Okay, I’ll admit it: it was sort of my fault.
I was walking across the campus on a brisk autumn evening, coming back home from the library, and as I turned the corner, I saw the dog. My first thought was that he was lost, and I did what any decent guy would: I whistled, thinking maybe he had a collar and a tag.
It turned out he didn’t. As he approached me, I realized he didn’t have any indication he was a pet dog… and also, he was huge. Way bigger than any dog had any right to me. His pace picked up as he charged at me, lips curling over a mouthful of white, glistening fangs, and my stomach dropped. This was not a friendly dog. Dark brown and shaggy, with one ear pointed and the other mangled, it was clear this was actually a wild animal. Maybe a coyote. Maybe even a wolf. Were there wolves on campus?! There was a wooded area over on the north side of campus; it was possible.
I held up my arm defensively as he leapt toward me, and felt his teeth graze my flesh, tearing a cut into my skin. I swung my backpack at him; there was a thud as the books contacted his side, sending him stumbling, and with one last throaty growl, he turned and vanished.
I clutched my bleeding hand in shock; the whole thing had occurred in seconds, but I had a nasty bite on my forearm. I changed course; my dorm was across campus, but Geena’s apartment was actually closer, and it was clear I needed some first aid.
Geena is the best kind of person to have in a crisis. The second she opened her door and saw me nursing my wounded limb, she ushered me inside and sat me down on her couch, pulling my feet up and going to get a first aid kit.
“Mike, what happened? Did you get bit by a dog?” she asked, eyes full of concern. She was wearing a sports bra, her full, heavy breasts straining against the stretchy cloth; when she bent over me to examine my hand, her chest brushed against my face, and I resisted the urge to bury my face into her cleavage.
“Yeah, sort of. It ran away,” I said. “I was trying to check if it had a collar, but I think it was actually feral.”
“This doesn’t look too bad,” said Geena, patting my cut with an antiseptic wipe. A hiss of pain escaped my lips at the burn, but I held still for her. Not that I had a choice; her other hand was holding my wrist like a vice. Her hands were soft and feminine, but they were also powerful. I’d been held down by them enough times to know.
“I don’t think it’s a big deal,” I agreed. “I’m up-to-date on my tetanus shot, and the dog wasn’t foaming at the mouth or anything, so I think as long as we keep it clean it’ll be fine.”
She rolled a length of white gauze over my cut and pressed it into place with some medical tape. “There. Good as new,” she said.
“Thanks, Nurse Geena,” I said.
Her eyes sparkled with sudden mischief, and I realized I’d just opened up a big can of worms.
Letting go of my arm, she reached between my legs, cupping my balls, and with a lick of her lips, she said, “Turn your head and cough.”
I laughed.
“Mike, your health is no laughing matter! You’re overdue for your annual physical,” she teased, gripping my balls just a little harder so that I knew she was serious.
I turned my head and coughed for her. She groped my testicles softly through my pants, weighing them, rolling them around in the palm of her hand. “Very good. And have you been taking care of yourself? Getting plenty of vitamin C and exercise?”
“Plenty of exercise, Nurse Geena. My girlfriend makes sure of that,” I said, managing to keep a straight face. “We do regular cardio. Almost every day, in fact.”
She beamed at me, tossing her dark hair back over her shoulders, letting it tumble down her back. “Very good. Make sure you keep that up! It’s good for your heart. Well, Mike, you seem to be in great shape except for that little cut on your arm.” She ran her hand over my throat, as if searching for my pulse. My pulse had definitely quickened under her hands. I had practically forgotten about being bitten. “I can’t say that I’m very happy you waited so long to come in, though! Your annual physical is important. There’s no excuse for missing it.”
“You’re right. Maybe I deserve a punishment,” I said.
“Would that help you remember not to skip your physicals in the future?” asked Geena. I nodded. “Well then, I think it’s a good idea. You know it’s my duty to ensure my patients are… taken care of.” She rose, towering over me as I sat on the couch, wearing nothing but that sports bra and a pair of lounge shorts. “Take off your clothes and turn over on my exam table.”
Geena said it so convincingly that I honestly could have sworn her couch was an exam table; I stripped my hoodie over my head and shimmied out of my jeans, kicking them away. I lay on my stomach on her ‘exam table,’ back and ass exposed, putting my arms under my head.
Geena turned and walked away; I watched her ass and hips sway as she went to her bedroom. She emerged with a black and red leather flogger, the tangle of leather strips on it short and wide. “So, Mike, your chart says you’re 18. Is that correct?”
“Yes, Nurse Geena.”
“So you should have had 18 annual physicals in your lifetime.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” I agreed, shifting a little on the couch, feeling my cock pressing into my stomach. It was hard with anticipation at the sight of that flogger in Geena’s hand.
“So you have no excuse for forgetting to come in, do you?”
“No, Nurse, I don’t,” I agreed.
“I think 18 spanks is a fitting number to help you learn your lesson. Don’t you?”
“Yes, that’s fair, Miss.”
Geena strode over to me and stood above my body, laid out for her on the couch. She raised the flogger and brought it down with perfect precision on my backside; the slap of leather on bare skin filled the room. I gasped, squirming, grinding my cock against the couch cushion.
Geena ran a smooth hand along the globes of my ass, then gave my cheeks a second slap. Then a third. And a fourth. And a fifth.
“It’s very important to me that you take care of yourself, Mike; your well-being means a lot to me,” she said with stern caring as she spanked me.
“Yes, Miss! Yes!” I agreed, gasping every time the flogger met my bare skin. Geena’s aim was incredible.
“…fifteen… sixteen… seventeen…” she counted. There was a pause. “Ask for it, Mike.”
“Please, Nurse Geena, finish spanking me so I learn my lesson!” I begged, wiggling my ass up at her. It was bright red from her attention, the cool air stinging it.
She brought down the flogger one last time. “Eighteen!” she concluded. She dropped the flogger and stroked my punished backside with her hands, kneading my buttocks lovingly. “You took that punishment like a man, Mike. Oh, that reminds me! As a man, you should really have your prostate checked.”
“Aren’t I kind of young for that?” I asked.
“You can never start taking care of your health too early! A lot of my patients find it a little intimidating, but if you like, you can lay across my lap while I do it. I promise I can make it easy,” she said.
“Well, Nurse Geena, you know best,” I said, sitting up on my knees so Geena could sit on the couch. She patted her broad thighs invitingly, and I lay my bare body across her lap, my cock pressing into her legs. I felt her shift and stretch, reaching for a bottle of lotion on the side table, and heard the soft click of the cap as she opened it.
One of her hands ran lovingly down my back and I shivered with anticipation. My ass was still sore, but her hand was gentle with it as she parted my cheeks. I felt a finger probe my tight little hole and I let out a soft whimper.
“Shh. You’re doing great, Mike. Just relax,” she murmured softly. I felt her long, dark hair brushing over my back, as gentle as a moth’s wing.
She pressed her finger against me; it was slick with lube, and with little effort, she pushed through the tight ring of muscle and inserted her index finger into my hole. She wasted no time in pushing it up to the knuckle and feeling around for my sweet spot; I gasped when she found it and began gently tapping it, sending electric jolts of pleasure through my body.
“Yes, you seem very healthy. The perfect specimen of an 18-year-old man,” murmured Geena, moving her leg under me, offering some friction to my aching erection. I could feel pre-ejaculate beading on my head; I rubbed myself against the leg she offered, lost in the pleasure of feeling her finger stroking me from the inside, thinking about how later that night, she would probably get on one of her strap-ons and fill me properly.
“Thank you, Nurse Geena,” I gasped softly.
“You know, Mike, sexual release can be very healthy…” she purred suggestively as she fingered me, stretching me out for later.
I felt my balls tighten at her encouragement. “May I, Nurse Geena?” I pleaded.
“Yes, you may,” she said. That was literally all it took. My hole clenched around her finger as I came, spurting all over her leg, humping her lap like I was some kind of neurotic little dog.
Speaking of dogs, you’re probably wondering what happened with my arm! Well, when I’d finished, I lay there while she stroked my back, feeling content and not a bit of pain despite the bite on my arm.
That was the thing about Geena. She was so fun-loving and nurturing, and when I was around her, the world just seemed… right. Our impromptu nurse roleplay quickie had made me completely forget all about the bite from the stray.
I ended up staying the night; Geena and I cooked some stir-fry in her kitchenette, side by side, and that evening, we cuddled up under a blanket to watch some TV. As I anticipated, she got her strap-on as the credits rolled, and she took me on the couch, giving me my second orgasm of that day.
“I think I’m totally going to be a nurse for Halloween,” she said, afterwards, which made me laugh.
“I think you’d rock a nurse outfit,” I said, sincerely, and I fell asleep with my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat.
The chills and fever set in later that week. Geena was amazing: bringing me chicken noodle soup, putting damp washcloths on my forehead, making sure I was comfortable. I jokingly told her she definitely had to go as a nurse, what with all the practice she was getting.
I figured it was just a 24-hour-bug, no big deal. I didn’t even connect it with the dog bite from before. It wasn’t until the full moon that I found out what had happened…
The first time it happened was in late September. The sun set and the moon rose, and without warning, I felt like my skin was too tight. I was covered in a stretching, itching sensation; I held up my hands and before my very eyes, fur began to grow. My muscles rippled beneath my flesh and visibly grew, causing the seams of my clothes to strain and eventually rip away. I felt my teeth stretch into fangs, and a tug at the base of my spine as my tail erupted out, sprouting thick, coarse fur.
The whole process took maybe five or ten minutes, tops. I stumbled from the dorm and out onto the campus. It was midterms, and so, thankfully, the quad was mostly empty. And that was good, because I was hungry.
Half-man, half-wolf, I ran across the campus all night, searching for something to sate my hunger. I was a mindless beast; when morning dawned, it felt almost like a dream, except that instead of waking up in my bed, I woke up naked outside of Geena’s building. On instinct I had gone to her; the thought terrified me. What if she had come out, to take out the trash or something, and I had bitten her? Thank goodness I hadn’t tried to go inside. As a wolf I had simply stalked outside her building, staring up at the moon, hunger gnawing at my insides.
Thinking of biting her, of passing on my curse, was terrifying. And I guess that’s why I decided not to tell her what had happened. Instead, I scurried inside and knocked on the door, still reeling from the night before, self-conscious of my nudity. She opened the door to her apartment and her eyes lit up at the sight of me.
“Mike, what are you doing?!” she exclaimed, eyes raking down my naked body. I had cupped my hands over my package; she reached out and pushed them aside. I found myself blushing under her smiling gaze. “You’re normally not so… adventurous. … I kind of like it,” purred Geena, sticking out a hip and leaning against the door frame. Since it was early morning, she was wearing nothing but a silk dressing robe; it was tied loosely at her hips and was opened just a little bit, hinting at the curves of her breasts, the lush shape of her body. She was holding a mug of coffee in one hand.
“Geena, let me in,” I begged, looking up and down the hall. “Quick, before your neighbors see.”
She reached out to cup my face, rubbing her thumb tenderly against my jaw. “See what?” she asked.
I could feel myself turning redder and redder. “See me naked!” I hissed.
“Why? You don’t have anything to be ashamed of,” she teased kindly, looking down at my crotch. I looked nervously up and down the hall; I felt so exposed.
“Geena, please!” I begged, shifting my weight uncomfortably, my bare feet feeling the texture of the hallway’s carpet.
“Okay, okay, okay. Here I thought you’d converted to being a nudist!” she said, shaking her head and moving aside. I practically threw myself into the safety of her apartment. “Mike, are you okay? You seem pretty worked up.” She closed the door behind her.
I opened my mouth, and for just a second, I thought I was going to tell her. I was thinking the words, ready to speak them: I think I got turned into a werewolf. But I couldn’t do it; it just felt too bizarre.
Instead, I blurted, “I was trying to be brave like you, but– I guess I’m just not quite ready!”
Geena smiled, her eyes soft, and she reached up to touch my face tenderly. “Aww, Mike. I appreciate you stepping outside of your comfort zone. Having a naked man delivered to my doorstep is definitely a great way to start my Friday!” She giggled and leaned down a little to kiss me; her lips were full and wet, the taste of creamy coffee lingering on them.
With Geena, I felt safe, and the events of the night before faded in the cozy, familiar warmth of Geena’s apartment.
As October approached, I thought about telling her plenty of times. But it sounded so crazy when I imagined actually saying it… and to be honest, I didn’t want to admit it myself.
But there was no denying it. As the moon got fuller and fuller in the night sky, I found myself feeling more and more agitated and sleepless. One thing I was certain of: I could not, would not, put Geena in danger. The hunger I had felt as a wolf was too intense.
I prepared for the full moon feeling a little bit like I had lost my mind. I packed a gym bag with some spare clothes and some beef jerky, thinking maybe I could snack on that to keep the ravenous wolf hunger at bay. I included a first aid kit in case I got hurt, a few bottles of water, just about anything that could be useful. I even threw in my bus pass. After all, I didn’t know where I’d end up waking up. Best to be prepared! A wolf could cover a lot of territory; if I was left to my own devices I might go anywhere in the city.
But my plan was to try not to let that happen. My plan was to try to keep myself restrained so that I couldn’t wander off. For my safety and for everyone else’s, too.
In my bag, right on top, I put a dog collar and leash I had purchased at a pet store. I guess my thinking was that I could tie myself up in the north woods, away from the campus, where I could safely wait out the full moon, alone. I just hoped there wouldn’t be any students wandering around; it was nearly Halloween and I didn’t want anyone to stumble across me while I was transformed. I hoped I wouldn’t be able to break free.
As the sun sank toward the horizon, I started to think that the dog collar and leash wouldn’t be enough. They were made of thick, heavy leather. I’d told the clerk at the store that I had a mastiff. But the wolf part of me was tireless and powerful. What I really needed was some restraints. Thick leather cuffs, or chains with locks. Something that could withstand hours of tugging.
…Geena would have that.
I pulled my duffel bag over my shoulder, looking anxiously at the sky. The sunset had streaked the clouds with vibrant oranges that matched the pumpkins dotted around the campus as decoration. I hustled across the wide paving stones toward Geena’s apartment, desperate to grab some restraints and go hide in the woods until morning. The campus was crowded with students in costumes, going to Halloween parties as Spice Girls and Urkels, Power Rangers and Mrs. Frizzles.
“Hey, Mike, what are you supposed to be? A bank heist guy?” called someone.
I turned; Corey, a guy from my dorm, was walking past with a vampire cape and a pair of fangs, his red hair sticking up in every direction. He was walking toward the Zeta Kappa Theta sorority, where several girls were playing music and sipping from red Solo cups. I guess some sort of costume party was going on.
I looked down; I was wearing a pair of black pants, a black hoodie, and had my black duffel bag slung over my shoulder. “Um, yeah,” I said.
“You should get a ski mask, too,” suggested Corey.
“Thanks for the tip, Corey,” I said, rolling my eyes and hurrying along.
I didn’t have time to chat or think about Halloween parties; the clock was ticking.
Geena’s apartment building was just across the street from the campus. I pressed the “walk” button impatiently, jumping from foot to foot while I waited for the light to change. The sun was nearly set; somehow, time had gotten away from me. I didn’t think I’d be able to get to the woods anymore. But if I could just get the restraints, maybe I could at least make it back to my dorm and tie myself to my bed.
When the light finally changed, I jogged across the street and let myself into Geena’s building, hurrying up the stairs two at a time. I paused only briefly at the door, pressing an ear to it, hoping no one was home. I didn’t hear anything.
With a sigh of relief that something was finally going my way, I used my spare key to let myself in. The apartment was dark. I dropped my duffel bag by the door and went into Geena’s bedroom. I didn’t know where she kept all her toys; I opened her drawers, my hands shaking as I searched, the seconds passing like sand falling into an hourglass, steadily and relentlessly pouring time away.
I could feel my skin tightening, that familiar itchy feeling going under my skin. It was too late; I couldn’t find the restraints and I was about to turn. I had to leave, now, before the wolf inside me came out.

I turned to bolt, stumbling out of Geena’s bedroom toward the front door.
And that was when I heard the click.
I froze in my tracks as the front door swung open, and Geena, Rachel, and Oz came in, laughing, Oz holding a six-pack of beer, Geena and Rachel’s arms hooked together… none of them were aware of how much danger they were now in.