Being a Male Model for Art Class

Everyone within one hundred and eighty degrees of me was able to see my erect penis. Silence fell, and my eyes soon went back to Geena’s, her wide grin letting me know she was enjoying my discomfort.
This Story Includes: cfnm | exposed | pegging

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Written By Mike

A freshman at the State University, Mike is head over heels in love with Geena, and thoroughly enjoys their sessions where she's in control. He is powerless to refuse her anything she wants! ... Read Full Author Bio

Soft beams of moonlight filtered through the leaves overhead, the steady crunching of two pairs of footsteps on the gravel path punctuating the otherwise silent night. We walked, talking quietly as we made our way around the campus path, the area deserted at this time of night apart from the scurrying of small animals hiding in the towering oak trees overhanging the path.

“A special art project, huh,” I ruminated, my hand interwoven with Geena’s. She looked up at me, grinning as her teeth sparkled in the moonlight, her dark hair flowing like the shadows themselves as if she was the goddess of the night. My goddess.

“Yup. Don’t worry, it’ll be fun!” She assured me, giving my hand a squeeze as we began to approach the School of Art building, set off to one side of the campus. I sighed, a nervous smile crossing my face. I knew Geena well enough to know when she was plotting something, and undoubtedly, she hadn’t asked me to escort her to art club for any mundane reason.

“I’m sure it’ll be interesting.” I chuckled. As we walked, I pondered the various things Geena might have us do. There was a pottery making section, perhaps she’d made a porcelain dildo she intended to use on me. Perhaps she wanted to tie me up, then paint me in that revealing position as a memento of her dominance. I would see in time, I supposed.

It was an odd state of mind, imagining the various demeaning things a person had in mind for you, and both dreading and anticipating them in equal measures. That was the nature of this kind of relationship, I supposed. It was pure excitement, terrifying in how unknown and fresh every new day we spent together was.

The path ended at a low, wide building with an odd, geometrically undulating roof. Yeah, it was exactly the kind of architecture I’d expect from a School of Art, eccentric to the point of impracticality. We finally arrived at the building, the glass panel in the front door glowing to reveal the lights within. It was strange, I thought. Why would the lights already be on? Perhaps other people were using the building at this time of the night, though I had assumed we would have the place to ourselves.

We entered, warm air hitting us as we escaped the chilly night and began to make our way down the corridors of the squat building. Paintings and drawings of various quality and composition lined the walls. Some were oddly erotic for a campus setting, but I supposed that when it was under the guise of ‘art’ you could get away with anything. My earlier suspicions that we would not be alone were confirmed as we approached a room labelled the ‘painting studio,’ the sound of muffled voices reaching my ears from beyond the room’s heavy doors.

Geena led the way, pushing open the doors confidently and strutting in as I trailed behind her. The room fell quiet as we entered after a chorus of “Hi Geena!” came from the room’s occupants. My eyes swept the room, my brow furrowing in confusion. After a quick head count, I realised a dozen people were in the room, arranged in a loose circle around a central table. The various artists, all of whom were female, I realised, sat on stools – sketchbooks and pencils ready at hand. But what were they drawing? The table? There was nothing on it. Geena clapped her hands, turning to me with another dazzling grin.

“Alright, Mike! Go sit on the table.” She gestured to it. I raised an eyebrow before I came to the realisation of what was happening.

“Oh! I see, that’s why you brought me here. You need someone to draw, fair enough.” I smiled at my girlfriend as I moved toward the table. “I’m glad to know you think I’m model quality!”

Technically I was right, she had brought me there to be sketched. I had no idea of her true intentions at the time.

“Oh definitely, you’ll be an excellent model for us tonight.” She nodded, her smile only growing wider. I hoisted myself onto the table and sat there, legs dangling off the edge, looking around at the assembled women. None of them could even come close to Geena, they looked like little girls compared to her. Still, the attention of so many women in one place made me a little self-conscious.

Geena clapped her hands once more, drawing the room’s attention.

“Alright everyone! You have two minutes to sketch him, go!”

At her command, the large room filled with the sound of pencils scratching at paper. The various girls looked back and forth between me and their sketchpads, their eyes moving as rapidly as their hands. I sat there, trying not to move too much. I occupied those couple minutes by admiring the sight of Geena as she simply stood at the edge of the circle in front of me. The black dress she wore clung to her curves, her chest bulging against its constraints as the materials struggled to contain her glorious assets. Whenever she shifted her stance, the material around her hips clung even tighter, highlighting her amazingly thick thighs, teasing me with every movement of the fabric. A slight blush crossed my face and my eyes darted back to hers as I realised that getting a boner would not be ideal when I had so many people looking closely at me.

Geena clapped her hands again.

“Alright, Mike honey, take off your shirt.” The way she said it was more command than request, and without thinking about it my chest was bared within seconds. She gave the order, and the girls began to sketch me once more.

Now, you may have an idea of where this was going. I did not.

“Perfect, alright this time take off your jeans.” She commanded. I hesitated, eyes darting around the various girls. They eyed me eagerly as a swell of nervousness washed over me like a wave breaking against a dry shore. Slowly, I removed my jeans, setting them on the table beside me.

Now clad in only my boxers, I felt really self-conscious as Geena set the girls to sketching me once more. This time, I stared only at the clock by the entrance. If I got a boner now, everyone really would be able to see it.

The two minutes passed. This time, a devious, hungry look overtook Geena’s face as her eyes trailed over my body. “Alright Mike, take off your boxers.”

I froze. Over two dozen eyes stared at me voraciously as I gulped, my face turning redder than a tomato. Suddenly, I felt like a mouse in a den of snakes, trapped as my predators encircled me. My tongue caught in my throat, my instincts screaming at me as every muscle froze in tension. After several long seconds, Geena snapped her fingers, my eyes getting drawn away from the menacing circle of artists and back to hers. She looked warmly at me, nodding as her hungry smile turned softer, more encouraging. A surge of heat swelled up in my chest and I found myself smiling back.

Slowly, I removed my boxers, sliding them down my legs and onto the wooden floor. I let my eyes stay locked with Geena’s, nervously trying to ignore the lustful gazes that surrounded me. Her gaze was the only one that mattered, her happy expression as I acquiesced was enough to make it all worthwhile.

Original Artwork by arrillaga

Another two minutes began, and as the sketching renewed with vigour, I couldn’t help but react to the attention of so many people, especially with several girls and Geena herself in front of me having full vision of my cock. Embarrassment overwhelmed me at its current size, the feeling only intensifying as a fear boner began to rise. Three of the girls in front of me in the circle stopped sketching, simply staring with rapt attention at my hardening cock. This in turn only made it continue to rise, and I stared mortified at the ceiling.

Everyone within one hundred and eighty degrees of me was able to see my erect penis. Silence fell, and my eyes soon went back to Geena’s, her wide grin letting me know she was enjoying my discomfort.

“Excited, Mike? Perfect. Get up on the table, on your hands and knees. Point your ass this way.” Her firm voice left no room for misinterpretation. Slowly, wincing in embarrassment, I crawled up onto the table, shifting around so my ass faced Geena. The eyes of so many people watching me, on my hands and knees like a dog, made my mind quake. Not just from the anxiety of so many people seeing me like this, but from fear of what would come next.

As the next couple minutes passed with only the sound of pencil on paper, my tension grew with every scratch of the lead. Christ, what were they going to do with these sketches after this? Hopefully they were terrible, and nobody could draw my face with enough clarity for these to be considered genuine.

Over a hundred seconds ticked by and Geena clapped, drawing the room’s attention. I heard her walk up behind me as she spoke to the room, her voice taking on the tone of a lecturer’s.

“We’re focusing on facial expressions this time, everyone! Get ready.” She declared. The girls who were behind me picked up their stools, moving round to turn the circle into a semi-circle. I failed to meet any of their gazes, embarrassed as I was, and wondered if Geena was going to start throwing instructions for expressions at me.

My expectations were completely subverted when from behind me, one of her hands suddenly gripped my hanging testicles, squeezing them with just enough force to make me splutter and gasp. My eyes wide, I gasped and spluttered as she squeezed and twisted, applying just enough pressure to make me writhe without the pain feeling damaging.

My face morphed more, into confusion, shock and pleasure as her other hand explored my flesh, first grabbing my ass-cheeks, then gently fingering my hole. I felt her finger wiggle its way into me, my muscles tightening around it every time she squeezed or pulled down below. As the two minutes drew to a close, her hand had moved around to begin jerking me off, bringing me almost to the edge as the pleasure built before she abruptly stopped.

When the time elapsed, and the room fell quiet once more, I was left panting on my hand and knees as my balls ached, The pain quickly faded, a testament to Geena’s precision and restraint. My various spectators shuffled around once more, manoeuvring back into a full circle. I listened with equal parts dread and excitement for Geena’s next instructions, one part of me mortified by the situation while a larger portion of me revelled in the strange, exotic pleasure of this scenario. I heard Geena walking towards me, the sound of her heels clacking against the wood floor. I braced myself for her order. What I didn’t brace myself for was the eight inch strap-on I suddenly had ploughed inside me.

“Two minutes! Get sketching!” She declared, the shocked and excited eyes of the dozen girls reluctantly moving to their sketchpads. Looking back at it, I’m not sure how she expected them to draw me when she didn’t stay still, slowly at first though quickly picking up speed, thrusting back and forth into me. I gasped and moaned; rock hard as I felt her hips slam against my ass. Her hand raised and fell like a whip, the fleshy crack of her spanking me reverberating through the room, drawing every eye away from their paper for a moment. I yelped, eyes wide as my mind struggled to process the situation. In front of all these people? This was pretty extreme, even for Geena. One her hands wove through my short hair, grabbing it and pulling my head back, my spine arching as she slammed into me relentlessly. My eyes crossed with the overwhelming stimulation, a turbulent mix of embarrassment and pleasure at war in my mind.

One hundred and twenty seconds passed. Gasping and moaning, I didn’t even react as Geena grabbed my thighs and pulled them to the side, rolling me over onto my back. Geena stooped over for a second to pluck her black bag up from beside the table, routing around in it for a second before retrieving a strange metal box with wires and metal clamps. It looked like a radio or a record player, but what were the clamps for, I wondered? My question soon answered as Geena leaned forward, entering me once more with her strap-on as she did so, and affixed the metal clips to my nipples. They hurt, not too bad but certainly uncomfortable, at least. Still a backdrop to the overwhelming sensations happening inside me.

She clapped her hands to begin the timer, thrusting into me once more. This time, she reached for the strange device and began to fiddle with the knobs. I had no time to wonder its purpose before it began, the clamps on my nipples simply seeming to vibrate at first before the pain began, jolting, shocking, raw lances of lightning-hot sensation shearing through me. Anywhere else, it would just be painful. But on my nipples? My brain struggled to decide if each shock was a punishment or treat, a reward or an attack. Overwhelming.

“You like it hun? I had one of the boys in the engineering class make it for me, pretty cool, huh?” She giggled, speaking softly to me as she roughly pounded my ass, clearly trying to compete with the intensity of the device. I could barely hear her through the sensations, my mind fully occupied. I could no longer spare even an errant thought towards all the girls watching me, and began to moan and yelp in pleasure and pain with each jolt. The alternating joy and pain, coupled with Geena’s persistent force in my ass made me quake and writhe, every muscle in my body clenching and straining in both protest and celebration.

Suddenly, I was left dry, a man at sea now dumped in the desert. Geena pulled out of me, the electric current ceased, and I was left to pant and whimper as I caught up to the present. Shakily, my eyes eventually found their way to Geena, standing arms crossed between my legs. She smiled coyly and gestured down at my body.

“You almost made a mess of my new toy Mike! Clean up after yourself, at least.” She grinned. Fatigued, my eyes fell to my chest and saw a trail of my white, sticky fluid leading up my stomach and chest. I hadn’t even realised I’d cummed, it must have just been part of the cocktail of sensations. Geena snapped her fingers and pointed at me. “Eat up.”

This was not one of my favorite things to do, and Geena knew that. In our time together, forcing me to eat my cum was usually reserved as a special punishment.  That night, I could tell it was simply Geena’s final humiliation for me in this bizarre experience. Of course I complied.

Slowly, I reached a hand up to trail my fingers through the fluid, the white substance sticking to my fingers as I lowered it into my mouth, the realisation of my audience hitting me full force once again, though with slightly less impact. To be fair, they’d already seen me get used by Geena like a sex toy, this was about on par with everything they’d witnessed tonight. As my tongue lapped up the sticky white semen from my fingers, a thought came to me that made me almost giggle. At least, I realised, I had been making an effort to eat more fruit recently. I made sure my cum would taste far better if Geena had me do this again.

“Alright, well I hope you all enjoyed the show! Just don’t go getting any ideas, he’s mine.” Geena declared, her gaze challenging as she swept it across the assembled girls. “However, Mike and I can be available for a private sessions, for a fee. See me later if you’re interested in booking us!”

They murmured and nodded, gathering their belongings and heading for the door. When the last one left, the room was left suddenly quiet. Geena smiled at me, sitting on the table beside my prone form. She packed away her toys in her black bag of wonders and nightmares as I panted and caught my breath, recovering from the sheer intensity of the night’s activities.

“Enjoy that?” She asked. It was so casual it made me smile at the absurdity of it, she said that as normally as if I’d just ate a sandwich she made and she wanted feedback. Not that she needed to ask for feedback, Geena knew how to make one hell of a sandwich, she was a demon in the kitchen. And in the bed. In general, really, though certainly an angel too.

“W-well yeah,” I admitted, because despite the absurdity of the situation I had rather enjoyed it. That device especially, though as I thought more about it I realised it held a strange place in my mind now. A tantalising mix of dread and anticipation. “But Geena, that was so many people! And they made drawings of me! What if that gets out?”

“Oh don’t worry. Why do you think I only gave them 2-minutes at a time? Besides, none of them are very good!” She chirped. I stared, dumbfounded for several seconds. A laugh bubbled out of my chest, eventually erupting into uproarious laughter, my body rolling slightly on the table as I shook and hollered. I came to a stop and my eyes met Geena’s, her smile matching my own.

“Why do I ever doubt you?”



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