The Joke’s On Me

I should have known better.. of course Geena would use April Fool's day as an opportunity to do something crazy - but things really got out of hand!
This Story Includes: bondage | cbt | cfnm | cunnilingus  | exposed | group | spanking / impact

Reading Time: 23 minutes

Written By Mike

A freshman at the State University, Mike is head over heels in love with Geena, and thoroughly enjoys their sessions where she's in control. He is powerless to refuse her anything she wants! ... Read Full Author Bio

I think most guys want a smart girlfriend. 

I have a smart girlfriend, and it’s great.  Most of the time.

The only problem is that a smart girlfriend is a lot of trouble.  And Geena is really smart, which means sometimes, she can be downright devious.

Especially on days when being devious is kind of the point.  I’m talking about April Fools’ Day, of course.

I had been dreading it since February or March, knowing that Geena probably had plans for me.  She’s the kind of person who gets really into most holidays, and April Fools’ is no exception.  April Fools’ is the kind of day that’s designed for someone like Geena to let loose, and a few of her friends had warned me that she had a reputation for really elaborate pranks.

But luck was on my side, or so I thought, when Geena informed me that she wouldn’t be able to spend the evening with me on April Fools’ as we had initially planned.

“Sorry, Mike.  I promised to volunteer at the library.  I didn’t see what day it was until I’d already signed up.  Robyn asked me to and I just sort of agreed without checking the calendar,” Geena told me apologetically the week before.

Relief flooded me, but I tried to play it cool.  “Oh, gee, that’s too bad.  You’ll have to play pranks on the librarians, I guess.”

On any other day of the year I would give anything to hang out with Geena, but April Fools’ was a day of mischief, and I was understandably terrified of whatever Geena might do to me.  She seemed a little crestfallen, and my sympathy overrode my worry.  “I’m sorry, Geena.  …maybe we can hang out earlier in the day, like before you go to the library?”

Geena raised her big, dark doe-eyes at me, and I felt myself melt a little.

“Oh, Mike, that would be great.  Even if it’s only for a half-hour.  You can help me plan a prank on Robyn!” she said, cheering up.

I thanked my lucky stars that I had escaped, and that Robyn would be Geena’s new target.

Robyn is sort of like Geena’s adopted little sister.  Geena is a massive bibliophile, and she volunteers with both the local library branch as well as the university one.  She was part of some program to mentor kids in high school, and ended up paired with Robyn.  Robyn was a theater kid who, despite all her smarts, was a little behind in reading.  Geena whipped her into shape… figuratively?  Literally?  Who knows. 

I sure don’t, because I try not to think too hard about Robyn.  She’s underage, and whenever Geena drags her around, everything gets weird.  Maybe it’s because Robyn is actually really, really cute, and also kind of flirty.  She’s basically a mini-Geena, just less filled out and with brownish hair instead of black.

Oz started calling her “Bait” and the nickname stuck.  It was a good reminder that she’s off-limits.  Geena and most of her friends are natural flirts (if not downright seductresses!) and we could tell, almost immediately, that Robyn was going to end up following in those footsteps.  But we didn’t dare acknowledge it.  A fresh-faced, chestnut-haired bombshell, Robyn is, first and foremost, Geena’s li’l sis. 

No touchy.

“That sounds fun!  I can stop by before I go to the library, and we can make our evil genius plans together,” cackled Geena.  “Thanks for being so understanding, Mike… I didn’t want to disappoint you!”

…I didn’t have the heart to tell her how relieved I was that I wouldn’t end up being the butt of any of Geena’s pranks!

When April Fools’ rolled around, I managed to get through my day without being compromised.  I went to a few classes and witnessed other people opening bags filled with worms, standing and tripping over their tied-together shoelaces, and uncapping pens with loosened ink cartridges that spilled dark liquid all over their notes.

But me?  I was as untouchable as Robyn!  I got to laugh at the “fools” while knowing that I wasn’t going to be pranked, and that made the dreaded holiday a ton of fun.  In fact, I sort of started to see why people even celebrate it in the first place.

My day only got better when I finished my last class and, hitching my backpack over one shoulder, trekked off campus to Geena’s apartment in town.  She was waiting for me; in the middle of her living room was a dining room chair and a few skeins of lucious red rope.

“…is this a prank?” I asked warily, dropping my bag near the door.

“This is practice, Mike,” replied Geena, rolling her eyes at me.  She was dressed down in a pair of yoga pants and a loose peasant top that showed off her cleavage.  Nothing especially revealing, but sexy nonetheless… maybe just because everything Geena wears is sexy.

She picked up one of the bundles of rope and shook it at me.  “I don’t have time to play a prank.  I have to be at the library in less than an hour.  But I was hoping you’d let me tie you up.  For practice.  And… well, I guess as an apology for not being available this evening.  I know you really wanted to hang out.”

“You don’t have to apologize, Geena,  I think it’s awesome how you’re always giving your time to other people,” I said, softening.  Geena really did seem disappointed not to get to hang out, but I was still relieved, knowing whomever was going to get pranked by her, it wasn’t going to be me.

The sight of her was also calming, the way her clothes hugged her curvy body, the way her hand curled around the bundle of rope and waved it temptingly.

“Okay.  We can practice,” I agreed.  “I thought you wanted to play a prank on Robyn, though?  I was kind of looking forward to it.”

“She’s coming over later and I’ll get her then.  But don’t worry about that now.  Take off your clothes!” said Geena.

I blushed, but I pulled my shirt up over my head.  Normally I’m kind of shy about my body, but Geena always makes me feel like I could be a centerfold.  I’m not even bad-looking or anything.  In fact, I think a lot of people would like the way I’m built: stocky, hairy, “like a teddy bear,” Geena once said.  It’s just that I don’t have Geena’s natural confidence.

As I unbuttoned my pants and began to lower them, Geena found the end of the rope bundle and gave it a yank, unfurling a long length like a magician pulling an impossibly long scarf from his sleeve.  The flick of her wrist was so graceful, so self-assured, that it was hard to believe she actually needed “practice.”

But hey, who was I to argue?

I stripped down to my boxer shorts and rubbed my thighs with my palms, nervously.  “So I just sit in the chair?”

“Mmm-hm.  And I’ll tie you down.  And then I’ll play with you… and we’ll see how well my restraints work when you start to squirm.”

I felt heat flood my body, from my chest to my groin to my toes.  “Sounds good,” I agreed, voice cracking a little with anticipation.  I sat in the chair, eager to serve Geena.  In most cases, “helping Geena” came with a major benefit.

Stepping around me with the grace of a ballet dancer, Geena tossed a length of rope over my shoulder, another across my chest.  Slowly, the lines intersected and twisted and grew taut, forming intricate knot and diamond patterns.  I felt my arms cinch suddenly to my sides like I was enclosed in a cocoon.  My legs were each bound to a leg of the chair so that my thighs were spread a little, leaving the tent in my boxers impossible to hide. 

It took Geena less than twenty minutes to use up all three of the skeins of red rope, and when she was done, I was bound to the chair so securely that I was lucky I could even flex my toes!

“I don’t think you really needed the practice.  I can’t move an inch,” I reported.

“Well, we haven’t really started testing you yet, have we?” purred Geena, reaching between my legs to cup my bulge tenderly.  Automatically, my hips canted forward, trying to seek more of her palm, but I couldn’t move; as much as I strained, I was stuck!

“Oh, no.  You’re going to tease me,” I groaned, suddenly realizing the mess I’d gotten myself into.  This was Geena’s prank, all along… and like a dummy, I’d fallen for it!

“April Fool!” said Geena with a giggle, gripping my shoulders and leaning forward to kiss my cheek.  Her long, loose hair whispered across my skin, and goosebumps spread down my arms, knowing I was at her mercy.

She drew back and I craned my neck trying to look behind me, but she reappeared in my field of view with her black bag of toys, and I flushed with embarrassment and anticipation.

“I don’t want to make you late for your library thing,” I said.

“Oh, Mike, you’re such a worrywart.  Just relax and let me play with you.”

I tried to roll my hips again, but my posture was fixed.  Sitting upright in the chair, I didn’t think any of Geena’s toys would be able to access my hole, nor any of her whips access my backside.  This meant the focus was probably going to be my cock.  It stirred with anticipation.

And of course Geena noticed!  Nothing gets past her.

“I guess we ought to take care of this before I untie you…” she grinned, reaching between my legs and palming my growing erection.  I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, one of the only ways I could move at all.  Geena’s hands were as skilled with my cock as they were with the rope; she coaxed me to my full length in no time, until I was rock-hard, and she did it all without ever even taking me out of my underwear!

“Now, Mike, who’s my little April Fool?” she purred, her hand working me easily.

“I am.  You got me, Geena.  You got me good,” I confessed, drunk on the sensations of her hand.

“I got you,” she repeated, and when she said it, I knew she meant it in a broader sense.  It made my heart feel full, and I opened my eyes to look at her lovingly, grateful for her and almost, almost, wishing she didn’t have to go to the library.

And then the phone rang.

Hey!” I protested as Geena let go of me to go grab the cordless phone in the kitchen.  My cock throbbed in protest.

“It could be important!” called Geena.  “…hello?  Mrs. MacIntyre?  Yes, this is– oh my gosh.  Oh, really?  Yes.  Of course I’m home.  Yes, I can help.  Give me just a few seconds to get my shoes on.”

“What?  Geena!” I hollered, squirming uselessly in my chair.

“It’s no big deal, Mike; Mrs. MacIntyre down the hall sprained her wrist and needs help bringing in her groceries.  I’ll be really quick.  You just stay there, okay?”

“Where else would I go?!” I demanded in frustration as I watched Geena slip on a pair of flats by the door.  I rocked furiously in my chair in protest, but stopped before I accidentally knocked myself over.  The pressure in my groin was unbearable!  I had been so close that Geena probably could have finished me off in less than a minute.  I knew she was leaving me to squirm on purpose; Geena’s always been a tease.

Helpless in my chair, I couldn’t even shift enough to rub my erection on anything.  All I could do was wait and listen to see if I might hear the sound of Geena walking up the stairs with the groceries, of doors opening or closing… any indication that she was finishing up and returning to free me.

After a very short time I heard a key rattle in the lock of the door.  My first reaction was relief, then confusion, because Geena hadn’t locked the door when she left.  Someone with a key was trying to unlock it.  Finding it unlocked, they swung the door open, revealing me, sitting right in the middle of the living room with a huge bulge in my boxers and lengths of crimson rope criss-crossing my body every which way, securing me to one of Geena’s straight-back kitchen chairs.

“Hey, Oz,” I squeaked, my face turning red.

Oz, an old friend, gaped at me, then burst into laughter.  “What is this, some kinda joke?” he asked, looking around.

“Close the door, Oz,” I begged, mortified that someone might walk past and peek in.

“Is this an April Fools’ thing?” he continued, looking around.

“Close the door, Oz!”

Oz swung the door shut behind him and stepped into the room, grinning ear-to-ear.  “Well, well, well, aren’t you all wrapped up like a Christmas present?  Must be my lucky day!”

“Ha, ha.  …Geena will be back any second, she’s just helping a lady down the hall with her groceries,” I said, too embarrassed to look Oz in the eye.

But Oz isn’t shy like me.  He waltzed right up to the chair and planted himself in front of me so most of my view was of his gray, acid-washed denim pants.  His jeans were snug, snug enough for me to see that he was liking the view. 

“Anything I can do to help, Mike?” asked Oz in a low, purring tone.

“No,” I said, hurriedly.  “Geena will be right back, like I said.”  I would have squirmed but, of course, I couldn’t.  Not even when Oz took another half-step toward me, so close that our knees bumped together.

“You sure?  You look pretty tense.  I don’t mind helping while you wait for Geena.”

“No.  No, I’m good, I don’t mind waiting.”

“It would be helping Geena, too.  Keeping you warm for her…”

“Really.  I’m good,” I insisted, feeling increasingly nervous.  Not that I don’t trust Oz; he’s a friend and I know he’d never hurt me.  I guess I was more scared that– well, this is embarrassing to admit, but I worried I’d disappoint Geena if he touched me.  Because I was so close to blowing my load that I knew it wouldn’t take much, and I wanted to do it for her, not Oz.

But Oz had other plans in mind.

He reaches down and his fingertips danced over the top of my bare thigh, the light touches maddening.  My erection bobbed with approval; it was involuntary but the surge of pleasure was nothing I could help.  Geena had whipped me up into a state of anticipation and then left, and in her place, Oz had all the tools he needed to mess with me.  And he knew it.

“Oz, wait–” I protested.

“I’m just keeping you warm for her,” he repeated, circling one of my nipples with his finger.  My chest muscles twitched but I couldn’t pull away.  I was completely helpless!

“Oz.  Oz, I’m serious–”

“Oh, so am I, Mike.  I don’t get to see you so bare all the time… I know you’re shy… so this is really special.  Seeing you all exposed and not able to hide that gorgeous bod of yours.”

I turned so red that it felt like my face was going to explode.

“C’mon, man…” I mumbled, embarrassed beyond reason.

“C’mon?  What, you want me to touch it after all?”

“No, I didn’t mean– ahh!”  Oz’s hand dove between my legs, still spread, and before I could really stop him, he was tugging on my shaft through my boxers.  Having another guy jerking me off was so weird, and it wasn’t like we had a girl there who was even directing him; he was working little jolts of pleasure out of me all by himself, and I felt like— well, it sounds crazy, but I felt like he was stealing.  Because that erection was for Geena, not him.  But he tugged on my shaft, and weighed my balls in his hand, and even reached a little lower as if he was considering putting a finger in me and drawing more pleasure out of my sweet spot.  Fortunately, the chair prevented him from being able to access my hole, but the rest of me was on display, and he settled for working my dick like it was the most natural thing in the world.

“Oz– Oz, wait– please, I’m gonna cum–” I begged.

“If you want me to stop, just say the safe word.”

“We don’t have a safe word because we’re not involved!” I exclaimed in frustration, my cock leaking pre-cum as I struggled not to blow my load.

“Oh, bummer.  Guess you’ll just have to let me finish milking this huge boner, then,” grinned Oz.  I could see the outline of his own cock, right down to the veins, huge and pulsating in his jeans.  With one hand he fumbled to take it out.  “It’s okay, Mike, I’m hard for you too, see?”

“I’m not hard for you!  I’m hard for Geena!  Oh, God– oh, God, I’m gonna cum– oh, Geena–”  I gasped, feeling the tension in my body rise to a boiling point. 

And then, as if she was some kind of faerie queen summoned by hearing her name, the door burst open and there she appeared in the doorway, a picture of feminine beauty and dominance.

“Oz, what the hell?” she demanded, putting her hands on her hips.

Oz froze, my cock in his right hand and his own in his left, his jeans and boxers pulled down to his thighs.  “Uhh…”

“I told you to just tease him a little, not take him all the way!”

Oz let go of both of us to hold up his hands like a criminal being caught by the police.  “Well, you didn’t tell me he was going to be tied up like a holiday ham and have his legs spread like that!”

“Wait– wait, this was all planned?” I sputtered.

“Oh.  Yeah.  April’s Fool!” cried Geena, laughing.

My jaw dropped, and then, after the shock wore off, I began laughing.  Of course Geena would plan something… of course she’d never leave me tied up in a weird position with my legs spread and the door unlocked… of course she’d know I was shy about being naked and put me in a position where Oz could tease me.  And Oz was the perfect accomplice, because as embarrassed as I was, I was also just a little flattered.  And Oz was a friend, not a stranger, so as weird as it was, it wasn’t that weird.

I laughed, and Oz began laughing too.  Soon all three of us were laughing at just how ridiculous the whole thing was.

“Okay, okay, you got me.  That was– really nuts.  I totally did not realize that was planned,” I admitted, chuckling. 

“Well, he wasn’t supposed to actually touch you,” she informed me, giving Oz a sideways glance. 

Oz had the grace to look a little guilty.  “Sorry.  I couldn’t resist.  …you gonna punish me, Geena?” he asked, winking.

“Hmm.  You know what?  I just might.  …go grab that other chair and I can tie you two back-to-back!”  Geena’s face shone with excitement at the idea.  Her smile was like a sun that lit up the room, and most of my embarrassment went away when I saw how excited she was to have another victim to practice on.

Besides, if Oz’s back was to me, he wouldn’t keep glancing at my huge erection!

I listened to the scrap of another chair being moved and felt its back knock against mine.

“Uhh, Geena… can I get some help here?” I asked meekly, nodding down to my crotch.  A few beads of precum had wet the front of my boxers.

“Let me get Oz all snug first.”

“I don’t think I can last long,” I reported.

“You’re fine, Mike.  Trust me, I’ll make it worth your while,” said Geena.

“I’m hard, too,” Oz informed me.

I rolled my eyes.  I already knew that.

Every little jolt of my chair moving as Geena tied us together, back-to-back, resonated through my body.  If I knew Geena and her attention to detail, then she was probably making us into a beautiful tableau, symmetrical male figures, like matching statues.  I tried not to feel too awkward about being matched to Oz, but I was pretty aware of the differences in our bodies.

“Now hold hands,” instructed Geena.

“What?” I blurted.

Oz’s wrists were tied up to mind; I felt him rotating his hands, trying to lace our fingers together.  “Come on, Mike, it’s her vision.”

I heaved a sigh.  “Oh… all right.”  We thread our hands together, our arms pinned to our sides, and Geena tied our wrists.  Now I was even more restrained than I had been before!

Geena went to her black bag and rummaged around for a pair of scissors.  She always keeps a pair, in case she ever needs to cut someone out of bondage in a hurry, she once told me.  But the ropes weren’t the thing she was getting rid of.

I sighed with relief as she cut through my boxers, tearing away the fabric.  Cool air hit my aching cock and it was delicious.  I expected her to offer me some relief, but instead, she went around and cut away Oz’s underwear, too.

“Wow.  You two look great.  Let me go get my camera!”

“Gee-ee-eena!” I whined, feeling my body tense uselessly against my binding.

She was already skipping off to the kitchen.  The sight of her breasts bouncing in her shirt– no bra– nearly made me cum without even being touched.

And then–

The phone rang.

Geena grabbed the cordless phone.  “…hello?  Mrs. MacIntyre?  Yes, this is– oh my gosh.  Oh, really?  Yes.  Of course I’m home.  Yes, I can help.  In fact, I’ve already got my shoes on!”

“Gee-ee-eena!” Oz and I both wailed.

“Sorry, it’s Mrs. MacIntyre.  For real this time.  Give me two seconds, okay?”

“No, Geena, wait!” I cried, but she just kissed me on the head and then disappeared out the door, leaving Oz and I strapped to our chairs, back to back, our hands laced together.

“Well, this is pretty weird, huh?” asked Oz after a moment.

“Oh, shut up,” I grumbled.

“You’re just mad ‘cause she didn’t let me finish.  …for what it’s worth, my cock hurts, too.”

“Just be quiet, Oz,” I sighed.

He was quiet, for just a few seconds, but then someone knocked on the door.  We could have just ignored it.  We could have said nothing.

But Oz is a joker at heart, and before I could hiss at him not to say anything, he bellowed, “COME BACK WITH A WARRANT!”

Like it was some kind of big joke!

A second later the door swung open and in walked Robyn.

Robyn, aka, Geena’s little sister.  Aka… Bait.

She was the last person I wanted to see.

Dressed in a pair of cut-off jean shorts and bright red sneakers, her backpack slung over her back and a lollipop in her mouth, she didn’t look 17.  She looked way, way younger.

She froze, and I froze, and we stared at each other in horror.

“…hello?  What’s going on?” asked Oz.  Facing away from the door, he couldn’t see.

Bait’s eyes darted down, then up, then down, then up.  She was checking me out.  Oh my God.  I struggled to close my legs but Geena’s ties were too good.  My cock was on full display.

Wow,” said Robyn, finally.  “Did Geena leave you here for me?  It must be my birthday or something!”  She giggled, ogling at me like a zoo animal.

Bait?” cried Oz, hearing Robyn’s voice.  “Oh, no– get out of here, Bait!”

Robyn just laughed again, moving the stick of her lollipop from one side of her mouth to the other.  She tossed her backpack on the floor and stalked up to me, crouching down to inspect my cock.

I squeezed my eyes shut as she poked it.  “Geena wouldn’t put you two on display like this if she didn’t want me to have some fun.”

“She didn’t put us on display for you.  She didn’t even mention you were coming over!” I protested.  But I felt my heart sinking.  Geena had mentioned it.  Robyn must have come early.  Oh, this was bad.

Robyn wasn’t listening, anyway.  She rose and circled us, humming her approval.  “Gosh, you two are both huge.  …you know you’ll get into like, a ton of trouble if anyone finds us?”

“Oh, like this is our fault!” snapped Oz.

“Hahaha.  It’s cute how you’re holding hands!” teased Robyn.  “I love having options… which one should I play with first?  Hmm… eenie… meenie… miney… moe.”

I peeked with one eye to see her undoing her little denim shorts.  I hadn’t seen who had gotten “moe.”

My heart was racing with panic and I squirmed desperately as Robyn slung a leg over me, straddling me.  Her body was leggy and small, nothing like Geena’s.  She positioned herself over me like she was going to sink down on my cock.  I swallowed several times, shaking.  My hands were sweating and so were Oz’s; the two of us gripped each other with terror.

“Just kidding,” said Robyn after a moment, and she swung off me.  “The other one is the big winner.”

I breathed out a breath I didn’t even realize I’d been holding.  I heard Oz whimper.

“Bait, wait, let’s talk this through.  Please!” begged Oz as Robyn walked around to him.  I felt the muscles in his back tense.  “You know how serious this is.  If anyone messes with you, they’ll go to jail, like, forever.”  Oz wasn’t kidding.  State was considered one of the safest universities in the whole country, because women were really, really protected.  Especially underage girls.  And Robyn wasn’t even in college yet… she was still a high school senior.  If we touched her, we were doomed.

April Fools – original image by faithdesky

“It’s so big.  I wonder if I can even fit the whole thing in!” she said, ignoring Oz completely.

“Bait, listen to me, you can’t– ohh.”  Oz’s whole body shuddered, and a moment later I felt his chair rocking against mine.  Robyn had impaled herself on his cock and was riding him in his seat, cowgirl-style!

With my back to Oz’s, I felt every little thrust, and when Oz came, I felt the way his body shivered.  I would have given anything to get away but I was tied up, helpless.

And Robyn wasn’t done with me yet.

She walked around to my side, wearing only her sneakers and t-shirt, her bottom bare.  There was a small nest of red-brown hair there; I could see nothing else.  In one hand she was holding a long, thin, wooden reed.  It was a cane, one I recognized from Geena’s bag.

“We need to get rid of the evidence, don’t we?  We don’t want you and your friend to end up in trouble,” said Robyn.

“Untie us and we can pretend it never happened,” I agreed.

“Oh, no, that’s not what I had in mind, Mike…” she purred, walking forward.  She swung a  leg up onto my chair, nearly stomping on my erection, and I winced at how close she’d come.  She thrust her groin toward my face; suddenly, her pussy was inches from my mouth.

“Lick it,” she commanded, her tone low and dangerous.

I could see now the small, subtle slit of pink between her mounds, and a small, glistening bead of white there… Oz’s cum! 

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

“Do it, Mike.  Lick it up.”

I shook my head harder.

“Mike, just do it,” whispered Oz loudly.  “I don’t wanna get in trouble.”

“Well, you should’ve thought of that before you came in her!  I don’t want to eat your cum!”

“How do you know if you like it until you’ve tried it?” cooed Robyn.  “Come on.  Lick.  Last chance, Mike.”

I shook my head.

Robyn drew back the cane and, with a flick of her wrist that belied the power behind it, snapped the cane against my canes.

I shrieked a high-pitched yip that probably made every chihuahua in town cringe!

“AHH!” cried Oz, in a normal voice.

“Lick it,” repeated Robyn.

“No,” I managed to gasp.

WHAP!  The cane struck me again, making my eyes water.  Oz cried out and he wasn’t even being the one who was hit.  My balls stung so much that I felt the sensation lit up every nerve in my guts and my legs… and my cock, too.  It dribbled precum, as if confusing the pain for pleasure.

Robyn pushed her pussy up to my lips.  “Lick it, Mike.”

She pressed the smooth wooden cane warningly against my sack, and eyes watering with pain, I let out my tongue, pressing it into her slit and beginning to clean her out.  Oz’s cum was not unfamiliar (I’d tasted my own, of course) but still weird.  It was slippery on my tongue and I tried not to gag as it slithered down my throat; Robyn ground herself into my mouth so I couldn’t have spit it out if I tried.  I could only quietly lap at her wet little snatch and mentally beg for Geena to return soon.

My prayers were answered; I heard the click of the door behind Robyn, and relief flooded me.  I had probably only had my tongue in Robyn for about fifteen seconds, although I had definitely swallowed some of Oz’s seed.  Not all of it, I didn’t think.  I guess it’s a weird thing to care about how much, though, but for a moment, I did care.

But I had bigger problems.

It wasn’t Geena standing in the doorway.  No, it was someone else, probably the last person in the world I would have wanted to catch me with my face in between Bait’s legs:


“Michael.  What the hell.”  Her voice was low and quiet, and a lot scarier than if she had yelled.

“I can explain!” I blurted, but of course I couldn’t.  Bait was underage, and Rachel had caught me.  I couldn’t have done anything different.  I couldn’t move, and Robyn was the one who had pushed her pussy against my mouth and forced me to open it.

But Rachel didn’t care.  She stormed in like a hurricane, drew back her hand, and slapped me so hard I swear I saw cartoon birds flying around my head.

“What’s going on?  What’s going on?” yelled Oz, struggling to turn his head enough to see what was happening.

“Give me that cane, Robyn!” barked Rachel, and before Robyn could say anything, she snatched it from her hand.  Robyn looked pale.

“Wait, Rachel, it’s an April Fools’–”

You be quiet!  I’ll deal with you later!  Oz, Mike, you two are toast!”

“Wait!  Wait!  She made us!” cried Oz, but there was no stopping Rachel.  I heard the snap of the cane against Oz’s bare chest and the shock of his body jerking back against mine, and my throat constricted with terror that I was going to be next.  Robyn had tapped my balls with the cane a few times, but from the sound of the wood on Oz’s flesh, Rachel was working him over in a way that was going to make Robyn’s taps feel like a gentle massage. 

Oz was wailing, in too much pain for words as she thrashed his chest and thighs.  His body was completely spread for her and he couldn’t move an inch; his hands were crushing mine as she beat him.  I could hear Robyn yelling over Rachel but the words were all muddled up with Oz’s bellowing.







At some point Robyn gave up trying to yank Rachel away and instead slunk around to my side, sitting in my lap like I was just a cushion for the chair.  Her legs were warm on mine and glistening with slick, and everything was so confusing my body had all sorts of crossed wires and my erection throbbed against her.  I knew when Rachel saw it that it would set her off all over again, and that I was doomed.

And then–

The doorbell rang!

I nearly cried with relief.  Geena was back!

…but wait… why would Geena ring her own doorbell?

“University Police!  What’s going on in there?!”

All four of us froze, wide-eyed.

The door swung open, and there stood Captain Maggie.  I had seen her around campus a few times and met her at orientation, but never been in trouble.  This?  This was… big trouble.

Captain Maggie was sometimes jokingly called “Brunhilda.”  She looked the part.  She was tall and very broad-shouldered, wide.  Not curvy like Geena, or even very womanly.  Sort of boxy, like a bear.  She had blond hair and blue eyes and rumor had it she had wrestled on the Olympic team and had a gold medal.

And now she was standing in Geena’s living room in her full uniform, where Oz and I sat tied up and naked (Oz was leaking blood and tears), with Robyn half-naked on my lap and Rachel standing over all of us with a cane in her hand.

“I can explain,” blurted Rachel.

“Hey, I said that earlier,” said Oz, sounding a little dazed and sniffling a bit.

“You!  I know you… you don’t attend the university!” exclaimed Captain Maggie, pointing with her baton at Robyn.

“I go to the high school.  I’m a senior,” said Robyn.

“Back away from the girl!” barked Captain Maggie, pointing her baton alarmingly at me.

“I– whatHow!?” I exclaimed.

“I’m gonna count to three and you’d better get away from her!”

“But I’m all tied up!  And she’s sitting on me!”

“And you!  What are you, the mastermind behind this sick little scene?” demanded Captain Maggie, looking at Rachel.  “Trying to corrupt this poor, innocent, underage girl with your masochistic little games?”

“No!  No, I was– I was protecting her!” protested Rachel, dropping the cane in horror and holding up her hands.

Captain Maggie wasn’t listening.  She pulled a walkie-talkie from her belt and pressed a button.  “This is Captain Maggie with the University Police and I’m outside my jurisdiction, but I need backup, ASAP!  Call in the sheriff… and the state troopers… and the FBI!”

What?” cried Rachel.  “No!  Wait!  Captain, it isn’t what it looks like!  They’re the perverts, not me!”

Nice, Rachel,” muttered Oz under his breath.

“Yeah, yeah, tell it to the DA!  You, I told you to get away from the girl!” she barked at me, pointing her baton at me once more.  “Last chance, pervert!  If you don’t get away from her by the count of three, I’m Tasing your ass!” 

“I can’t!  I can’t!” I cried, wriggling against my ropes like a butterfly in a spider’s web.

“Three… two… two and a half…”

Every muscle in my body tensed, preparing for the shock.

The walkie-talkie crackled.  Someone was on the other line.

“…APRIL FOOLS!”  Geena’s voice rang out, clear as day, even through the static, and then the door flew open.  Geena stood there grinning, though her smile faded as she looked around at the chaos in her living room.  “What the heck happened here?”

“Geena, it’s not what it looks like!”

“Of course it’s not, Mike.  I set it all up.”

“You set up your underage protégé for a prank?” exclaimed Rachel.

Geena grinned and spread her arms.  “Robyn’s not underage.”

“…my birthday was last week,” Robyn informed Rachel, sounding annoyed with her.  “I was trying to tell you, but–”

“I’m lost.  I’m completely lost.  Just tell the FBI to go easy on us,” I groaned.

Geena rolled her eyes skyward and strode over to shoo Robyn off my lap and take her rightful place there.  She looped her arms around my neck.

“Robyn was supposed to come in and tease you guys.”

“She did a lot more than tease us!” scoffed Oz.

“…and then Rachel was supposed to come in and pretend to be all offended.”

“She did a lot more than pretend!”

“…and then Captain Maggie was supposed to come and pretend to call the cops.”

That part actually worked out.”

“I love helping out with a prank,” said Captain Maggie, who was none-to-subtly checking me out.  I suspected Captain Maggie had only agreed because of Geena’s glowing reputation around campus.  Seeing the mess in Geena’s living room, she probably regretted it now.

“Well, Geena, you got everyone good.  But maybe next year, just stick to taping ‘Kick Me’ signs on our backs,” grumbled Oz.  He let out a shuddering sigh.  “Oh, my God, I really thought she was still off-limits!”

“I thought so, too,” said Rachel, which is probably the closest that someone like Rachel can ever get to admitting she’s wrong and saying sorry.  “But if you’d told me I wouldn’t’ve freaked out!”

“Well, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think she was going to mess with them this hard!” said Geena, shooting Robyn a disapproving look.  “I wanted you to freak out just a little, not tenderize Oz into Wagyu beef!”

“So you’re saying I’m beefy?” asked Oz weakly, flexing against the ropes.

“He’s okay if he’s still making jokes,” said Rachel.

Robyn looked a little guilty about how far it had gone.  I guess Geena had trusted that Robyn, Rachel, and Captain Maggie would play their parts better.  But to be fair, Robyn was barely legal in the most literal sense and I guess seeing Oz and me exposed was just too much for her!  Fortunately, Oz is no stranger to beatings and was able to laugh it all in a typical Oz fashion.  By the end of the week he would even begin to retell the story, with embellishments! 

He also couldn’t help himself. “Hey, one good thing came out of this,” Oz blurted. “Mike ate my cum!”

“Oz, Shut up!” I yelled.

As for what happened next, well…

Geena heaved a sigh and reached for the scissors in her bag to release me and Oz.  But before she could undo any of the rope, the phone rang.

Geena walked to the kitchen to get it.  “…hello?  Mrs. MacIntyre?  Yes, this is– oh my gosh.  Oh, really?  Yes.  Of course I’m home.  Yes, I can help.”

“Geena!  No!” cried Oz and I in unison.

Geena’s gaze slid over to us.  “Actually… on second thought… I’ll send Captain Maggie and my friend Rachel down to help you with your groceries.  My boyfriend’s just a little tied up at the moment!  …with what?  Uhh… a prank that kind of went sideways.  …what can I say, Mrs. MacIntyre… he’s a really big fan of April Fools’ Day!”



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