“Shit,” I murmur, pulling the pizza stone out of the oven. I had forgotten about the tiny hole in the tip of the oven mitt, and I quickly plunk the stone down on the counter so I can nurse my burnt finger. I cram it in my mouth just as Geena saunters into the kitchen, a turquoise wrap dress accentuating her curvy form and bare legs. She bustles over and takes my injured hand, looking my finger over.
“You poor thing,” she coos. It should sound condescending, but not coming from Geena. I relax in her hands as she places the softest kiss on the injury, which is really nothing more than a red patch. What can I say? I have a flair for the dramatic.
“Does it hurt? Do you need a bandage?” Geena asks, genuine concern in her eyes. Geena, for as unforgiving as she can be in the bedroom, is a nurturing woman with the biggest heart I have ever come across. There’s a reason I debase myself constantly with her. She’s worth it all.
“I think I’m okay now that you’re here,” I respond, leaning down to kiss her cheek. She gives my hand a last once over before letting me go, bustling around me to check on the pizza I had just taken out.
Geena was an amazing cook, and she had proofed the pizza dough herself. It made a visible difference. The crust was golden brown crispy, and the freshly grated cheese was bubbling. She quickly brushed the crust with some garlic butter and took a few steps back to observe her masterpiece.
“You think they’ll like it?” She asks me, prompting a laugh.

“Geena, it’s pizza. You could have found it on the sidewalk and they still would have eaten it. Everyone loves pizza, and you’ve clearly mastered the highest form of pizza making.”
“Awesome!” She beams, wisely donning two oven mitts and carrying the pizza to the living room, depositing it on the coffee table.
The apartment was a little small for a dining table, but it was a casual dinner, anyway. Geena had invited her best friend Rachel over so we could finally meet, and Rachel had asked to bring a plus one. Geena was never usually nervous, but from what I understand, her and I becoming a steady couple was big news, so she wanted a formal introduction between Rachel and me.
Geena runs her hands down her dress a few times to smooth it out and comes over to fiddle with the collar of my polo before taking a deep breath and turning to me. “I think we’re ready.”
She gets out four wine glasses and a bottle of cheap red, pouring two and handing one to me. I’ve just leaned against the counter to sip my wine when there is a knock at the door, and Geena jumps up, nearly running over to answer it.
On the other side of the door is one of the tallest women I had ever seen, flanked by legitimately the tallest man I had ever laid eyes on. Geena and Rachel squeal, hugging each other before Geena ushers the two guests inside.
Rachel is taller than Geena, with a similarly full figure and a short, blond bob with the tips colored pink. Her mauve shirt is intentionally too large, hanging off of and exposing one shoulder, and she’s paired it with a miniskirt. Her energy commands the room, even more so than Geena when she is at her most domineering. Rachel apparently didn’t save her powerful presence for behind closed doors; instead, she carried it with her wherever she went. For some reason, it made me nervous, so I turn to look at her male counterpart.

Geena introduces the man as Oz, and I recognize him from the football team. I’m not a small guy, but Oz is enormous, towering over everyone in the room. I can see a gold hoop in one of his ears and his dark hair is shaven, short, complementing his angular jaw. He’s wearing a henley with the sleeves rolled up and dark jeans, but instead of the downright scary energy rolling off Rachel, Oz radiated light-hearted humor. The olive color of his shirt brings out the warm tone in his dark skin, and it strikes me what a handsome man he is. He shakes my hand with gusto, giving me a firm slap on the shoulder and congratulating me for landing Geena.
“We know Rachel will never settle down, but it seems to suit our Geena here, being with you,” Oz commented in his booming voice.
“I’ll settle down eventually when I find the right man!” Rachel protested.
“Wrong. I’m always the right man, and if you didn’t settle for me, you won’t settle for anyone. I’m the best of the best, baby,” Oz quipped. Everyone, Rachel included, laughed, and we took our seats around Geena’s battered sectional, digging into the pizza.
Oz and I hit it off, and the conversation flows naturally. Rachel and Geena sit hip-to-hip, joining in on our conversation while also having a whispered one of their own. We’ve polished off the first bottle of wine and have opened another after dinner, cleaning up the meal and getting cozy while we get to know each other. Rachel scoots closer to Oz, and he automatically loops an arm around her, pulling her in.
“So you two aren’t together?” I ask, the wine loosening my tongue.
“Not anymore,” Oz answers. “We hooked up right when Rachel was starting to explore her dominatrix thing. Most women are intimidated by me, so having this one here calling all the shots was really appealing.”
“He was my first sub,” Rachel said warmly, looking up at him.
Uh-oh, I think, looking at Geena. The mention of bedroom-talk might mark an uncomfortable turn in the conversation, and I can’t tell if she’s in on it or not. Geena gives me a wink.
“Uh, cool.” I respond awkwardly.
Rachel waves my response off. “Don’t be such a stick in the mud, Mike. Remember, I watched Geena fuck you from outside your dorm window, and I know you liked it. And Oz has already seen you naked.”
Taken aback, I snap my head in Geena’s direction again. She has a guilty smile on her face, like a cat caught in the cream. “Ah, I forgot to tell you, honey. Oz may have seen you during the party that I threw…”

The memory is mortifying, and I hate having it here in front of these two people I’ve never met before. Well, never formally met. I avoid their gaze and take a long drink, draining my wine glass and sitting it aside with a ‘clink’. I realize the room is silent, waiting for my reply.
“Yeah, that kind of sucked, not going to lie.” I force out.
“If it helps, I wasn’t rough with you,” Oz offers, but the mood is still weird. I clear my throat, but before I can comment Rachel speaks up and makes the mood all the weirder.
“Speaking of being rough, Geena, how did you like the gift I gave you?”
To my surprise, Geena coughs and blushes furiously. It takes a lot to make Geena blush, and it gives me a bad feeling. It was slowly dawning on me we weren’t going to get out of the sex talk, and it was probably going to progress farther than talk any minute. I pour myself another glass.
“Well, maybe I should say, did you AND Mike like it?” Rachel continues.
Geena looks slightly apologetic as she turns to me. “Ha, so, funny story. So Wendy helped Rachel make a copy-cock of Oz, just like the one we made of you. And, well, the strap on we’ve been using… might be a mold of Oz’s dick. Isn’t that funny?”
My stomach drops out, and my face is burning. I rub the bridge of my nose, stalling, before finally grumbling. “Not really, no.”
“Wait a second, that’s fucked up!” Oz exclaims, and it’s impossible for me to tell if he’s messing around or not. “Rachel, you never said you were giving away those molds. Technically, it’s my property, so are you two going to give it back or not?” He looks pointedly at me and Geena, and she shrugs.
“I don’t really think you want…” Geena begins, but Oz cuts her off.
“Unless you can show me you’re using it correctly, that is.” He pulls Rachel a little closer. She’s wearing an almost cruel smile as she makes herself comfortable against his enormous body. “How about a demonstration?” Oz concludes.
“No.” I say immediately, but Geena has other ideas.

With a somewhat resigned sigh, she sets her wineglass down and stretches her arms above her head. “Fine. But we aren’t getting completely undressed. This was supposed to be a normal dinner party, you two,” she shakes a finger at Rachel and Oz.
“That’s fine,” Rachel purrs. “Sometimes it’s hotter with the clothes on.”
Geena rolls her eyes and heads to the back bedroom. My head is buzzing from the wine and the conversation happening without even consulting me. I’ve gotten used to being Geena’s sub, but the way she can just change from my normal girlfriend to my sexual conqueror. I hide my face in my hands and groan, feeling insanely uncomfortable in the room alone with Rachel and Oz.
“Buck up, buddy. We’ve all been there, eh Rachel?” Oz comments, reaching across the couch to pat me on the knee a few times. Rachel cackles.
Geena comes back, the strap on already fastened on, bouncing between the panels of her parted dress as she walks. If I wasn’t currently crying inside, it would have looked comical. She piled her curls on top of her head out of the way, and she motions to the floor in front of the couch. “Let’s get this over with. Mike? Pants down and on your hands and knees, please.”
“Please?” Rachel gripes, but Geena shoots her a look.
“Just because you refuse to be nice doesn’t mean I can’t. Mike deserves to be treated gently when he listens so well, right, baby?”
I consider not answering as I move to my knees on the floor, undoing my belt, but this isn’t private time between Geena and me. I’ve got to play by the rules or risk being punished. “Yes, Miss.”
“Good.” She comes up behind me and loops her arms around me, kissing the back of my neck a few times and stroking my bare ass once my pants are down. My cock could not be softer at the moment, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Oz running his knuckles up and down Rachel’s arms as they watched Geena and I, looking like they were watching a movie instead of a live sex scene.
Geena eventually pushes my back gently and I go to my hands and knees. She had brought a small bottle of lube in with her and I feel her dribble down my crack while also lubing up the strap on. I’m suddenly reminded that Oz is watching me be fucked by a facsimile of his own dick, and I groan, letting my head hang low. I just know that my face is beet red, and it’s all I can do to focus on the carpet and hold still as I feel the tip of the dildo part my cheeks.
To her credit, Geena is slow, and she murmurs sweetly to me as she works the cock inside of my hole, but my whole body is so tense that I’m hissing between my teeth the whole time, miserable. Geena finally seats in fully in me, and the burning in my ass is terrible, but Geena takes her time letting me adjust.

My eyes are still squeezed shut, trying to ignore where we are, but I can still hear Rachel and Oz talking to each other over the blood rushing in my ears. I relax by increments, and when Geena decides it’s enough, she starts to move.
It’s always an out-of-body experience when Geena fucks me. I can hear my grunts and moans, and I knew I would be able to see the sweat beading on her forehead if I dared to look behind me, but my mind has left me and seems to float above the two of us. When she bottoms out in me, I can almost forget that two people I barely know are watching, and the minutes pass while something hot and molten seems to pool inside of me from Geena’s ministrations.
“Make him come, Geena. We want to see how much he likes Oz’s cock.” Rachel’s voice is low and rough.
“To your elbows, Mike, and since you’ve taken Oz’s cock so beautifully, I’m going to let you touch yourself, okay?” Geena tells me, reaching out a hand and pressing it between my shoulder blades.
I relent, falling to my elbows and gripping myself. I’m semi-hard, my alcohol-infused brain happy to forget our observers as I stroke myself to full hardness. Geena cants her hips, hitting that secret spot inside of me, and I moan, unabashed, as I feel my orgasm mounting.
Geena clamps her hands on my hips, feeling the quivering of my body, and I hear her make a satisfied noise in her throat. “Come for me,” she murmurs, for me only, and I’m all too happy to obey her.
I come all over my hand and the carpet, knees feeling weak as I sink lower to the ground, Geena following me down, not stopping until I’ve emptied myself fully. I hate the desperate sound that comes out of me when she pulls out, but I can’t help it. She makes me desperate.
Geena comes around to the front of me and pulls me to my knees again. I’m significantly taller than her sitting like this, and she has to rise up high to kiss me, her hands stroking my face before pulling away. “You did amazing. Why don’t you go get cleaned up, love?”
“Yeah, Mike. You made a mess of Geena’s carpet,” Rachel sneers. “Make him lick it up!” I can see Geena’s jaw tighten, but she lets the quip go, helping me pull my jeans back up and patting my cheek again before sending me to the bathroom. To my humiliation, I catch Oz’s eye and he gives me a quick wink as I depart.
In the bathroom, I splash some cold water on my face and examine my flushed expression. I can hear Geena and our guests chatting back in the living room, and I sigh, rubbing my face vigorously with my hands.
This woman is going to be the death of me.
Steeling myself, I exit the bathroom, stopping by the kitchen to pour myself a quick shot of the bourbon I have hidden under the counter, and reluctantly rejoin the party.