Every Dog Has His Day (And This One Was Mine)
Growing up, her family had a boxer, and mine had a toy poodle.
Her boxer’s name was Emily and our toy poodle’s name was Peanut. They got along well. Better than we did, actually. Every time there was a family barbeque, inevitably, Peanut would try to mount Emily, and Emily would, with infinite patience, stand still and let him bounce around like a piece of popcorn, eventually humping her leg because he couldn’t reach any higher.
Emily passed away our junior year of high school, but Peanut is still alive, though he’s absolutely ancient now. But this story isn’t about Peanut. It’s about me and April. I hate to compare myself to Peanut, who’s about as smart as a box of soap, but April was very much like Emily. She’s composed and tough and smart and patient. In high school, she was nominated for Prom Queen (she came in second) and also involved with student council, National Honor Society, and lacrosse.
We had so much in common. We were both studious, nerds but not unpopular; we were academically gifted and relatively socially active, and both of us came from families with long ties to State, which is where we both wanted to go. It was a relationship that was a perfect example of the “high school sweetheart” trope, with only one tiny little caveat: we never actually dated.
Sure, our families were friends and we’d lived next door to each other our entire lives. Sure, we went to summer camp together, and vacationed together, and did pretty much everything together, and sure, our dogs were totally in love and we had similar interests in basically everything.
It should have been a natural pair.
But for whatever reason, April and I never really quite made it as a couple. Both of us went to prom with a group of friends instead of a date. Neither of us dated in high school. We were both the type of people to smile nervously when people asked us if we had a boyfriend or girlfriend yet; unlike Peanut, neither of us were brave enough to make the first move, and high school passed without either of us ever trying to find out if our chemistry was real or not.
I mean, I think it was real. I’m sure it was real. But April was such a catch and I felt… well, I felt like the Peanut to her Emily: small and a little desperate, and therefore pathetic, and I never worked up the nerve to ask her out. I was too afraid she’d say no.
We both got accepted to State and, following the family tradition, pledged at our respective Greek houses: me to Delta Theta Kappa, her to Zeta Kappa Theta.
And that was when everything changed.
Did April know the secrets of the houses before? I sure didn’t. No one warned me what I was in for, as a pledge, but it quickly became clear, and it felt natural to get in line. Deltas were submissive, obedient, and efficient, but not weak. And Zetas? Zetas were confident, certain, commanding, and firm. April was already a perfect Zeta, as far as I was concerned. In high school she’d been competitive, and at State, she blossomed. It made her feel even more unapproachable, though I still thought of us as friends and sometimes daydreamed about taking her out.
But our freshman year, we were so busy pledging our paths rarely crossed. That is, until one day in the spring when I got a call from her.
More accurately, my roommate got a call from her. He was the one with the phone; it looked like a hamburger and he thought it was hilarious.
“Hey, Corey, you got a call,” he informed me, leaning back in his chair and stretching to hand me the receiver. The cord stretched dangerously and the hamburger threatened to drop from his desk to the floor. He shot me a warning look: don’t hurt the hamburger.
“Hello?” I said, expecting Eric. Eric, the frat president, called all the time with various tasks for me. As a pledge, I was basically on-call 24/7.
But instead, I heard April’s voice. It was music to my ears, even though her tone was a little frantic.
“Corey! I need your help.”
My help? I couldn’t imagine what she needed help with; April was smarter than me and when we used to do homework together in high school, she usually ended up tutoring me.
“Sure. What’s up?” I asked, trying to sound casual. I leaned back in my chair (dumb, she couldn’t see me!) and the cord pulled the hamburger phone off the desk. It clattered to the floor.
“What was that?” asked April in alarm.
“I dropped the hamburger,” I said sheepishly, trying to get up to gather it. My roommate was already grabbing it and examining its sesame seed bun for cracks, shooting me a dirty look
“The…hamburger…? Never mind! I have an emergency. Zeta Kappa Theta participates in a big dog contest every spring to benefit the local animal shelter and I’m one of the three people competing, and my dog got sick.”
“I’m sorry,” I said automatically, though I didn’t realize April’s family had a new dog and wasn’t sure what she needed from me.
“Can you help me? There’s a big trophy if you win the competition and we’ve been beaten the last eight years by the sorority from St. Claver’s. Bonnie is out for blood, and if I don’t do well she’ll kill me!”
“Uh-huh. Uh-huh,” I said, nodding. “That sounds fun. I mean, not being killed by Bonnie! The– dog show. I love dogs. Yeah, that sounds great!” I still had no idea what April wanted, because I had no clue how to train a dog. Peanut had never even learned to sit. Emily, of course, could sit and shake and roll over. I didn’t think April needed my help, but any excuse to spend time with her was one I’d take! Plus, since she was a Zeta and I was a Delta, it was sort of my duty to help if any of the girls asked.
“Oh, thank God. The show’s on Saturday; I know it’s super short notice but this is a really big deal and I can’t mess up. I’m the only freshman who’s competing.”
It was Wednesday. The show was in four days. I didn’t know how April planned to train a dog in four days or what I had to do with anything, but if anyone could hack it, it would be April. She was fiercely competitive and driven. I think losing the Prom Queen title had awakened something in her. Or maybe it was just the sorority. It had a way of making the women stronger; by the time they were seniors, Zetas were empresses, strolling across campus like they owned the place. They were awe-inspiring.
To me, April was already awe-inspiring.
“If you’re the only freshman in the show I guess that means Bonnie really trusts you,” I said, heart thumping in my chest.
“Maybe. Or it’s a test. I don’t know. Can you get here tonight at seven? Me, Alashanee, and Maddie have been training seven to nine every night.”
“Okay. But I’m not sure what you want me to do.”
“I’ll show you when you get here. Just come to the sorority house at seven. I have everything, so don’t worry about that!”
“…okay,” I said, wondering since when students were even allowed to have dogs.
But April was already thanking me, and hanging up.
“You’re gonna be in a show?” asked my roommate the moment I handed the phone back to him. His annoyance that I had dropped the hamburger phone was negated by his curiosity that a girl was calling me, especially a Zeta.
“No, my friend April is,” I explained. “I’m just offering her moral support, I think.”
I had no idea, when I said it, what kind of moral support she meant for me to provide!
When six-thirty rolled around, I made my way out of the dorms and crossed the quad toward the Zeta house. It was only a ten-minute walk but I didn’t want to be late. I had taken almost an hour to get ready, and gone through three different outfits: first jeans and a t-shirt (too casual!), then slacks and a tie (way too formal!), then finally, dark jeans and a t-shirt with my button-up open on top. My roommate rolled his eyes as I dragged a brush through my hair (it frizzed up in the humidity; the curse of being a ginger!) but I could tell he was jealous when I stepped out the door. Even a freshman Zeta was on her way to becoming a queen bee, and I think, deep down, he knew that my connection to April was a big deal.
I lingered outside of the sorority house for a while, trying to pass time, counting the bricks and the windows and smiling nervously at the women who walked past, eyeballing me. I tried not to check my watch too often but I probably checked it at least a dozen times before I finally decided it was time.
I walked up the steps to the heavy wooden front door and rang the bell. It opened almost immediately; in front of me was a pale, slender woman with a shock of lavender hair, wearing nothing but a silk bathroom that terminated mid-thigh.
“…yes?” she said, after a minute, and I realized I hadn’t said anything.
“I’m April. I’m here for Corey. I’m showing with the dog help. I mean, I’m helping with the show dog. I mean the dog show. I’m here for April. I’m Corey,” I babbled.
She stared at me for a minute, and then grinned, showing all her teeth. “Ohhhh. You’re the replacement!”
“The replacement?” I repeated, suddenly worried April needed me to train her dog. Panic flooded me: what if I messed up and disappointed her? That would disappoint Bonnie, the sorority president, and in turn, that would disappoint Eric, my frat’s president.
“Come on in,” she said, gesturing, then turned back into the house. “APRIL!” she shouted with shocking volume for a woman her size.
“Don’t yell, Billie, sheesh. I’m right here!” April appeared behind her, and offered me the smallest of smiles. It felt like a private smile between real friends, one that thanked me for coming, one that communicated appreciation beyond what was necessary. It warmed my heart and I grinned back, but April’s expression quickly changed when Billie turned back.
Suddenly, April was all business.
“We’re working in the den. The competition is actually down in the soccer stadium but the team practices on weekdays so we don’t have a lot of room,” she informed me breezily, gesturing for me to follow her into the inner sanctum of the Zeta sorority house. I stepped gingerly in, hurriedly taking my shoes off; the wooden floors had expensive-looking rugs. Everything in the Zeta house screamed elegance: the brocade tapestries, the oil portraits, the antique furniture. We walked past the main common room and I spied a huge fireplace. Over the mantle was a row of trophies, but none of them looked like dog show trophies.
“So you said Zeta hasn’t won the competition?” I said.
April shook her head as she led me down the hall, her loose hair bouncing down the middle of her back. April had auburn hair, the kind that’s brown with a hint of red that gives it a shimmery look. She was wearing a buttoned-up white shirt and a pair of tan khakis with a smart black belt, and looked just like you’d expect a dog trainer to look: neat and official. The clothes fitted her like a glove, emphasizing the curves of her hips, hugging her chest and showing off the taper of her waist; a hunter-green leather corset was laced up to give her breasts an extra push up.
“No, we haven’t since 1988. There’s twelve sororities who compete, and the girls from St. Claver’s Phi Gamma Gamma always win. Bonnie is sick of it. She competed the last three years but she said she couldn’t stand to lose again, so instead, it’s me and Maddie and Alashanee. Alashanee is handling Deshaun and Maddie is handling Eddie. You know them, right?”
I did; Deshaun was actually a freshman pledge, like me.
“Uh, yeah. So what are we do–” I began.
But before I could finish, April stopped in front of a small flight of stairs, whipped around, and grabbed the front of my shirt. She pushed me against the wall, pressing her body into mine. Automatically I tried to shrink back but there was nowhere to go; her breasts pushed into my chest, pinning me, and her hips jutted against mine, ensuring I couldn’t escape.
Our eyes met. April’s round, heart-shaped, nymph-like face was stern, her eyes fierce.
“Corey. I need us to win,” she breathed. Her breath was warm and smelled like cinnamon.
“We’ll win,” I said, quickly. “April, you know I’d do anything for you.” I caught myself. “Because– because of our Greek houses. Deltas are always happy to service Zetas,” I amended.
She eased off me. “Good. Because I’m serious. I want to win.”
“I know, I know. We’ll do whatever it takes, okay? I already almost broke the hamburger phone for you.”
“…the what?”
“Never mind,” I shook my head. My hair flopped; April considered it.
“I think this works. I thought of you, because you sort of look like an Irish setter.”
“A what?” I asked.
“Come on!”
April grabbed my hand, something I don’t think she would have done if Billie had been with us, and tugged me down the steps into the basement. I followed her happily, my questions abandoned, enjoying the soft firmness of her hand on mine.
The den of the house was probably fully furnished, but when we stepped into it, all of the furniture was shoved against the walls to create a wide, empty space. The other two girls were waiting with apparent impatience, dressed similarly to April in semi-professional gear and smart lace-up boots. Both were holding a leash, but there were no dogs.
No, on the end of the leashes, crouched with both hands and feet on the carpet, there sat Eddie and Deshaun. Both were naked… well, not completely naked. On their hands they were wearing thick leather mitts that completely enclosed their hands and rendered their fingers useless. The mitts were secured to their wrists with belted straps and it was obvious there was no way for them to remove the mitts. Not until the girls were done with them.
Eddie was wearing a thick leather collar, and his face was obscured by a black hood with pointed black ears. I could tell it was him because of his swimmer’s body: lean and muscular and shaved. Completely shaved. He looked like a Doberman to me, all muscle.
And Deshaun was wearing a harness, two loops of red leather over his shoulders like a backpack and a strip down his spine, a pair of rings on it to attach to the leash. He had no hood but instead a muzzle, a silver cage over his mouth, giving his face a longer look. I’d never seen Deshaun’s legendary tool but I’d heard rumors, and the rumors were true; hanging between his legs was the biggest penis I’d ever seen. Enormous beside Eddie, Deshaun had less posture and more heft, and I thought of him as a St. Bernard or maybe a Burmese mountain dog, a gentle giant.
And me?
April had said I was like an Irish setter but all of the sudden I felt more like a pomeranian! Everything she’d said about her dog getting sick and needing me suddenly clicked. I wasn’t going to help her train… I was the trainee!
The senior, Maddie, crossed her arms. “Dogs wear clothes?” she scoffed, blowing her bangs out of her eyes with a small noise of derision.
“No. They don’t,” said April, her tone suddenly cold, and she gave me a pointed look. I felt my face turning red but I took the hint and began pulling off my carefully-selected outfit. I didn’t have Deshaun’s girth and broadness, nor Eddie’s smooth, toned appearance; I felt scrawny and small as I stripped, the woman all watching me impatiently.
I’d been naked in front of Zetas before (what self-respecting Delta hasn’t?!) but it felt so much more personal with April there!
I took everything off, leaving my skin bare, and I stood before the three girls in their official-looking khaki pants and precisely laced corsets, trying not to compare myself to the other two Deltas. Eddie was shaved and Deshaun was neatly trimmed, and me, well, I hadn’t been expecting to get naked so I wasn’t really groomed down there. I didn’t want the other pups judging my coat. I mean, frat guys! I mean, hair!
Maddie tsked. “He’ll have to do.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he’s cleaned up before Saturday,” said April firmly. She pointed to the floor. “Corey. Down.”
I dropped to my knees.
“All the way down,” she commanded.
I bent over, putting my hands on the carpet, too. April reached down and I felt a soft loop of worn leather slip around my neck; her hands brushed over my skin as she adjusted it, making sure it was snug. The leash clicked softly and I felt a tug. I automatically began to follow her without even needing to look up, but she stopped after only a few paces and gave my ribs a nudge with the toe of her boot.
“No, no, don’t crawl on your knees! You’re a puppy, not a baby,” April scolded me.
I paused, rearranging myself so that my hands and feet were on the carpet. It took me a moment to figure out my gait but with April pulling on the leash, I had to figure it out quickly. I could feel the eyes of the women on me as they towered above us guys, looking down their noses at us. We were nothing but pets to them, animals… vehicles for them to win a prize, and nothing more.
“Not bad,” said Maddie, after April had led me back and forth across the room a few times, picking up her pace each time. At first the leash pulled, but quickly, I learned how to run on all fours and keep my body close to hers, my shoulders in line with her knees. With my head down, all I could see were April’s calves, the soft roundness of her legs that contrasted sharply with the hard, unyielding boots on her feet.
“Not great,” added Maddie. “He needs work. And for God’s sake, be sure to groom him.”
“Of course,” said April quickly. I felt her grip on the leash tighten, and the collar pull on my neck a little. I pressed myself closer to her. “I’ll make sure he’s ready.”
I peeked up at April through my hair and saw her jaw fixed, her eyes bright. She looked determined to win; she had the look of a champion who won’t accept defeat. And right then and there I decided that if I ever wanted a shot with her, I’d have to measure up. I didn’t know who her previous “dog” had been, or why I hadn’t been asked in the first place, but I realized I was being given a golden opportunity. To show April I was as good a Delta as she was a Zeta. That were were compatible as mistress and slave, trainer and trainee, protector and pet.
I sat down, straightening my back, trying to look as purebred as possible.
April knelt down and picked up my front paw– I mean, hand. I left it limp in her grip, offering no resistance as she slid a mitt over it and tightened the wrist strap to secure my hands. Until we were done training, I would not need them.
Once the mitts were in place, the girls pulled out a duffel bag of gear to figure out how to dress me up.
“I don’t want a hood on him. I want people to see his coat. It’s eye-catching, the red, you know,” said Maddie.
“Agreed,” said Alashanee. “A muzzle will be enough for him. Try this one.”
She pulled out a small head harness; a strap went over my head and around the sides of my face. On the top were a pair of ears, folded triangles that flopped against my head when I moved it. Attached to the front of the harness was a rubber bit gag, shaped like a bone, and I accepted it into my mouth readily, holding it like a good boy. The girls considered the way it looked, and nodded. With the head harness strapped on and my hands rendered into useless paws, I was truly at their mercy.
“Almost there. But he still needs a tail,” said Alashanee, pulling a curved rubber tail from the bag. On one end was a thick bulb… and I knew where it had to go. I swallowed, trying to clear my mind, but my body was already responding. It knew what it felt like to be filled, and I could feel myself hardening as Maddie thrust the tail at Eddie.
“Lick it,” she commanded, and Eddie immediately leaned in with the softest of whimpers to begin slobbering all over the bulb.
April put her hands on my buttocks and pushed my back legs apart; I braced myself on the floor, angling my rear end up at her, offering her my hole. She patted me and I thought I heard her murmur, “Good boy,” so softly that the others wouldn’t hear. I sank down onto my forearms, my cock throbbing between my legs, and I closed my eyes expectantly.
The plug was cold when it pressed against my ass; I flexed a little, ready to accept it, and with only a tiny bit of resistance, the plug sank into me, immediately pressing down onto my prostate. I let out a very animal-like whine and felt desire bubbling up into my stomach, and with a shudder I came right onto the floor, spurting cum all over the carpet.
“Oh my God!” exclaimed Alashanee.
“Corey! Bad dog!” exclaimed April, giving my ass a whack with her hand. I buried my nose into my paws, ashamed at how I’d lost control.
Eddie whined and tugged on his leash; Maddie pulled him back. “Heel. Heel,” she commanded. “Forget it; you can clean it up later. We have work to do! Get him up, April.”
April tugged the leash, pulling me upright. My cock was still dripping and, inside me, the plug was settling into a comfortable, teasing position. The rubber tail flopped and wagged naturally, telegraphing my pleasure, but I couldn’t help it. I knew I was blushing but I couldn’t speak with the bone in my mouth. I pressed myself against April, whimpering my apologies, but she was all business.
“Okay, let’s get started. First things first: obedience. Line up!” commanded Maddie.
The three of us, pairs of trainers and pets, took our places, and one by one, the girls turned to face us.
“Sit!” said Maddie, and Eddie sat, his back straight, his paws perfectly lined up. “Lie down!” He sank down, chest on the carpet. “Roll over!” Eddie turned, limbs splaying, his smooth body on display. Unlike me, his cock was flaccid, and it flopped between his legs.
“Shake!” said Alashanee, and Deshaun offered her a limp little mitt, which she took in her hand and gave a hearty shake. Deshaun grinned at her, eyes blank and tongue lolling with happiness at his obedience.
“Up, Corey, up!” said April, and automatically, I rose on my haunches in a begging position, my paws dangling at my chest and my knees apart to help balance me. My tail bounced behind me, wiggling, the plug teasing, but there was no time to think about my cock. Half-hard, my entire focus was on April and showing her I was just as good of a show dog as Eddie and Deshaun.
“Now, run!” said Maddie, turning, and she began jogging around the room in a circle, holding Eddie’s leash. At her side, he loped on all fours in long, easy strides. Alashanee followed and April, the only freshman, took up the rear, pulling my leash. I stumbled, my footing puppyish and not nearly as elegantly as Eddie’s, but I quickly found a good gait and trotted beside April, my shoulder just brushing the muscles of her leg.
“Turn!” commanded Maddie, and we turned as a couple. It was like a dance: we circled the room one way, then back, crossing, looping, each pup perfectly attuned to the body of his mistress.
When Maddie told us to stop, we did; I copied Eddie and Deshaun, focused on keeping my posture straight, my muscles taut.
Maddie grabbed a thin plastic hoop from the side of the room and held it up. “Jump!” she cried, letting go of Eddie’s leash, and he immediately bounced forward, springing through the hoop and then slinking down. Maddie raised one of her legs and he slithered under it, his motions smooth and athletic.
Alashanee knelt and bowed her head and whistled, and Deshaun charged, leaping over her with graceful power. I watched wide-eyed, drooling over my bone, unsure how I’d ever manage to copy their motions.
“Set up the weave poles, April,” said Ahashanee, and April commanded me to stay as she went to fetch some of the gear stacked up on the side of the room.
For the next hour, I ran around naked on all fours, weaved back and forth through wobbly plastic poles, jumping through hoops, rolling over, coming, staying, trying to follow every command as perfectly as I could. April barely looked at me; I could tell she was stressed out and trying to keep up with the other girls, and that having a new puppy so close to the competition was difficult for her. Twice, she quietly praised me: once when I balanced a rope bone on my nose while begging, and once when I leapt over a tall hurdle on all fours, barely clearing it.
By the time nine rolled around, I was sweating and panting, my tongue sticking out through the gag. Deshaun and Eddie were also panting, their tongues hanging out. We were exhausted!
The girls seemed as tired as we were; they had been running too as they put us through our paces.
“Well, he’s not perfect, but he’ll do,” said Maddie, sipping from a water bottle while Eddie, Deshaun, and I lay on the floor, our sides rising and falling as we panted our way through a well-earned rest.
“He’ll be ready. I promise. We’ll train extra,” said April.
“Be sure you do,” said Maddie coldly, turning and whistling. Eddie followed her, his leash dragging on the floor. I listened to Maddie climb the stairs, and Eddie following her, clomping up them on all fours.
April put a hand on my head and I nuzzled up into her hand, affirming to her that I would work hard to be the best dog she could hope for.
“…well, we’d better groom you,” said April finally, patting me. “Come on. We can use the bathroom upstairs.”
My mind pleasantly numb and my tail wagging, I padded after her. She led me out of the den to another part of the basement, where there was a small shower room. I sat on the cold tile floor, tail waving, the plug comfortably tight in my ass. I pawed at my cock with my mitts but I couldn’t grip anything; it was exquisite torture.
April tsked and swatted my hand. “No, no, behave,” she scolded me.
I watched as she unlaced her corset and unbuttoned her shirt; her breasts tumbled out, perky and thick, and I panted my approval, gazing adoringly at her as she undressed. She stripped naked but I understood it was only so her clothes wouldn’t get wet. She led me into the shower, and I held still as she turned on the water and got a washcloth to begin wiping down my body. It was perfectly clinical; she scrubbed down my back and chest and legs, briefly swiping between my legs to get my balls and shaft, and I canted my hips forward, desperate for her touch.
“Hold still,” she commanded, holding a razor aloft, and I obediently froze as she knelt and pulled one of my legs up, putting it over her shoulder to access my groin. I closed my eyes as the water fell around us, and felt her maneuver my genitals, stretching my balls to gently drag the razor over my skin and shave me. My inner thighs and balls were shaved, but she left a tuft of red hair over my shaft, trimming it into a small, neat triangle. She held my cock out of the way while she did it, my shaft in her grip, and I quivered with barely contained pleasure, wanting to be good for her but desperate for any kind of relief, all too aware of the way my ass kept flexing eagerly around the plug.
She combed my hair and, finally, turned off the water to towel me off. It was only once the grooming was finished that she removed the gag, the mitts, and the tail; when she pulled out the plug I felt a sense of loss, like I had been a dog all along and was suddenly turned human, and life was a little less fun.
“You look disappointed,” she observed, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms under her voluptuous breasts.
“…I like being a puppy,” I said, my voice sounding weird to me after hours of only being able to whimper.
April smiled a little. “Well, we have a few more days of training before the big day. See you tomorrow at seven?”
I nodded eagerly, and my butt wiggled, though there was no longer a tail there to wag. “Tomorrow. Seven,” I agreed. “…don’t worry, April. We’re gonna win.”
April returned my smile and leaned forward to kiss me on the nose. “That’s a good boy, Corey. Very, very good boy.”
The next few days passed in a blur. During the day I was a person but I was only going through the motions; all I could think about were the couple of hours each evening when I went back to the Zeta house to train. Motivated by the examples set by Eddie and Deshaun, and eager to please April, I could barely wait each day to get my hands restrained and my tail replaced. I didn’t cum on the carpet again, and soon, running around on my paws began to feel as natural as walking. The girls were rigorous with their training and I got an intense workout every session, which always ended with a shower in the basement, where April undressed and washed me off.
When Saturday rolled around I felt as prepared as I could, considering I was only a “replacement pup,” as the other girls called me.
The three of us– Eddie, Deshaun, and me– crossed the campus on Saturday morning to go to the soccer stadium. It was an outdoor ring, enclosed by stands, fairly small. The college didn’t have a big soccer program but I guess the soccer stadium was used for other things… things like human dog shows!
As we approached, I was surprised to see a line of people at the entrance.
“I didn’t know there would be an audience,” I admitted.
“Well, it’s a show, dummy,” said Deshaun, giving my arm a friendly punch. “Don’t worry about it. The only people who matter are the Zetas. They’re counting on us.”
As we passed the line of people, I saw a few familiar faces, and I felt a little bit of nervousness creeping up on me.
“Hey, Corey!” called someone in the queue, and I looked over to see a friend from the dorms, Mike. Beside him was his girlfriend, Geena, her arm around his shoulders, her black hair loose and her smile broad. The two of them waved.
“Hi!” I called, waving back.
“You going to see the show?” asked Geena.
“Um… sorta. Actually I’m– uh– well–” I stammered. I decided it would be easier not to explain. They’d see for themselves soon enough. “Are you?” I said, instead.
“Of course! I love puppies,” said Geena with a giggle. “Show him, Mike.”

Mike groaned, looking embarrassed, but he tugged down the collar of his hooded sweatshirt a little. Around his neck was a pink collar and, settled at his throat, a silver pendant. Engraved on it: IF FOUND, RETURN TO GEENA.
My nervousness was immediately replaced with a pang of envy. I wanted a collar, too. One with a tag, with April’s name.
“That’s awesome,” I said.
“Told you!” exclaimed Geena, squeezing Mike’s arm as he blushed even harder.
“Corey, c’mon!” Eddie grabbed me and tugged me toward a side entrance; I waved good-bye to Mike and Geena, and let Eddie lead me into the field’s locker rooms.
The girls were waiting and already dressed. I had foolishly thought that they would wear the same practical workout clothes as they had for our training sessions, but they had gone all out. All three were wearing sheer fishnet leggings and tight, form-fitting leather body suits that barely concealed their hips. Alashanee’s was slit across her stomach to show her midriff, and Maddie had a plunging neckline that allowed her full, plump breasts to peek out. They were all three in stiletto heels that tightened their butts and made them seem impossibly tall. They were beautiful and fearsome, like warrior princesses, full of danger and mystery.
Eddie, Deshaun, and I were instantly smitten.
“Alright, boys, this is it. Remember… we have to win,” said Maddie as she bent down over Deshaun to ease his tail-plug in.
I practically tore off my clothes to get onto my hands and feet, giving April my hands so she could secure them, lifting my ass so she could insert my precious tail. She ran one of her hands down my back and I arched into the pet.
“If we win, do we get anything?” I asked curiously.
“Of course. There’s a trophy, remember?” said April.
“I meant do we–” I began, but April was already cramming my bone into my mouth.
Once we were fully transformed, I expected we’d go out immediately, but we waited in the locker room for over an hour, sitting at their feet. I tried not to touch myself, but the plug had me so full that my cock began leaking, and Maddie sighed loudly after a while.
“April, take care of your dog. If he humps a judge’s leg, we definitely won’t win,” she grumbled.
“Behave, Corey,” April warned me, and then, to my delight, she knelt beside me and reached under my stomach to grasp my cock. I closed my eyes, standing on all fours as she began milking me. Her grip was sure and her tugs long, firm, and easy. She was a natural; she stroked my cock from base to tip, making sure every inch of it was squeezed, and within a minute I had reached my peak. I came with a happy whimper at the relief, feeling much better afterwards. More relaxed, more confident, and ready to win.
“This is why they neuter dogs,” muttered Alashanee, and the woman giggled.
“Oh, but they’re so much more fun when they’re not fixed,” said Maddie mischievously. She reached down to pull aside the crotch of her bodysuit, and beneath, she wasn’t wearing anything at all. She jutted her hips out to offer her plump pink pussy to Eddie. “Here, boy. You want to give me kisses? Come on, lick.”
Eddie leaned forward eagerly, lapping at her offering, burying his tongue into her and licking her sloppily. She tilted her head back with a sigh of pleasure.
I looked up at April hopefully, but April wasn’t looking at me. She was chewing her lip worriedly, her thoughts on the show.
And that’s when I hear someone call: “Zetas? It’s time!”
Maddie pushed Eddie back and slipped her clothes back into place, and all three handlers gathered up their leads. We pups fell into place beside them, and we trotted alongside them as they led us out onto the field.
It was a bright, sunny day, and across the field was a track, and a dozen pairs of women in various costumes: sexy, elegant, proper, exotic. Four sororities, each with three teams. The pups were all naked, of course, some in harnesses and others in collars. In the stands were the onlookers, and it was a surprising turn-out. This, of course, was a charity event, so they must have charged admission, and there was no doubt in my mind that there was some under-the-table betting, too.
But these human thoughts evaporated as the show began.
The judges were dressed drably compared to the contestants, but they were still beautiful, and they carried themselves with authority so that there was no question about their expertise. One by one, they called upon the pairs, kneeling to examine the pups. When they came to us, I squared my shoulders and lifted my head, gazing into the bright blue sky as four pairs of hands ran over my body to examine it. One of them raked her fingers through my hair, and another reached between my legs to cup my balls.
“…very nice,” I heard someone say, and April replied, “Thank you,” her tone heartfelt.
“Handlers… show your pups!” called one, and April clicked her tongue at her. I bounced up and began trotting beside her, and it was like we had one body as we coursed around the track with the rest. In front of me was another pup with a large, curved tail that bounced between his ass cheeks as he ran. I could feel mine flopping too, waving metronomically as I jogged at April’s heels.
We stopped and, one by one, the judges went down the line of handlers and pups, occasionally asking quiet questions and marking their answers on a clipboard.
One of them stopped in front of us. “Name?” she asked.
“How long have you handled him?”
There was a pregnant pause. “…four days.”
“Four weeks?”
“Days.” April sounded mortified, like she’d been caught doing something illegal.
“Days?” repeated the judge. I peeked up; the judge was raising her eyebrows and peering at April from over the rims of her glasses.
“…he’s a rescue,” blurted April, and the judge burst into giggles before reaching down to pat my head.
“Well, he’s certainly a very good pup!” she said. “…and what lovely fur.” She made a mark on her clipboard and moved on.
After all of us had been examined and our handlers questioned, one by one, each team was led onto the field. I settled into the grass to watch as they jumped over hurdles, through hoops, around poles. They were all splendid. When it was my turn, I rose and followed April, tingling with anticipation, the grass cool on my feet but my hands were sweating in my mitts.
“April and Corey!” announced one of the judges, and April stuck a finger out at me.
“STAY!” she called, her voice ringing, and she turned to walk away. I watched her go, my body tight, longing to follow her but longing even more to obey and please her.
She turned about ten meters away and turned, planting her legs apart, and pointed between them. “COME!”
The second the magic word was said I ran. I didn’t even think; I streaked forward, as fast on all fours as I would have been on two, wanting nothing but to be close to her. I heard a collective “wow!” from the crowd but I had forgotten all about them; I could only think about April, about her needing her and, more importantly, about me needing her.
Suddenly I understood Peanut’s obsession with Emily, why such a little dog was so determined to prove himself to another so out of his league.
I dove between April’s legs and heard her shout “STOP!” Her command was as effective as a forcefield; I halted on a dime, precisely between her feet, sinking my chest and chin onto the field. She raised a leg and planted one of her sharp stilettos onto my back, but I couldn’t sink any lower; I pressed myself into the ground, panting happily.
I rolled onto my back, putting my body on full display for hers, hoping she understood my submissiveness, my desire to please, that this body was hers and all hers. It always had been.
I bounced up, balancing on my back feet and raising my face to hers. I stared adoringly at her as she carefully placed something on my nose; I wasn’t sure what, but I kept myself perfectly straight, balancing it, and the crowd applauded. April was beaming, her face brighter than the sun.

“Very good, April, thank you,” said a judge, and April gently took my lead and led me back to the line to wait.
I sat by her, leaning my body against her leg, and she petted me idly while we watched the rest of the teams perform small routines.
The day passed in a blur, a dream, and by the end I had forgotten all about it being a competition. That is, until one of the judges announced they had the final scores.
“One more time around the ring!” she called, and we began trotting, showing off. I was tired, my muscles worn from running and my ass sore from wearing the plug, but I forced myself to keep my posture perfect.
For April.
One by one, the judges pointed, and pairs dropped out of the line-up until I suddenly realized there was no one in front of me. Only three pairs of us were running around the ring: me and April, Maddie and Eddie, and another pair, a woman in a navy skirt with a faceless pup in a snow-white hood.
“April and Corey, from State, representing Zeta Kappa Theta… Maddie and Eddie, from State, represented Zeta Kappa Theta… and two-time champions Francesca and Echo, from St. Claver’s, representing Phi Gamma Gamma,” called one of the judges. The crowd applauded.
“Line up, please,” said the judge, and we three lined up. I peeked up; Maddie looked fierce and stern, and Francesca looked delighted. My heart sank.
“In third place… Maddie and Deshaun!” announced the judge, and the crowd cheered. Maddie forced a smile as the judge slung a small copper medal around her neck.
I nuzzled April’s leg apologetically. Another second place. It was Prom all over again; I felt terrible.
“And our runner-up… Francesca and Echo!”
April’s head was already bowed to accept the silver medal, but it snapped up when she realized what was happening. Francesca looked like she had been slapped; she gaped as a judge slung a silver medal around her neck, as if she couldn’t believe medals came in such a color.
“And… our first-place winner… best in show… APRIL AND COREY!” hollered one of the judges, and April bit her lip, tearing up as a judge placed a gold medal around her neck and handed her a huge silver cup. I jumped up and down, bouncing around like I’d gone wild, barking through the bone and completely forgetting how tired I felt. We’d won! We’d won!
“Congratulations,” said one of the judges, pumping April’s hand as she struggled not to cry. “The bond you and your pup share is truly remarkable… we’re looking forward to seeing you next year.”
“Thank you,” said April tearily, swiping at her eyes furiously and hugging the trophy to her breasts.
“We loved when he balanced the dildo on his face,” added one of the judges. “Very creative!”
“Oh, thank you. He loves his bone,” said April with a grin.
“Arf?” I repeated, blinking, and they laughed.
The girls kept their composure only long enough to return to the locker room, but once there, they erupted into cheers, jumping up and down, hugging, passing around the trophy. Eddie, Deshaun, and I waited for them to remember us; we couldn’t undo our own mitts!
When they finally remembered us, they removed the muzzles, the harnesses, the collars and leashes, the mitts and tails. We dressed quietly, letting the girls bask in their glory, and realizing our job was over, we eventually followed Eddie out of the back. Eddie lived at the frat house as a senior, but he walked with Deshaun and I to the dorms. After all of the excitement of the day, the walk home at sunset on two feet in our human clothes felt mundane and a little depressing.
“…you did really good, Corey,” said Eddie as we stopped in front of the building. He stuck out a hand and I shook it. “Eric was in the crowd, watching. He’s going to be real happy with you. Everyone is. Great job.”
“Thanks. But it was all April,” I said honestly. “I just did what she told me to.”
“Well, that’s being a good Delta, isn’t it?” said Eric with a wry smile. “…Deshaun, you did good, too. Sorry you didn’t place.”
“Psh. Next year, man,” said Deshaun with a wave. “Next year I’ll place for sure. Trust me!”
We went back to our dorms. My roommate was there but he was on his hamburger phone, and he waved at me to be quiet as I entered. I didn’t need him to tell me; I sat at my desk to process the day, wondering if April would call me later and whether we’d get to see each other again soon, or if my favor to her was over and we’d go back to being nothing more than childhood friends.
The idea depressed me, but my humdrum mood only lasted a few hours. That night there was a knock on my door, and I opened it to find Eric, holding a small cake box that looked like it was from the cafeteria.
“…what’s this?” I asked.
“Champion’s dinner. It’s from the Zeta sorority,” said Eric, handing it to me. “Great job out there, pledge. You really did the frat proud. Bonnie and I both agreed you deserved a reward.”
I peeked into the box. Inside was a dog bowl with a slice of cake in it.
“Oh, ha, ha,” I said, rolling my eyes.
Eric grinned. “Look again. There’s something extra in there, from April. She asked us to include it.”
I peeked into the box again. Around the bowl was a blue leather collar. I set the box onto my desk and pulled the collar out reverently: attached was a small pendant.