When your girlfriend asks you if you have plans on Saturday night, the correct response is always, “No.” Because when your girlfriend asks you that, she probably has an idea, and if your girlfriend is anything like mine, those plans are almost always fun.
I say “almost” always because, when Geena asked me if I was doing anything on Saturday night and I said no, she said, “Great! Rachel, Oz, and I were thinking of having a board game night!”
I tried not to act disappointed. “Oh. Great,” I said flatly.
Board games? More like “bored” games.
Okay, okay, it’s not that I have anything against board games, specifically. It’s just that I’m pretty bad at most of them. In fact, I don’t know if I’ve ever beaten Geena at one. I’m the kind of guy who ends up going directly to jail (do not pass go, do not collect $200) in a game of Clue.
“Rachel has an expansion for Trivial Pursuit! She and I thought it would be fun to try it out this weekend,” continued Geena as she bent over the oven to pull out a tray of cookies. She was wearing an apron and some oven mitts. Nothing else. I was momentarily distracted by both desserts in front of me.
Then what she said registered, and I groaned.
“Geena, anything but that! C’mon, you know how bad I am at trivia.”
“Oh, Mike, it’s just a game!” she said, turning and sliding the tray over the counter to let the cookies cool. She leaned forward, squishing her breasts over the counter; they threatened to pop out of the top of her apron.
“They call them board games because that’s how I feel when I play them,” I grumbled.
“I promise it won’t be boring. How ‘bout that?” she said, waving a spatula at me. I imagined her slapping it against my thighs. “The expansion Rachel has, it’s actually one me and her made ourselves, so I can guarantee it’s not boring. Plus, I’ll make more cookies!”
How could I say no to that? “…fine. But you’ve got to give me at least a couple of lifelines or something.”
“I think that’s a different game, but sure. You can have a phone-a-friend for one question. Deal?”
“Deal,” I agreed. I knew, already, that I would lose. It was only later that it occurred to me that Geena had been baking and wiggling her body at me for leverage. She knew I wouldn’t be able to say no to her while she was offering me some sweet treats.
When Saturday rolled around I dragged myself to her apartment, trying to console myself with the knowledge that Oz would probably bring some beer, and that Geena had given me at least one “handicap” for the game. I didn’t think it would make much difference, but if I could beat Oz, I would be happy. I didn’t stand a chance against the girls; the two of them were powerhouses of knowledge, their brains fuller than their breasts (which, in Geena’s case, was really saying something).
“Mike!” Geena greeted me, flinging open the door and putting her arms around me. I buried my face into her creamy neck, breathing in her fresh scent. She’d been baking again and there was a hint of vanilla. Her apartment was warm and cozy; it had rained all day, making it the perfect night for board games. The air was thick with the scent of cookies. Oz was lying on the couch, looking stoned out of his mind, munching on one happily. I doubted it was his first.
“Rachel should be here any second. Let me grab you a snack,” said Geena, kissing my hair.
“They say that cookies are brain food,” opined Oz from the couch. He’d kicked off his shoes and was wearing a pair of dark sweats, a tie-dye t-shirt, and a black button-up over it, open. There were definitely some crumbs on it.
“Who says that?” I asked.
“I did, just now,” said Oz with a cackle.
The coffee table in the middle of the room was clear, except for a small saucer Oz was using for his cookies and a six-pack of beer he had brought. I let Geena steer me into the kitchenette and give me a plate, accepting a drink as well.
Like Oz, Geena was dressed casually, in a white peasant top with gentle ruffled sleeves and a pair of dark blue capris that shaped her thighs and calves beautifully.
She settled me into one of her armchairs, and despite how much I hated the game, I have to admit she made me feel comfortable. All of Geena’s furniture was the well-worn kind that let you sink down into it; Geena’s apartment had always felt to me like it was geared more toward comfort than aesthetics. Which isn’t to say it wasn’t also lovingly decorated and colorful. I would definitely rather spend my Saturday night there than in my dorm… even if it meant getting murdered in trivia.
I had just taken my first bite of cookie when I heard a set of knuckles rap on the door. Geena bustled over to open it. Rachel had arrived. The two girls squealed and hugged, kissing each other on the cheek. Rachel sauntered in, rolling her eyes at Oz. “Feet off the couch,” she demanded. “I’m going to be sitting there.”
Oz sat up and brushed off the cushion for her. “I was just keeping it warm for you,” he said. “Your Majesty.”
Rachel rolled her eyes again. “Don’t try to act all cute, Oz. I’m not going to go easy on anyone tonight. Trivia is serious business.” She held up the canvas tote bag she was carrying; I could see clearly the corners of the bulky square box inside of it.
“That’s good, ‘cause I’m a real serious guy,” said Oz.
“It’s less convincing when you say it with a mouthful of cookies,” Geena informed him in a stage whisper. She accepted the bag from Rachel and pulled out the Trivial Pursuit box with a flourish, placing it in the middle of her coffee table. It was a navy box with gold lettering. Glancing at it, I felt like the box was spiritually similar to Rachel: haughty, noble, a little intimidating. Unlike Geena and Oz, Rachel had come in something a little dressy for a board game night: a pair of black boots, a long burgundy skirt, a white shirt with a smart little jacket over it, and, craziest of all, a big, floppy hat. She looked like she was going to have tea at a fancy hotel or something.
“I hear you made an expansion,” I said, trying to make conversation as Geena lifted the lid off the box and began setting up the game.
“It’s not polite to ask ladies about their expansions, Mike,” scolded Oz.
“It’s a special expansion just for us. Geena and I made it ourselves,” said Rachel, perking up. Her seriousness bled away for a moment and she seemed delighted to discuss the game. “We thought we’d spice it up a little, make the stakes higher… Usually, when you get a question wrong, nothing happens. We thought it would be fun if there were… consequences.”
Oz sat up. “Oooo. Naughty consequences?”
Geena and Rachel both giggled. I felt my heart sinking. “What consequences?” I asked.
Geena reached into the box and pulled out a stack of cards. She shuffled them expertly, thumbing the edges deftly and placing the stack on the table. “Every time you get a question wrong, you have a choice. You can either take a punishment card from the punishment deck… or, you can take off a piece of clothing,” said Geena. “We put in some wild cards, too… to make it more fair for you guys! If you get a wild card, you can choose to take a punishment instead of answering a question.”
Oz pumped his fist. “Yes! So we actually have a chance of winning?”
“No,” said Rachel, deadpan, but Geena smiled.
“And I told Mike he could have one phone-a-friend.”
“That’s not part of the game,” protested Rachel.
“Aw, c’mon, Rach. …you’re not worried he’ll win, are you?” asked Geena innocently.
That did it! “No. He can have his phone-a-friend,” she grumbled, crossing her arms.
“Thanks, Rach,” said Geena with one of her winning smiles, sliding the dice into the middle of the table. “Alrighty, let’s go! Winner gets to decide the final punishment of the loser.”
I picked up the smooth, cool dice. If Geena won and I lost (which was likely), then I would end up having a good night… but if Rachel won, all bets were off. I shook the dice and tossed them on the table, hoping for a high number; I needed every advantage I could get!
In the end, Geena got to go first, followed by me, Oz, and Rachel. Oz sat with his elbows on his knees, studying the board like it was chess. Rachel leaned back next to him, clearly at ease. Geena sat on the floor, her legs tucked up under her and her chest resting on the edge of the coffee table, close to the game. If there was one good thing I could say about Trivial Pursuit, it’s how happy it makes Geena; her face always lights up when she knows the answer to a question (which is almost always!)
“Okay, Geena, first question of the night,” said Rachel, plucking a card off the top of the stack. “There are four kinds of sea shanties. A ‘halyard’ sea shanty was used for what kind of work?”
“What are the four kinds?” asked Oz.
“Heaving, hauling, whaling, and pumping,” said Geena.
“Pumping?” repeated Oz, wiggling his eyebrows.
Rachel gave his arm a light punch. “Don’t be a pervert.”
“Halyard songs were long-drag hauling activities like hoisting topsail,” said Geena with a pleasant smile. “As opposed to capstan shanties, which were for heaving activities like raising anchor.”
“Correct!” exclaimed Rachel, passing her a token.
Oz and I exchanged a look. We were doomed.
I rolled the dice, dreading what was next and praying for an easy question. I hadn’t realized the girls wanted to play a strip version, so I was only wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. I didn’t have far to go before they exposed me! Rachel’s weirdly formal get-up made sense, now. But in a way it also reassured me. It meant she was less confident than Geena, because Geena wasn’t layering. Geena didn’t plan to get any wrong.
“Okay, Mike, first question of the night. And it’s only a medium-hard one!” said Geena.
“Don’t say anything,” hissed Rachel at Oz, whose eyes lit up at the phrase medium-hard.
“Mageirocophobia is the fear of what?
“Mageiro-what-now?” I asked.
“Uhh…” I cast a helpless look at Oz. Oz shrugged. I wondered if it would look lame to use my little phone-a-friend cheat on the first question. “Fear… of… baseball?” I guessed.
Geena shook her head. “Cooking.”
“That was my second guess,” I said, and Geena smiled at me.
Rachel pushed over a little stack of cards. “Take off a piece of clothing, or take a punishment.”
I looked at the stack of “punishment cards” warily. I didn’t know what sorts of punishments were on those cards; it could be anything.
But I didn’t want to take off any of my clothes, either! Everyone in the room had seen me naked. But the thought of exposing myself still made me feel a little shy. Taking a deep breath, I pulled my arms into my sleeves and then pulled my shirt up over my head, baring my chest. Oz let out a wolf-whistle and I blushed.
“You’re next,” I warned him.
“Mike, are you trying to trash-talk me?” said Oz. He laughed and rolled the dice, plucking a card off the stack. My gut sank as he got an easy question; Rachel went last and she, too, got an easy one. So far I was the only one who had gotten one wrong! And since I’d taken off my shoes at the door (rookie mistake), I only had a few more pieces of clothing to lose. The game was not going well.
“Round two!” exclaimed Geena, rolling the dice.
“History question,” said Rachel, flipping over a card. “In 1887, who was elected as America’s first female mayor?”
“Eleanor Roosevelt,” said Oz.
Both girls burst into laughter. “You deserve to take a punishment just for that!” said Geena.
“It’s not even my turn!” he protested, but he shrugged off his top shirt anyway, probably out of solidarity with me.
“Susanna Salter,” said Geena. “It was Susanna Salter, of Argonia, Kansas.”
“Ding ding ding ding! Correct,” Rachel informed her.
I gulped; my turn.
“Another history question,” said Rachel. “In what year was the first 9-1-1- call?”
“I hate questions about dates. I can never remember them.”
“This is an easy one, Mike. You know it’s got to be after telephones were invented–” began Geena.
Rachel hissed at her. “Don’t help him!”
Geena made a good point. Except I didn’t know when the telephone was invented, exactly, either. “Umm… Nineteen…” I began slowly. No one corrected me. I had the right century, at least. “…1911?” I guessed.
Geena and Rachel shook their heads. “1968,” they said in sync.
“You’re lucky you’re not a history major, Mike,” Oz informed me as I contemplated the punishment stack. If I didn’t take a card, I’d have to discard my pants and play the rest of the night in my underwear! Everyone else was still clothed, and somehow, being naked around other people who are wearing clothes feels more naked than regular naked, if you know what I mean.
“I’ll take a punishment,” I said, grabbing the top of the pile before I could change my mind. I flipped it over.
Player must take his or her next turn with his face buried inside another player’s shirt. If all players are shirtless, the player must take a new card.
I set the card down; this felt much more like a reward than a punishment! I kind of regretted chickening out and removing my shirt from the last round; I should have stuck with the punishments.
Oz got another question wrong and pulled off his undershirt. “Otherwise, when it’s Mike’s turn, he’ll choose to stuff his face against my chest,” he joked, winking.
Then Rachel got a question wrong! There was hope.
She began to take off a shoe.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me! That’s not fair,” protested Oz.
“At least take off the pair of shoes,” said Geena reasonably.
“None of the rest of us are wearing a hat or shoes… she’s got an unreasonable advantage. I demand justice,” said Oz as he reached for another cookie.

“You’re such a whiner. Here,” said Rachel. She stood up and pulled her skirt straight down, stepping out of it, still wearing both shoes. “Better?” she asked, hands on her hips. She was not wearing any underwear. Oz and I stared at her slit for a moment.
“That’s not fair, either. It’s distracting,” said Oz, finally. “Right, Mike?”
I shrugged. I was just glad not to be the only one who was exposed anymore. Plus, my next turn was supposed to be spent with my face in someone’s shirt… which meant I wouldn’t be looking at Rachel’s pussy. But I’d probably still be distracted!
When it was my turn, I climbed into Geena’s lap and pushed my head up into her shirt, nuzzling my face into her breasts.
“Ready for your question?” asked Geena.
I nosed at one of her pert, pink nipples, kissing it lovingly. “Ready,” I agreed.
Geena leaned forward a little, pressing my face into her cleavage, letting me sink into her breasts.
“…countries… shilling…?” I heard Oz’s voice ask. It was muffled by the soft, squishy warmth of Geena’s breasts. She was leaning forward, keeping my face buried and my head cradled.
“Huh?” I said against her body.
“…hundred… worldwide… still use…?” repeated Oz. I couldn’t hear him; inside the cozy tent of Geena’s ruffled blouse, her heavy breasts pressed on either side of my head, the only sound that was clear was her heartbeat. Suddenly I realized why this punishment existed! I couldn’t even hear the question because of the weight of Geena’s boobs; how was I supposed to get it right? Panic filled me!
Then I remembered: the life-line!
“I want to use my phone-a-friend,” I said, my voice muffled against Geena’s skin.
“He says he wants to call someone,” translated Geena for me. She traced my spine with the tips of her fingers. “Who do you want to call, Mike?”
I didn’t think I’d be allowed to call anyone in the room. “Wendy,” I said. Wendy was smart; if the question was about art, she might know the answer.
Rachel placed the call for me and read off the question; I waited inside the warm cocoon of Geena’s shirt, trying not to let the soft plumpness of her breasts lull me into a false state of security.
I didn’t hear Wendy’s answer, but I heard when Rachel told me she got it wrong.
I reluctantly pulled my face away from Geena’s chest. “So what was the right answer?” I asked.
“Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Somalia,” said Geena without even looking at the card.
“…and what was the question?”
“How many countries still use the shilling as a form of currency.”
I sighed and weighed my options. If the punishment deck was designed to make questions harder, then I needed to avoid it at all costs! Otherwise I’d lose for sure.
I rose and unbuttoned my jeans, ducking my head shyly as I stepped out of my pants. I tried to act natural but all I could think about was that I was down to my underwear and socks. I’ve always felt weird being unclothed around other people, and this was so much weirder, with everyone else dressed! Or at least, half dressed; Rachel was sitting with her legs open, clearly trying to distract me and Oz.
It worked; when Oz’s turn came around, he got the question completely wrong, even though it was an easy one that even I knew the answer to. He pulled off his pants; like me, he seemed worried that the punishment cards would make the game even more ruthless.
But it didn’t matter. A few rounds later, both Oz and I had run out of clothes to remove. Our socks and underwear were peeled away and cast aside to expose us, and that left us without any more options if we got questions wrong. The punishment deck was all that was left.
Oz had managed to get one of the wild cards, which gave him a point for taking a punishment. The punishment was having to wear a plug for the rest of the game; Rachel produced a teardrop-shaped, jet-black silicone plug and worked it into him. It was clearly distracting; he wiggled on the couch, unable to stay focused or concentrate on any of the questions.
And Geena? She hadn’t gotten a single question wrong; Rachel had missed only one, and was still wearing her shirt, jacket, boots, and hat, though her legs and pussy were bare.
I sat in the armchair, my hands cupping my groin, feeling very self-conscious. Unlike me, Oz was leaning back, eating a cookie, completely unbothered.
“Mike’s turn… Mike, how many points did Michael Jordan score in his first NBA game?” asked Rachel.
I groaned and put my face in my hands. “Just give me the punishment card…”
“Sixteen,” whispered Geena as Rachel passed over a card.
“Player must stand with the card he got wrong between his asscheeks until his next turn… hey, how come it says he? It’s like you knew me or Oz would get this punishment… I feel like this game is rigged!” I said, blushing.
Geena made a little circling motion with her finger. “You heard the card, Mike, turn around and show us that cute little butt.”
I turned even redder as I stood up and turned, putting the offending card into my crack and clenching my muscles to hold it. The girls both burst into giggles.
“What country does the cheese Gouda come from, Oz?” asked Rachel behind me.
“Hmm… France, probably. France seems like it’s all about cheese.”
“Nope, sorry. It’s from the Netherlands. Take a card!”
“Player must spend the next round gagged… wait, how can I answer questions if I’m gagged? Mike’s right! This game is– mmff!”
I looked over my shoulder to see Rachel stuffing a ball gag into Oz’s mouth, and I realized she’d brought more than just the trivia game in her tote bag! My ass clenched up a little tighter (which I guess was good for the playing card that was still stuck there).
When it came around to my turn, I was glad to finally get out of the awkward position I was in, but my relief was short-lived. The question (Who was the first gymnast to score a perfect 10 score?) was one I didn’t know. The answer was Nadia Comaneci. I realized that a suspicious number of questions were about women and their achievements… almost as if the girls had stacked the deck, or added some more questions, to put me and Oz at a disadvantage!
Geena’s phone-a-friend hadn’t done a thing for me. I didn’t stand a chance.
“Player must roll the die and take the number of lashings he rolls,” I read. “It says ‘he’ again…”
“Here you go,” said Rachel cheerfully, producing a long, coiled whip from her bag and offering it to Geena. Geena rose and, with an elegant flourish, unfurled the length of the whip. She flicked her wrist, giving it an experimental crack, and beamed with delight at the noise.
I rolled the die; I didn’t know which would be worse… getting a 6, or a 1!
Luck was finally on my side, though. I got a three. A pretty good number for lashings, if you ask me.
“Bend over,” she instructed me, and I obediently put my hands on the arm rest of my chair and stuck out my ass for her, tightening up a little in expectation.
She draped the tail of the whip over my back, slithering it teasingly down my skin, and I felt my cock give a twitch as it came to life.
“Geena,” scolded Rachel.
“Oh, I’m just having fun!” purred Geena. From the sound of her voice, she sure was!
She brought the thick, braided leather whip down over my buttocks, the sharp sting of it radiating through my body. I felt my knees go weak and I gripped the chair tighter. Geena cocked the whip and then cracked it down against my ass again, leaning a strip of bright red that flared and then tingled as it went numb. I could feel myself getting hard; Geena’s strength and elegance were communicated directly through the leather of her instrument, every stroke of the whip-tail on my ass delivering a perfectly balanced mixture of pleasure and pain, discipline and release.
She cracked the whip against my skin one final time, this time lower, on the crease where my upper thighs met my backside, dangerously close to my balls but without hurting them; this brush with danger only made me get harder. I continued to grip the chair, embarrassed to straighten up and let Rachel and Oz see what only three strokes of the whip had done!
I didn’t need to worry; Rachel was more interested in the game. For now.
“Oz, how many teeth does an adult human have?” she asked, reading off the card.
Oz’s eyes widened. “Mmf-mff mff!” he said, through the ball gag.
“What was that?” asked Rachel innocently.
“Mmf-mmf mff! …mmf-mmf mff!” he repeated insistently.
He leaned forward to begin tapping his knuckles on the coffee table.
“How many was that?” asked Geena.
“I think thirty,” said Rachel.
Oz shook his head firmly. “Mff! Mmmmmffff…!”
“Unfortunately the answer is thirty-two,” said Rachel.
Oz smacked his hand on the table in frustration. “Mff mffs mmf mmf mmff!” he exclaimed.
“This game is so rigged,” I grumbled. I sat back down and covered my crotch again, cupping my thick, hard erection with my palm.
“New house rule. If you complain about the game being rigged, you have to draw a punishment card,” said Rachel.
“No way I’m agreeing to that,” I said.
“Let’s vote. All in favor of the new house rule?” asked Rachel.
“Aye!” voted Geena, eyes bright with mischief.
“Nay,” I said.
“Mmf,” said Oz.
“…well, I’m not sure what Oz is saying, so I guess it’s two to one!” said Rachel, handing a card to Oz. “Here’s your punishment!”
Oz smacked his hand against his face with a groan and allowed Rachel to pull off his ball gag “Player must put an ice cube in his mouth, and submit himself for flogging until it melts.”
Geena rose and frolicked over to her freezer, breasts bouncing and the ruffles of her shirt falling and rising. Rachel went digging into her tote bag. Me and Oz exchanged a look; both of us wanted to say it was rigged but we didn’t dare!
Geena returned with an ice cube in between her fingers, and handed it to Rachel. Rachel pressed her lips to it, sucking on it for a moment, then held it out to Oz, pressing it against one of his nipples. He yelped. “Oh, damn, that’s cold!”
“It’s ice, dummy. Open,” commanded Rachel. Oz opened his mouth and let her pop the ice cube in. “No crunching,” she warned him, planting her feet wide and wiggling her hips as she adjusted her stance. She rotated her wrist a few times, the straps of her flogger slapping softly against each other, a prelude to what was to come.
Oz leaned his body against the couch; I found myself getting even more aroused as Rachel, her bare white ass facing me, began laying the flog against his back with a solid, steady beat, making his body jolt with surprise each time. I could see the end of the plug sticking out of him and the thought of being filled like that excited me.
I glanced over at Geena, trying not to let myself get too hard… but that was a mistake, because Geena was massaging her breasts and looking right at me as she played with her heavy bust, arching her back to press herself against the ruffles of her shirt! She wasn’t wearing a bra and through the white material I could see the round, pink outlines of each of her nipples, pointing right at me… how was I supposed to focus on trivia when the girls were making everything so distracting?!
Oz moaned wetly, the melting ice cube in his mouth giving his voice a small slurping noise. I was surprised he didn’t drop it! He bowed his head, swaying, his ass sticking out eagerly as Rachel flogged it. His dark skin turned a shade darker, the blood rushing to the surface as Rachel expertly worked his muscles over.
“Are you done yet?” asked Geena.
“I bet it already melted and he’s just enjoying himself,” said Rachel, canting her hips forward to press her slit against the back of Oz’s thigh, letting him feel her wetness. I saw Oz’s legs shake.
“It just melted,” he said, weakly, voice a little higher than normal.
“Turn around,” instructed Rachel, tossing the flogger casually over her shoulder. The straps trailed temptingly and I felt my cock pulse harder; when Oz turned, I saw he was hard, too.
“Gosh, you boys sure have gotten distracted… I hope we can finish the game!” said Geena with fake innocence.
I glanced down at the board. “You’re only one point away from winning,” I observed.
“What, wait?” Rachel turned and frowned at the game; she was also one point away. “But you’re doing so much better than me!”
“But I keep getting history questions. I need a science one,” said Geena, frowning at the board, considering it strategically.
It was a close game. Me and Oz were both hopelessly behind; there was no hope for us at all. Oz at least had one point, thanks to his wild card. I had none. I didn’t really care; I was just trying not to cream all over the place!
It was Rachel’s turn, so if she got the answer right, she would win. The girls seemed a lot more interested in finishing than me or Oz. I guess you could say I was interested in finishing… just not the game!
Geena plucked a card from the question stack. She sighed. “I think you’re going to win, Rach.”
“What’s my question?” asked Rachel.
“I wrote this question,” said Geena.
Rachel bounced on the balls of her feet a little, making the flogger flounce. “What’s the question?!”
“Who invented the modern rubber condom?” asked Geena.
Rachel laughed. “Charles Goodyear!”
“Yaaaay!” exclaimed Geena, clapping her hands.
“Wait, like the tires? Like the Goodyear blimp guy?” asked Oz, scratching his head.
“Well, that’s six points for me, five for you, one for Oz, and… oh, no, Mike. You didn’t get a single question right!” exclaimed Rachel, fixing her eyes on me. I squirmed a little awkwardly, aware of my nakedness, feeling embarrassed.
“I’m not good at trivia,” I mumbled, looking down at my feet.
“I think you deserve a special punishment.” Rachel licked her lips, then looked over at Oz. He was rock-hard, standing at attention. “I think you ought to put on a show for me and Geena… what do you say, Geena?”
“I think I like that idea a lot,” agreed Geena, smiling. She stepped over toward me and cupped my hand with one of her smooth palms; I wiggled back into it. My heart was pounding; I was nervous and embarrassed and horny, all at once. I wanted Geena close to me.
“Since you suck at trivia… why don’t you suck at something else?” ordered Rachel, pointing. She pointed one long finger at Oz’s hard-on.
“What?” I blurted. I shook my head fiercely. “No, no way! That’s too much!”
“It’s not that much, but thanks,” said Oz, reaching down to grip his length. Rachel slapped his hand down.
“I can’t! I– I don’t even know how!” I begged.
“Come on, it’s not like you’re not familiar with Oz’s cock. Get on your knees and suck,” demanded Rachel. She looked delighted at my terror.
I looked pleadingly at Geena.
“…Rach, I think Mike’s been humiliated enough,” said Geena.
Rachel stomped her boot. “I want a show. I won; I deserve to get to choose Mike’s final punishment.”
Geena drew herself up to her impressive height, her back straight and her head held high. “It was a close game. I should get some say in Mike’s final punishment, too.”
“Whatever you’re gonna decide, hurry!” begged Oz, jumping from foot to foot, his erection bobbing. I watched his girth bouncing around; all the blood had drained from my face. It was too big! I couldn’t swallow that; I was terrified. I pressed myself against Geena nervously; she petted me gently, reassuringly.
“How about we make it interesting? …give me a trivia question, and if I get it right, I get to decide,” suggested Geena.
Rachel mulled over the proposition. The girls were competitive; I knew Rachel would accept the terms. Geena was good at trivia but I was still scared; what if she got it wrong?
“Deal,” said Rachel. She leaned over the table and drew a card, flipping it over and frowning.
“Well?” asked Geena.
Rachel huffed. “This sucks! It’s an easy question. The Bodleian Library is associated with which university?”
“That’s an easy question?!” exclaimed Oz.
“University of Oxford!” said Geena, letting go of me to clap her hands together. Of course Geena would know any question that had to do with libraries!
I breathed out a sigh of relief.
Geena turned to me and cupped my cheek in her hand, rubbing her thumb against my skin. I closed my eyes and tilted my face into her hand gratefully.
“You don’t have to use your mouth… this time,” she said.
“But you at least have to jerk him off!” added Rachel.
“I– I’ve never done anything like that,” I mumbled, embarrassed.
“What, you’ve never stroked your own cock? Stop being such a scaredy-cat, Mike!” said Rachel.
“It’s okay; I’ll help,” said Geena. She laced her fingers through mine and led me by my hand over to Oz. Gently, she directed my hand forward and wrapped my palm around Oz’s length. It was hard and heavy, the skin straining over his impressive member. The plug had done its job; Oz was stiff and ready to go.
Oz tilted his head back and let out a little puff of air as Geena squeezed her hand over mine. “Now stroke,” she directed, letting go of my hand.
Oz’s dick was in my palm; it felt weird, like masturbating but in reverse. I had no idea how to do it from this angle! I clumsily tugged on Oz’s huge cock, my face hot. Both of the girls were watching; Rachel had reached between her legs and was petting her slit with a couple of fingers, clearly enjoying herself.
“Is this good?” I asked Geena.
“Try and bend your wrist a little less. It’ll feel more natural,” instructed Geena.
I obeyed; she was right. It was easier to hold on to Oz with my wrist straighter. I pumped his cock, my own stiff and neglected.
“Move your hand up a little. Closer to the head,” said Geena. “Run your thumb against his head.”
“Stop helping him,” murmured Rachel, rubbing herself a little faster.
Geena ignored her. “Squeeze at the beginning of the stroke, and then ease up when you get to the head.”
“Oh, God, that’s good, Geena,” moaned Oz.
“It’s Mike who’s doing it,” said Geena with a smile, tossing her hair back. “I’m just helping him. …here, why don’t you just copy me, Mike?” She reached between my legs and gripped my cock; my legs were weak. Her hand glided along my length, stroking it with expert confidence. I tried to mimic her, pumping Oz’s cock, but I knew I wasn’t delivering nearly as good a handjob as I was getting!
It didn’t seem to matter to Oz; his cock was getting harder and harder in my hand.
“Mike, I’m gettin’ close, man,” he breathed.
“That’s it. Angle it up; aim it toward his body,” instructed Geena, gently maneuvering my dick instructively. I obeyed. She gave me a squeeze of encouragement, and I squeezed Oz back; I felt his cock suddenly jolt in my grip, and he came all over himself, a massive load of thick, creamy cum that spurted all over his stomach! Trails of it painted his torso and dripped down his thighs. I realized I had been holding my breath; I had just made another man cum for the first time in my life!
Geena’s hand was still tugging on my cock, and I thrust into it softly. For a “punishment” this felt a lot more like a reward!
“Look at that… Oz ate so many cookies, he ended up filled with frosting!” giggled Rachel. “Mike, do you want to taste?”
I blushed. “Uh… uh… no, I’m good,” I stammered.
“I think he should. You were supposed to suck him off, but Geena let you off easy.”
I looked up into Geena’s warm, brown eyes.
Geena leaned it to brush her soft, satiny lips over mine. “Rachel did win. One lick seems fair,” she conceded.
“Do I have to?” I asked.
“If you do, I’ll make it worth your while,” whispered Geena seductively, giving my erection a pleasurable clench in her hand. I nearly came; she let go of me. If I wanted to finish, I knew what I had to do.
I knelt in front of Oz’s wilting member, looking at the evidence of my work all over his skin, the thick glaze glistening on his skin. The plug was still firmly plugging his ass and I imagined Geena filling me as a reward for what I was about to do.
I took a breath for courage and closed my eyes, leaning in to flatten my tongue against Oz’s skin and drag it up. I felt the slippery texture of his cum on my tongue and I drew my tongue back into my mouth, swallowing. It wasn’t as bad as I had expected; Geena’s cookies had given it a sweet taste.
I sat back on my heels and opened my eyes. “Ta-da,” I said weakly.
“Good boy!” Geena praised me, carding her hand through my hair. “Oz, what did you think?”
“I think the game was rigged,” said Oz.
“Punishment!” exclaimed Rachel, snatching up a card. Oz groaned and dropped onto Geena’s couch; he’d walked right into that one!
Geena took my hand and pulled me to my feet, wrapping her hand around my cock and giving me a tug toward her bedroom. “I think Mike could use a quick break before the next game. Why don’t we take five and then set up another one?”
“Another one?” I repeated incredulously. I could barely think straight with my sore erection; after Geena let me orgasm, I didn’t think I’d be able to concentrate at all!
“Like I said, the game is rigged,” said Oz.
Rachel was already pulling a paddle out of her tote bag. “You boys just never learn, do you?” she said with a sigh, pointing to the stack of punishment cards. Oz took another one.
We played Trivial Pursuit until after midnight, working our way through the entire “punishment expansion” that Geena and Rachel had made. It was definitely rigged, and by the end of the night, Oz and I were “sore losers.” Literally.
But even though we lost every single game, I can’t say we didn’t have a ton of fun. Maybe board games aren’t so bad after all!