always doing things for others. She's also discovered her dominate side! ... Read Full Author Bio

Step into the Kinktober ’24 Spooky Story Contest, where four eerie, Femdom-themed tales await! Dive into each chilling story, then cast your vote for the one that gives you the most thrills. On Halloween, we’ll unveil the winning tale, and one lucky voter will score a $50 Amazon Gift Card! This is Story #1 (you can start the series here)

I’ve read countless Halloween horror stories, but when my friends looked to me to tell a tale, I decided to tell one of my own.

I settled Clark onto my thighs; he shifted his butt, getting comfortable on my lap as I began my story.  At my side, Mike’s body was warm and cozy and familiar.

My story was one I hadn’t ever shared before, because it was too fantastic to even be believed.  It all started two years ago, the spring before I came to State, just after I’d graduated high school.

Back then, the pool at State wasn’t yet enclosed.

The recreation center had been built up around it only two years ago, after a massive storm hit the campus.  When the campus pool was first constructed, it was open water, allowing the swim team to get fresh air and tan their supple bodies as they glided back and forth through the sparkling blue lanes.

Of course, there were drawbacks to having an uncovered swimming pool.  There was always the risk that people would jump in during off-hours (and it wasn’t uncommon for students to go skinny dipping at night!), and if there was ever inclement weather, then swim meet practice had to be canceled.

But despite these issues, most people agreed that they enjoyed having the uncovered pool.  The members of the swim team liked being out in the open and flexing for the other students who came to watch and cheer for them.  Walking between classes, you’d often hear splashing and clapping, and when the swim team wasn’t using it, you could walk right up to the pool’s edge, take off your shoes, and dip your feet in.

But that was all before the storm.

It was a freak storm, a warm tropical front that made landfall and then made its way inland, far further than any meteorologist would have ever predicted.  The sky went from a cloudy gray to a grim slate to an ominous black.  The wind picked up, ripping the new spring leaves from trees and forcing saplings to bow.  What started as a drizzle in the morning got steadily stronger, until it was a curtain of rain, whipped around by gale-force winds that stung the skin and blinded the eyes.  Classes were canceled and everyone was shuttered into their dorms, staring out of their windows and watching the world outside drown.

It only lasted two days, but when the clouds finally parted and the weak sun peeked out, the campus was a mess.  The ground had been saturated and puddles of water glistened everywhere, so it felt like you were walking on the surface of a lake.  It would take weeks to dry.  And the pool?  The pool, uncovered and exposed, had swelled to three times its size, growing from an orderly rectangle into a bulging pond.  The water was muddy and obscured the azure tiles beneath.  The pool was, functionally, gone, replaced with the storm’s version of a body of water.

The swim team was devastated.  They stood on the bleachers (the bottom half of which were submerged) to overlook their pool. 

“Practice is ruined,” said Eddie, a sophomore.  He was a promising young athlete; they said he’d make captain someday.

“Look!  Fish!” exclaimed a freshman, Devin.  Sure enough, the storm had deposited more than just water.  The usually-still water of the pool was alive, rolling and bubbling as the lithe bodies of fish upset it. The storm’s violence had scooped up parts of the ocean itself and left it on campus as a parting gift.

Eddie groaned and dragged his hands over his face.  A pool filled with mud, fish, and who knows what else would not be a good one to swim laps in.

The swim team tried to find an alternative to practice.  They hit up a few local rec centers, but their practices were fractured, organized around the rec centers’ already-packed schedule of children’s swim lessons and senior water aerobics and family free swims.  Their season appeared to be doomed.

Meanwhile, the rest of the school was enjoying their temporary lagoon, and it became a favorite pastime to wander down to the pool and throw bread crusts into the water and watch the water burble as fish came to fight for the scraps of food.

At the time, I was, myself, a senior in high school.  I had already gotten accepted to State, and with school nearly out and the summer nearly upon us, I spent a lot of time sitting on the bleachers reading and watching the lagoon.  So I saw everything that happened next…

As if hypnotized by their old practice schedule, Eddie and Devin habitually came down to water that was once their pool, and stood there in the mud, gazing out over the surface, their bare feet sinking into the soft ground.  They wore nothing but their speedos, as if they planned to go swimming, and they carried their bags on their shoulders.  They made an interesting pair.  Eddie was shorter and more slender than Devin; Devin had broader shoulders and more defined muscles, and was attempting to grow a beard, something Eddie probably never dreamed of.  They might have looked like opposites, but both stared at the water with the exact same look of longing.

“What if we just… swam laps here?” said Devin, finally.

“In stagnant, muddy rainwater?” scoffed Eddie, adjusting the duffel bag on his shoulder.

“We don’t have a lot of options, man,” said Devin, mirroring Eddie’s adjustment of his bag.  Inside, a pair of drumsticks clicked.  “It’s not like other people aren’t swimming in it.  And no one’s dead yet.”

That was true.  Even though the campus had plastered fliers all around warning not to use the pool, people jumped in all the time to splash around.  Why not?

“…we keep coming here.  Let’s just do it.  We’re swimming in it, not drinking it,” pressed Devin.

I could see Eddie considering.  He and Devin, all of the swim team guys, actually, had been wandering down to the pool.  Daily.  Sometimes, multiple times a day.  At first I’d thought they were just mourning the loss of their pool.  But I was starting to wonder if it was something else.  Some force that drew them there, like moths to a flame.

“We-ell…” pondered Eddie.

And then I heard it.  A warbling, wobbling, eerie tone.  It swooped through the air like a streamer in the wind, gliding with unnatural smoothness, a tuneless sound that nonetheless had a strange pattern or logic to it that wasn’t quite human.  It was like listening to someone speak words, but without any meaning to them.  It was unearthly, and impossible to ignore.

And the second Eddie and Devin heard it, their eyes glazed over and their bags dropped from their shoulders, right onto the soggy grounds with a splash.  There was no hesitation, now.

“Let’s go swimming,” said Eddie.

“Let’s go swimming!” agreed Devin.  Both of them waded into the water until they were up to their waists, and then, with practiced form, they put their hands together and dove, dipping their heads beneath the opaque brown-gray surface of the water.

The two of them glided side-by-side toward the center of the lagoon, where, if they were to go down, they would eventually reach the pool that was sunken there.

But instead of diving or continuing to swim, they stopped in the dead center of the water and tread there, as if trapped by the high, ethereal noise that was still rippling over the water.

I put my book down and walked down the bleachers, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.  But the answer popped up in front of me before I even made it to the water’s edge.

Right between Eddie and Devin, a head emerged.  A woman!  No one had been in the pool before, yet suddenly, there she was.  She was not anyone I’d recognized, and I would have remembered if I’d seen her on campus.  Her flesh was pale, so pale that it was nearly translucent, and her hair was pale, too, a white silvery-blue.  The bluish-gray tint to her skin and hair gave her a drowned look.  Her lips were colorless, her long hair flat and soggy, her eyes wide and bulging in a permanently surprised look. 

She bobbed up and I saw she wasn’t wearing a top.  Her torso was incredibly thin, so thin you could see her ribs, and her breasts were small, her nipples puckered with the cold.  Her arms were thin and fragile, and her fingers impossibly long.  She was beautiful and terrible, all sharp corners and stretched, rubbery skin, and the moment I saw her, I felt a mixture of revulsion and pity.

Original Artwork: “Femdom Siren’s Call” by Ashvalanor

But the boys?  They stared at her like they had lived underground and were seeing the sun for the first time.  Their mouths hung open, gazing at her adoringly, and she smiled.  But it was a joyless smile, cruel, almost.  She slipped forward in the water, slinging her bony arms over Eddie’s shoulders and leaning in to kiss him.  From where I was standing, I could see the way her tongue licked out.  Like her fingers, it was impossibly long.  Their tongues twisted together like snakes, a wet, writhing mass, and her fingers dug into Eddie’s skin as she made out with him.  Eddie was a strong swimmer but somehow she was pulling him down.  Maybe he was just forgetting to tread water; slowly, slowly, the two of them were sinking down into the water.  She pulled her lips off of his and he gasped for air, his lips already at the water line; he drew in some water and coughed, at the same time the woman put her mouth on her shoulder and bit him.

Eddie screamed.

“HEY!” I shouted.  Without thinking, I jumped into the water.  I had taken off my shoes, thank goodness, but I was still wearing a skirt and a top.  They were instantly waterlogged, and floated around me as I swam over to Eddie and Devin.  Fortunately, I had a major advantage: my boobs.  Call them my own personal flotation devices!  I was plenty buoyant and I had no trouble swimming, even with my clothes on.  The water was colder than it looked, but I barely even noticed, because of what I saw next.

The woman jerked away from Eddie, leaving a large, red bite mark on his shoulder.  She turned and saw me, and her face contorted into an ugly grimace.  Then she screamed, a banshee’s wail that vibrated through my skull and my teeth.  She dove, and I saw that she wasn’t a woman at all.

She flipped around, her bottom up, but there was no bottom to her, no legs.  Her waist tapered into silvery scales that matched the paleness of her hair, and her lower half was a long, powerful tail, ending in a fluke at least three feet long.  There were small fins on her tail, like streamers, streaked with flexible spines in a shocking, electric silvery blue.  The massive, powerful tail flipped up into the air, showering us with water droplets, and then vanished below the surface with an elegant dive. 

She was gone in an instant, leaving both of the boys blinking, Eddie still coughing up the water he’d swallowed.  I snagged him in my arms, worried he was going to go under again, and he put an arm around my neck.  For a swim team guy to need a lifeguard, well, you can imagine the state he was in.

“Was that… was that what I think it was?” I asked.

Devin blinked rapidly, like he was trying to clear his vision.  “I– I don’t know.  I thought I saw– but– huh?” he mumbled.  Eddie seemed too confused even to talk.

I kicked my legs in the water and powered us back to the shore, helping Eddie stagger from the water.  It was then I noticed that his speedo had vanished; he was butt-naked, and despite the bleeding bite mark on his shoulder, he was as hard as a rock.  Even if he had had the speedo, I don’t think it would have contained the impressive boner he was sporting!

“Uhh, Eddie…?” ventured Devin.  “What happened to your suit?”

Eddie looked down, his expression surprised.  Then he looked up at Devin, whose own speedo was straining against his own erection.  “She took it off,” he said.

“Who?” asked Devin.

Eddie blinked a few times, confused.  “…who?” he repeated, dazed.

“We should probably get you first aid.  This bite is deep,” I said firmly, examining Eddie’s shoulder.  It was, too; it looked like a normal human bite, but the teeth were sharper than any human’s, and had pierced the flesh deeply.  Maybe he was in shock.  Maybe that’s why he couldn’t remember what had happened.

The woman in the water was not human.  That much was obvious.

Like the fish, she was an unwilling refugee who had been dumped here by the storm.  And in a way, I felt sorry for her.  She was so thin, brittle, almost.  Now that she was gone, it was hard to remember how sinister her angular face was, or how haunting her song was.

Maybe she’d only bitten Eddie because he was in “her” water.  The pool must have been her whole world.  How scared she must be!

After I walked Eddie to the student health center (“Where are your clothes?” the nurse had deadpanned), I swung by the campus cafe to get some snacks, and then returned to the pool.  It was twilight, and no one was there because it was too cold.  Well… no one was there, except for me, and the lady in the water.

“Hello?” I called over the seemingly empty expanse of water.  “…hello?  It’s me.  My name is Geena.  …I’m sorry I scared you, but you bit my friend.  …look, I’ve brought you some food.  Are you hungry?  …come out, I want to help you.”

A sharp spring wind blew, and the water’s surface rippled, but no one appeared.  I splashed into the water, up to my ankles, still waving the cookies around, feeling a little silly.  Maybe I was losing it.  Mermaids were an old sailors’ tale, and they didn’t typically live in flooded college pools.

But I’d seen her.  She existed; the evidence was right there on Eddie’s shoulder.

“Hello?” I repeated.



The sound!  The song?  Whatever it was, it rose suddenly from the water, from all around me, that warbling wail of longing.  It would have been the envy of theramin players worldwide, that strange high-pitched noise.  It was wild and lonely, but not really beautiful.  It was as sharp and dangerous as the creature that made it, the creature I knew lived in the water.

But the song wasn’t for me.

While I’d been waving a bag of pretzels around like a madwoman, a freshman boy had come by the water, and the moment the song hit his ears, he walked into the water.  He didn’t splash or dive or wade, just walked, like he couldn’t even see the water.  He didn’t take off his shoes or his backpack, either.  By the time I noticed him, he was already waist-deep and sinking fast toward the middle, unblinking, his mouth hanging open.

And all the while that strange song: aaaa-AAAA-aaa…

“Hey!  …hey!  Stop!  Stop, you’re going to drown!” I cried.

He stopped. 

He stopped for just a split second, long enough to turn to me and answer.

“I don’t care.  …I love her.”  His voice was completely flat, devoid of any human emotion at all.  His eyes were dull and dead.  His body was there, but whatever force was supposed to be inside of it was long gone.

And then he kept walking, and the water swallowed him up.

I screamed and dove for him, but the water was so murky, and the weight of his backpack had sunk him like a stone.  I took a huge gulp of air and dove, again and again, my wet hair sticking to my face, my clothes slowing me down so that I felt like I was trying to swim in molasses.

After a few minutes of diving, over and over, I bobbed to the surface, gasping, searching desperately over the water for any sign of him.

I spotted a figure across the shore.  But it wasn’t him.  It was her.

She had dragged her body up into the shallows to lounge.  Her tail lolled out after her like a serpent’s, twisting at the end, the great fluke flapping softly to fan her body.  Her body was still impossibly thin, except for her stomach, which was rounded into a little pot belly.  Her mouth and teeth were red; she smiled at me, her eyes flicking up and down my body as I swam over to her.

“Where is he?” I demanded angrily.

She cocked her head and observed me.  A little sadly, I think.  I looked down at myself and I saw what she saw.  A plump, powerful, well-fed body.  One without any of her frailty.  Strong arms, healthy curves, rounded breasts and ample thighs.  A body that was meant to be here, unlike hers.

Was she dangerous?  Did she even understand that humans needed air?  I could see, now, on either side of her neck, there were three slits, gills that flapped wetly in and out.  But she was on land, now.  How long could she be out of the water?  I didn’t know.

“If you’re hungry, you could just ask me to bring you food.  Look, I brought you some snacks, there’s fruits, there’s candy–” I began.  I was still hoping the kid with the backpack had gotten away, somehow.  Maybe he’d gotten out of the water and I’d missed him…

It seemed unlikely.

She shook her hair out, the wet tendrils flinging water everywhere.  “Fruit?  Candy?  I want men.” 

Her voice was raspy and wet, its excitement sadistic.  She reached down to her tail, where her thighs would have met, if she’d had thighs.  Her fingers found a slit there, parting a small, tight opening in her silvery tail, and she pushed a few of her bony fingers into it with a pornographic moan.

I splashed back from her, dropping a plum into the water.  It bobbed on the surface.  The water roiled as fish swam up to snatch the food.  Was it just me, or were there less fish now than there had been a few days ago…?

I hurried out of the water while the siren continued to moan, eyes closed in ecstasy as she sunned herself on the shore and fingered herself.  Her fingers moved in and out of the slit in her tail, making a wet suctioning noise, but something about it was all wrong.  I knew somehow, instinctively, that she would never be pleased, that every one of her holes– her slit, and her mouth– would never be fully filled.  They were death traps, ones designed to lure in prey and then trap it.

I had to do something!

But what?  Who do you call when there’s a potentially deadly fish woman masturbating by a campus pool?

I didn’t have the answer, but I knew who would. 

“…Jazmin!” I cried as I burst into Madam’s Bookshoppe.  Jazmin had just been closing up for the night, and turning the sign in the front door over to “closed.”

She gaped at me in surprise.  I was soaking wet, still freezing.  My clothes clung to me, accentuating every curve, highlighting everything from the goosebumps on my arms to my hard nipples.  I was shivering but I barely noticed until Jazmin ran to grab a sweatshirt and put it over my shoulders.

“Geena!  You look half-drowned!  What’s going on?” asked Jazmin.

Jazmin is a tall, impressively beautiful woman with dark skin and deep eyes.  They were filled with concern as I stood there, dripping all over the floor and teeth chattering.

“The pool.  There’s a–”  I stopped.  What was I supposed to say?  A mermaid?  “–someone in trouble,” I said, finally.  “A kid went in, with his backpack, and I tried to get him out, but I couldn’t find–”

“Geena, slow down,” commanded Jazmin.  Her voice was so full of authority that I felt compelled to listen.  “Is this about the disappearances on campus lately?”

“The… disappearances?”

“The boys.  You haven’t heard?  Three from the freshman dorms.  So far,” said Jazmin grimly.

Boys.  All boys.

I thought of the terrible, alluring song that emanated from the water.  I thought of the way the siren had pulled herself from the water and stretched out to rub her pussy, spreading her slit teasingly with her fingers, a deadly temptation for any man who passed by.

I thought of the siren’s red-rimmed mouth and I shivered, but this time, it wasn’t from the cold.

“The pool.  They’re all in the pool,” I said.  “There’s a–” I hesitated.

Jazmin’s eyes were gentle.  “Spit it out,” she said.

“–it’s a– creature.  It looks like a woman.  It bit Eric.  It– she– it draws them in, and then it–”

Jazmin nodded.  She didn’t look at me like I was crazy.  She just nodded.  “Yes.  I thought there might be something happening.  …yesterday someone else came in here saying they’d seen a dolphin, and the day before that, someone bought every single book of old folktales and sea lore we had.  It’s a siren, isn’t it?”

A siren!  “Yes.  Yes, it’s– I saw her, Jazmin.  All of her.  She’s all silver, like a skeleton, with sharp teeth, and a long tail, and–”

“And an appetite.  They’re never satisfied.  They want men, but they can never get enough, no matter how many they call to them,” said Jazmin.  She smiled then, flashing the cute gap between her front teeth at me.  “You’re surprised I know about them?  Geena, the world is a more magical place than you could even dream of.  …we have to get her out of that pool.  She’ll lure every man on campus to her if she isn’t stopped.”

“But how do we stop her?” I asked.  “…use a big net?”

Jazmin laughed.  “Yes.  More or less.  Of course, we’ll need bait…”


I already knew what Jazmin meant.  Pretzels and plums weren’t going to cut it.

If we wanted to capture the siren, then there was only one kind of bait that would work.  The thing she wanted most of all.

A man.

“Whoever we use should be a good swimmer.  Just in case she tries to pull him down,” said Jazmin.  “Probably best if we didn’t use one of the State guys, either.  Just in case…”

I knew what she meant by “just in case,” and it chilled me to the bone.  But if we didn’t stop the mermaid, she would keep picking off boys until there were none left.  We had to take the risk.

“…there’s a group of high school juniors who are visiting campus right now.  Prospective students.  Touring dorms, checking out the facilities, that sort of thing.  One of them I met down at the food hall mentioned he was hoping for a swim scholarship,” I said.  “I’m guessing he’s a strong swimmer.  And he’s not technically registered as a student here… yet.”

“What’s his name?” asked Jazmin, crossing her arms.

“…Kyle,” I said.  “His name is Kyle.”

The relief I felt that Jazmin believed me was immense.  Jazmin not only believed me, but understood that time was of the essence.  She instructed me to go find Kyle and bring him to the pool.  She, on the other hand, was going to get some supplies.  I didn’t ask what kind of supplies.  I just trusted she knew what she was doing.  You can usually trust people who work in bookshops.

Kyle was easy to find; he was hanging out at the student center.  I had crossed paths with Kyle twice, once at the student rec center and once at the cafe.  He was a friendly guy, confident and casual.  I liked him well enough.  But it was weird to try to convince him to come down to the pool with me, since we didn’t really know each other and it was already past dark.

“Why do you want me to come to the pool again?” asked Kyle, eyes narrowing.

“Because… well, you’re going to be on the swim team, if you decide to come here.  You should… know where the pool is,” I said.

“It’s that giant lake in the middle of campus.  You can’t miss it.”

I gave him my best pleading look.  Sometimes, body language is more important than words are.  Kyle studied my face, then nodded.  “Okay, okay, I’ll come with you and you can show me whatever you want.  God, Geena, you’re way too good at that!”

“At what?” I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes at him.

I led Kyle across the dark campus lawn toward the pool.  The moon was out, and it reflected on the water like a mirror.  I saw Jazmin’s dark silhouette standing by the water.  She had a bag with her; sticking out of it, I could see netting, as well as… a whip?

“So this is Kyle?” asked Jazmin.

“Who’re you?” asked Kyle.

“Think of me as a pool cleaner tonight,” said Jazmin, flashing him a smile.  “We’ve got a minor situation we need your help with.  It’s for the benefit of the swim team, and Geena tells me you’re a promising young athlete.”

Kyle flexed his arms a little bit.  “Well, yeah, I’m kind of a good swimmer,” he said, sounding flattered already.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the surface of the water ripple.  A head emerged, but only up to the eyes.  They glowed in the dark, like a cat’s.  Long, silver hair fanned out from the head, waving slowly in the water like seaweed, almost the same color, but a thicker texture, like it, too, wanted to entrap anything that came across it.

Everything about the siren was predatory.  Like a shark or a killer whale, she was a creature of the sea that existed at the top of the food chain.

The moment she spotted Kyle, her mouth opened, and her song began.

Despite her mouth being underwater, the sound filled the air, the ghostly, wobbly aaaa-AAAA-aaa call that men seemed to find so irresistible.  Kyle’s eyes immediately glazed over and he turned toward the water.

“Not so fast, young man.  We need you to stay focused,” said Jazmin, grabbing Kyle’s shoulders.

“I need to go to her,” said Kyle in a flat, distant voice, trying to push Jazmin away.

Jazmin pressed her front against Kyle’s back and put her arm across his chest, barring the way forward.  Her hand reached down to his crotch, where I could see his cock stirring, awakened by the siren’s song.  From the waistband of his pants, Jazmin pulled out his shaft.  She cuffed it expertly, pumping his already-full erection in her grip.  Taunting the siren with the meat she wanted so desperately.

Even from the shore, I could see the cold fury in the siren’s eyes as she stared with desperate longing at Kyle’s boner.  I could practically feel her cold, animalistic hunger.  She slipped through the water, toward us, her song rising in volume and pitch.  It was cold and ancient and evil; I could see that Jazmin hated it as much as I did.  But to Kyle, it was like a spell, and he struggled in Jazmin’s grip, trying to go to the siren.

In the water, the siren twisted onto her back, arching.  Her body was even more skeletal than I remembered, and I could see that the fluke of her tail was in tatters.  She pushed out the base of her tail, presenting her slit to Kyle, reaching down to rub at it furiously.  An invitation.

Kyle moaned with desperation, struggling with Jazmin as he tried to fling himself toward a watery grave.

“Geena.  Get the whip.  The pain will help him stay grounded.  If he gets too enthralled, we’ll lose him!” instructed Jazmin.

I plunged my hand into the bag and pulled out the whip for Jazmin.

“Hold him!” she instructed.

Kyle was taller than me, but I was strong and I planted myself into the ground.  The mud sucked at my feet, anchoring me as I leaned into him.  He pushed back against me, squishing himself against my body as if he could just pass through it and go into his watery grave.  But I held him firmly, and Jazmin uncoiled the whip with a flick of her wrist and then brought it down against Kyle’s back.

The crack was sharp enough that, even through his shirt, it probably left a mark.  Kyle yelped, and for a moment, the light in his eyes came back.

“What the hell?  Are you whipping me?  Why is my dick out?  What’s going on?  What kind of crazy school is this, anyway?” asked Kyle.  He didn’t seem too upset; I don’t think a lot of guys would be!  But he was definitely confused, as if he couldn’t even remember coming to the water or hearing the song in the first place.


Kyle’s questions died on his lips and he resumed his struggle against me.  I held him fast, and Jazmin snapped the whip across him, again and again.  His body jerked against mine, his erection pressing against my thigh, his body buffeting against mine.  I maintained my stance, holding him as Jazmin shocked him into lucidity.

The siren was furious; her song got shriller and louder, more sinister.  She rolled in the water, gliding back and forth, her powerful tail pushing her silently through the dark and dangerous water.  I could hear her getting closer, circling toward us, desperate for her next meal.  Jazmin was silent but just as furious, her blows concentrated and devastatingly powerful.  Seduced by the song and the whipping, Kyle was a melting mess of pleasure, whimpering, his cock leaking against my leg.

It was too much for the siren.  She wanted what we were keeping from her.  She slithered through the water, her tail waving back and forth, pushing herself into the shallow water.

“NOW!” shouted Jazmin.

I don’t know how I knew what she wanted, but I did.  I yanked back from Kyle.  He had been leaning into me so much that the moment I pulled away, he fell forward into the water, splashing down into it with an inelegant belly-flop.

The siren lunged for him; she snapped her razor-sharp teeth down on the nearest part of him, his ankle, intent on dragging him down into the depths.  The pain must have been incredible; the moment she locked onto him, Kyle twisted and shrieked, his body overwhelmed with the shock of cold and pain and wet. His pants were half-down and he came, ropes of ejaculate hitting the water and the siren’s hair.  Her eyes rolled up in a perverse demonstration of pleasure, at the same time that Jazmin flung out the net over her, entangling her.

The siren screamed in fury, her mouth leaving Kyle’s ankle.  I swooped down to grab Kyle’s arms and pull him away from her as she thrashed against the net.  Her tail batted at the mesh madly, twisting it even further around her, and Jazmin grabbed the edge of it, yanking her body up and out of the water.

Her strange tune was no longer a song but an ear-splitting scream, like the sound of a violin played by someone who didn’t know how.  Kyle clamped his hands over his ears, scrambling to get away, his cock still hanging out of his pants, which would have been funny if Jazmin and I weren’t trying to get a good grip on the net.

The siren struggled against her binds for at least twenty minutes.  I kept expecting people to come to the pool, drawn by the sound, but the cries of distress from the captured mermaid were like the opposite of her song.  They repelled instead of attracted, and everyone stayed far, far away from the pool that night.  Kyle stumbled off into the night, but I couldn’t chase him; I had to help Jazmin as she pulled ropes from her bag, tying up the siren, bundling her into the net until she was completely bound.  She wriggled like a caught fish, her angry eyes bulging, her mouth snapping at us.  She said nothing, just giving the occasional, indignant shriek.

Jazmin pulled one of the edges of the net over her shoulder and began to drag the slippery bundle behind her.

“Where are you taking her?” I asked.

“Madam X will know what to do with her,” said Jazmin.  “Don’t worry.  We have a tank in the basement.  We’ll be able to keep her safely, until we find a place to release her that’s far, far away from any unsuspecting humans.  …Geena, I couldn’t have done this without your help.  You were incredible tonight.”

“All I did was hold onto Kyle,” I said.  “You were the one who kept him grounded until the siren came for him.”

“…yes, he performed well.  He’s an interesting boy, isn’t he?  Any Domme on campus would be lucky to have him; mark my words, if he gets that scholarship and ends coming to State, he’ll end up with a unique contract by the end of his freshman year.”  She shrugged her shoulder up, adjusting the edge of the net and tightening her grip.

“Let me help,” I offered.  And so, Jazmin and I lugged our strange, magical catch away from the pool, leaving the water peaceful once more.

Later that year, once the water was drained, the swim center was built up around it, to ensure that it would never again turn into a hazard if there was any inclement weather.  But no one would ever believe that the danger wasn’t the weather itself… but the creature that it had dredged up from the depths.

I finished my story, my audience staring at me in silence.

Of course, Kyle was the first to speak.

“Great story, Geena, but I think I would remember if I’d been almost kidnapped by a mermaid!” he exclaimed with a small snort of disbelief.

“Yeah, that’s a pretty tall tale.  A whale of a tale,” said Rachel, with a slightly patronizing grin. 

“You can ask Jazmin,” I said with a shrug.

“We don’t need to ask anyone.  If I’d actually met a mermaid, I would remember, no matter how magically hypnotic her song was,” said Kyle stubbornly.  “Besides, wouldn’t I have the scar?”  He pulled up his pant leg and pointed to his ankle.

Everyone stared.  There, a faint white scar gleamed.  An almost-human bite mark.

Kyle paled and quickly pushed his pant leg back down.  But we had all seen it.

I smiled.  “The world,” I said, “is a more magical place than any of you could even dream of.”

– The End –

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